
Toon Calders

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34EEToon Calders, Christian W. Günther, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Anne Rozinat: Using minimum description length for process mining. SAC 2009: 1451-1455
33EEChedy Raïssi, Toon Calders, Pascal Poncelet: Mining Conjunctive Sequential Patterns. ECML/PKDD (1) 2008: 19
32EEHendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Élisa Fromont, Bart Goethals, Adriana Prado: Mining Views: Database Views for Data Mining. ICDE 2008: 1608-1611
31EEToon Calders, Jan Ramon, Dries Van Dyck: Anti-monotonic Overlap-Graph Support Measures. ICDM 2008: 73-82
30EEHendrik Blockeel, Toon Calders, Élisa Fromont, Bart Goethals, Adriana Prado, Céline Robardet: An inductive database prototype based on virtual mining views. KDD 2008: 1061-1064
29EEChedy Raïssi, Toon Calders, Pascal Poncelet: Mining conjunctive sequential patterns. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 17(1): 77-93 (2008)
28EEToon Calders, Nele Dexters, Bart Goethals: Mining frequent items in a stream using flexible windows. Intell. Data Anal. 12(3): 293-304 (2008)
27EEToon Calders: Itemset frequency satisfiability: Complexity and axiomatization. Theor. Comput. Sci. 394(1-2): 84-111 (2008)
26EEJoseph E. Beck, Toon Calders, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Silvia Rita Viola: Workshop on Educational Data Mining @ ICALT07 (EDM@ICALT07). ICALT 2007: 933-934
25EEToon Calders, Nele Dexters, Bart Goethals: Mining Frequent Itemsets in a Stream. ICDM 2007: 83-92
24EEToon Calders, Szymon Jaroszewicz: Efficient AUC Optimization for Classification. PKDD 2007: 42-53
23EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals, Michael Mampaey: Mining itemsets in the presence of missing values. SAC 2007: 404-408
22EEToon Calders: The complexity of satisfying constraints on databases of transactions. Acta Inf. 44(7-8): 591-624 (2007)
21EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals: Non-derivable itemset mining. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 14(1): 171-206 (2007)
20EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals, Szymon Jaroszewicz: Mining rank-correlated sets of numerical attributes. KDD 2006: 96-105
19EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals, Adriana Prado: Integrating Pattern Mining in Relational Databases. PKDD 2006: 454-461
18EEToon Calders, Stijn Dekeyser, Jan Hidders, Jan Paredaens: Analyzing workflows implied by instance-dependent access rules. PODS 2006: 100-109
17EEToon Calders, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan, Raymond T. Ng, Jan Paredaens: Expressive power of an algebra for data mining. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 31(4): 1169-1214 (2006)
16EEAndy Zaidman, Toon Calders, Serge Demeyer, Jan Paredaens: Applying Webmining Techniques to Execution Traces to Support the Program Comprehension Process. CSMR 2005: 134-142
15EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals: Quick Inclusion-Exclusion. KDID 2005: 86-103
14 Toon Calders, Bart Goethals: Depth-First Non-Derivable Itemset Mining. SDM 2005
13EEToon Calders, Christophe Rigotti, Jean-François Boulicaut: A Survey on Condensed Representations for Frequent Sets. Constraint-Based Mining and Inductive Databases 2004: 64-80
12EEToon Calders: Deducing Bounds on the Support of Itemsets. Database Support for Data Mining Applications 2004: 214-233
11EENele Dexters, Toon Calders: Theoretical Bounds on the Size of Condensed Representations. KDID 2004: 46-65
10EEToon Calders: Computational Complexity of Itemset Frequency Satisfiability. PODS 2004: 143-154
9EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals: Minimal k-Free Representations of Frequent Sets. PKDD 2003: 71-82
8 Toon Calders, Jan Paredaens: Axiomatization of frequent itemsets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 290(1): 669-693 (2003)
7EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals: Mining All Non-derivable Frequent Itemsets. PKDD 2002: 74-85
6EEToon Calders, Raymond T. Ng, Jef Wijsen: Searching for dependencies at multiple abstraction levels. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 27(3): 229-260 (2002)
5EEToon Calders, Bart Goethals: Mining All Non-Derivable Frequent Itemsets CoRR cs.DB/0206004: (2002)
4EEToon Calders, Jef Wijsen: On Monotone Data Mining Languages. DBPL 2001: 119-132
3EEToon Calders, Jan Paredaens: Axiomatization of Frequent Sets. ICDT 2001: 204-218
2EEToon Calders, Jan Paredaens: Mining Frequent Binary Expressions. DaWaK 2000: 399-408
1EEJef Wijsen, Raymond T. Ng, Toon Calders: Discovering Roll-Up Dependencies. KDD 1999: 213-222

Coauthor Index

1Joseph E. Beck (Joseph Beck) [26]
2Hendrik Blockeel [30] [32]
3Jean-François Boulicaut [13]
4Stijn Dekeyser [18]
5Serge Demeyer [16]
6Nele Dexters [11] [25] [28]
7Dries Van Dyck [31]
8Élisa Fromont [30] [32]
9Bart Goethals [5] [7] [9] [14] [15] [19] [20] [21] [23] [25] [28] [30] [32]
10Christian W. Günther [34]
11Jan Hidders [18]
12Szymon Jaroszewicz [20] [24]
13Laks V. S. Lakshmanan (V. S. Lakshmanan) [17]
14Michael Mampaey [23]
15Raymond T. Ng [1] [6] [17]
16Jan Paredaens [2] [3] [8] [16] [17] [18]
17Mykola Pechenizkiy [26] [34]
18Pascal Poncelet [29] [33]
19Adriana Prado [19] [30] [32]
20Chedy Raïssi [29] [33]
21Jan Ramon [31]
22Christophe Rigotti [13]
23Céline Robardet [30]
24Anne Rozinat [34]
25Silvia Rita Viola [26]
26Jef Wijsen [1] [4] [6]
27Andy Zaidman [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)