
S. Ramanathan

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17EEC. Lac, S. Ramanathan: A Resilient Telco Grid Middleware. ISCC 2006: 306-311
16EES. Ramanathan, S. K. Nandy, V. Visvanathan: Reconfigurable Filter Coprocessor Architecture for DSP Applications. VLSI Signal Processing 26(3): 333-359 (2000)
15EES. Ramanathan, V. Visvanathan, S. K. Nandy: Synthesis of Configurable Architectures for DSP Algorithms. VLSI Design 1999: 350-357
14EES. Ramanathan, V. Visvanathan: Low-power pipelined LMS adaptive filter architectures with minimal adaptation delay1. Integration 27(1): 1-32 (1999)
13EES. Ramanathan, V. Visvanathan, S. K. Nandy: Synthesis of ASIPs for DSP algorithms. Integration 28(1): 13-32 (1999)
12EES. Ramanathan, V. Visvanathan, S. K. Nandy: Architectural Synthesis of Computational Engines for Subband Adaptive Filtering. VLSI Signal Processing 22(3): 173-195 (1999)
11EES. Ramanathan: A unified framework and algorithm for channel assignment in wireless networks. Wireless Networks 5(2): 81-94 (1999)
10 S. Ramanathan: A Unified Framework and Algorithm for (T/F/C)DMA Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 1997: 900-907
9EES. Ramanathan, V. Visvanathan: Low-Power Configurable Processor Array for DLMS Adaptive Filtering. VLSI Design 1997: 198-207
8EES. Ramanathan, V. Visvanathan: A systolic architecture for LMS adaptive filtering with minimal adaptation delay. VLSI Design 1996: 286-289
7EES. Ramanathan: Multicast tree generation in networks with asymmetric links. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(4): 558-568 (1996)
6 S. Ramanathan, Martha Steenstrup: Editorial: Routing in Mobile Communications Networks. MONET 1(2): 87-88 (1996)
5 S. Ramanathan, Martha Steenstrup: A Survey of Routing Techniques for Mobile Communications Networks. MONET 1(2): 89-104 (1996)
4EEV. Visvanathan, S. Ramanathan: A modular systolic architecture for delayed least mean squares adaptive filtering. VLSI Design 1995: 332-337
3 V. Visvanathan, Nibedita Mohanty, S. Ramanathan: An Area-Efficient Systolic Architecture for Real-Time VLSI Finite Impulse Response Filters. VLSI Design 1993: 166-171
2 S. Ramanathan, Nibedita Mohanty, V. Visvanathan: A Methodology for Generating Application Specific Tree Multipliers. VLSI Design 1993: 176-179
1 S. Ramanathan, G. Sivakumar: Rewrite Systems for Protocol Specification and Verification. FORTE 1990: 79-94

Coauthor Index

1C. Lac [17]
2Nibedita Mohanty [2] [3]
3S. K. Nandy (Soumitra Kumar Nandy) [12] [13] [15] [16]
4G. Sivakumar [1]
5Martha Steenstrup [5] [6]
6V. Visvanathan [2] [3] [4] [8] [9] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)