
A. Ramírez

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3EEC. González, A. Ramírez, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Average Time Complexity of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. IWANN 2005: 42-49
2EEFrancisco J. Perales López, Ramon Mas, Miquel Mascaró, Pere A. Palmer, A. Igelmo, A. Ramírez: A Colour Tracking Procedure for Low-Cost Face Desktop Applications. IbPRIA 2003: 733-739
1 A. Ramírez, C. Sriskandarajah, Beno Benhabib: Control of Flexible-Manufacturing Workcells Using Extended Moore Automata. ICRA 1999: 120-125

Coauthor Index

1Beno Benhabib [1]
2C. González [3]
3A. Igelmo [2]
4Pedro Larrañaga [3]
5Francisco J. Perales López [2]
6José Antonio Lozano (Jose Antonio Lozano) [3]
7Ramon Mas [2]
8Miquel Mascaró [2]
9Pere A. Palmer [2]
10C. Sriskandarajah [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)