
José Antonio Lozano

Jose Antonio Lozano

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59EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Research topics in discrete estimation of distribution algorithms based on factorizations. Memetic Computing 1(1): 35-54 (2009)
58EEJayrani Cheeneebash, José Antonio Lozano, Harry C. S. Rughooputh: A multi-objective approach to the Channel Assignment Problem. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 3913-3916
57EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Component weighting functions for adaptive search with EDAs. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 4066-4073
56EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Adding Probabilistic Dependencies to the Search of Protein Side Chain Configurations Using EDAs. PPSN 2008: 1120-1129
55EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Adaptive Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. Adaptive and Multilevel Metaheuristics 2008: 177-197
54EECarlos Echegoyen, Roberto Santana, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: The Impact of Exact Probabilistic Learning Algorithms in EDAs Based on Bayesian Networks. Linkage in Evolutionary Computation 2008: 109-139
53EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Protein Folding in Simplified Models With Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 12(4): 418-438 (2008)
52EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Combining variable neighborhood search and estimation of distribution algorithms in the protein side chain placement problem. J. Heuristics 14(5): 519-547 (2008)
51EEGuzmán Santafé, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Inference of Population Structure Using Genetic Markers and a Bayesian Model Averaging Approach for Clustering. Journal of Computational Biology 15(2): 207-220 (2008)
50EEGuzmán Santafé, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Discriminative vs. Generative Learning of Bayesian Network Classifiers. ECSQARU 2007: 453-464
49EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: The Role of a Priori Information in the Minimization of Contact Potentials by Means of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. EvoBIO 2007: 247-257
48EEAlexander Mendiburu, Roberto Santana, Jose Antonio Lozano, Endika Bengoetxea: A parallel framework for loopy belief propagation. GECCO (Companion) 2007: 2843-2850
47EEBeatriz Rey, José Antonio Lozano, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Luciano Gamberini, Merche Calvet, Daniel Kerrigan, Francesco Martino: Super-Feet: A Wireless Hand-Free Navigation System for Virtual Environments. HCI (14) 2007: 348-357
46EEMariano Alcañiz Raya, Cristina Botella, Beatriz Rey, Rosa María Baños, José Antonio Lozano, Nuria Lasso de la Vega, Diana Castilla, Javier Montesa, Antonio Hospitaler: EMMA: An Adaptive Display for Virtual Therapy. HCI (16) 2007: 258-265
45EECarlos Echegoyen, José Antonio Lozano, Roberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga: Exact Bayesian network learning in estimation of distribution algorithms. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 1051-1058
44EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Side chain placement using estimation of distribution algorithms. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 39(1): 49-63 (2007)
43EEBorja Calvo, Núria López-Bigas, Simon J. Furney, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: A partially supervised classification approach to dominant and recessive human disease gene prediction. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 85(3): 229-237 (2007)
42EEBorja Calvo, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Learning Bayesian classifiers from positive and unlabeled examples. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(16): 2375-2384 (2007)
41EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Mixtures of Kikuchi Approximations. ECML 2006: 365-376
40EEGuzmán Santafé, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Bayesian Model Averaging of TAN Models for Clustering. Probabilistic Graphical Models 2006: 271-278
39EEAlexander Mendiburu, José Miguel-Alonso, José Antonio Lozano: Evaluation of Parallel EDAs to Create Chemical Calibration Models. e-Science 2006: 118
38EEPedro Larrañaga, Borja Calvo, Roberto Santana, Concha Bielza, Josu Galdiano, Iñaki Inza, José Antonio Lozano, Rubén Armañanzas, Guzmán Santafé, Aritz Pérez Martínez, Victor Robles: Machine learning in bioinformatics. Briefings in Bioinformatics 7(1): 86-112 (2006)
37EERamón Sagarna, José Antonio Lozano: Scatter Search in software testing, comparison and collaboration with Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. European Journal of Operational Research 169(2): 392-412 (2006)
36EEAlexander Mendiburu, José Miguel-Alonso, José Antonio Lozano, M. Ostra, C. Ubide: Parallel EDAs to create multivariate calibration models for quantitative chemical applications. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(8): 1002-1013 (2006)
35EEAlexander Mendiburu, José Miguel-Alonso, José Antonio Lozano: Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Parallelization of Estimation of Bayesian Network Algorithms. Parallel Processing Letters 16(1): 133-148 (2006)
34EERubén Armañanzas, José Antonio Lozano: A multiobjective approach to the portfolio optimization problem. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1388-1395
33EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Interactions and dependencies in estimation of distribution algorithms. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 1418-1425
32EEGuzmán Santafé, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Discriminative Learning of Bayesian Network Classifiers via the TM Algorithm. ECSQARU 2005: 148-160
31EEAlexander Mendiburu, José Miguel-Alonso, José Antonio Lozano, M. Ostra, C. Ubide: Parallel and Multi-Objective EDAs to Create Multivariate Calibration Models for Quantitative Chemical Applications. ICPP Workshops 2005: 596-603
30EEC. González, A. Ramírez, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Average Time Complexity of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. IWANN 2005: 42-49
29EEJosé Antonio Lozano, Javier Montesa, Mari C. Juan, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Beatriz Rey, José Antonio Gil, José M. Martinez, Andrea Gaggioli, Francesca Morganti: VR-Mirror: A Virtual Reality System for Mental Practice in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. Smart Graphics 2005: 241-251
28EERamón Sagarna, José Antonio Lozano: On The Performance Of Estimation Of Distribution Algorithms Applied To Software Testing. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(5): 457-489 (2005)
27EEPedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Editorial Introduction Special Issue on Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation 13(1): (2005)
26EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Globally Multimodal Problem Optimization Via an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm Based on Unsupervised Learning of Bayesian Networks. Evolutionary Computation 13(1): 43-66 (2005)
25EEAlexander Mendiburu, José Antonio Lozano, José Miguel-Alonso: Parallel Implementation of EDAs Based on Probabilistic Graphical Models. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 9(4): 406-423 (2005)
24EEPedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano, José Manuel Peña, Iñaki Inza: Editorial. Machine Learning 59(3): 211-212 (2005)
23 Xin Yao, Edmund K. Burke, José Antonio Lozano, Jim Smith, Juan J. Merelo Guervós, John A. Bullinaria, Jonathan E. Rowe, Peter Tiño, Ata Kabán, Hans-Paul Schwefel: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN VIII, 8th International Conference, Birmingham, UK, September 18-22, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
22EERoberto Santana, Pedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Protein Folding in 2-Dimensional Lattices with Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. ISBMDA 2004: 388-398
21EEM. Carmen Juan Lizandra, Cristina Botella, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, Rosa María Baños, Carolina Carrion Benedito, M. Melero, José Antonio Lozano: An Augmented Reality System for Treating Psychological Disorders: Application to Phobia to Cockroaches. ISMAR 2004: 256-257
20EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Unsupervised Learning Of Bayesian Networks Via Estimation Of Distribution Algorithms: An Application To Gene Expression Data Clustering. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 12(Supplement-1): 63-82 (2004)
19EEC. González, J. D. Rodríguez, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Analysis of the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm Modeled by Markov Chains. IWANN (1) 2003: 510-517
18EEPedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano, Heinz Mühlenbein: Algoritmos de Estimación de Distribuciones en Problemas de Optimización Combinatoria. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 19: 149-168 (2003)
17EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Unsupervised Learning of Bayesian Networks Via Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. Probabilistic Graphical Models 2002
16 Rosa María Baños, Cristina Botella, C. Perpina, Mariano Alcañiz Raya, José Antonio Lozano, Jorge Osma, M. Gallardo: Virtual reality treatment of flying phobia. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 6(3): 206-212 (2002)
15EEPedro Larrañaga, José Antonio Lozano: Synergies between evolutionary computation and probabilistic graphical models. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 31(3): 155-156 (2002)
14EEC. González, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Mathematical modelling of UMDAc algorithm with tournament selection. Behaviour on linear and quadratic functions. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 31(3): 313-340 (2002)
13 José Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Learning Recursive Bayesian Multinets for Data Clustering by Means of Constructive Induction. Machine Learning 47(1): 63-89 (2002)
12EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga, Iñaki Inza: Dimensionality Reduction in Unsupervised Learning of Conditional Gaussian Networks. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(6): 590-603 (2001)
11EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Performance evaluation of compromise conditional Gaussian networks for data clustering. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 28(1): 23-50 (2001)
10EEPedro Larrañaga, Ramon Etxeberria, José Antonio Lozano, José Manuel Peña: Combinatonal Optimization by Learning and Simulation of Bayesian Networks. UAI 2000: 343-352
9EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: An improved Bayesian structural EM algorithm for learning Bayesian networks for clustering. Pattern Recognition Letters 21(8): 779-786 (2000)
8EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: An empirical comparison of four initialization methods for the K-Means algorithm. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(10): 1027-1040 (1999)
7EEIñaki Inza, Pedro Larrañaga, Basilio Sierra, Ramon Etxeberria, José Antonio Lozano, José Manuel Peña: Representing the behaviour of supervised classification learning algorithms by Bayesian networks. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(11-13): 1201-1209 (1999)
6EEJosé Manuel Peña, José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Learning Bayesian networks for clustering by means of constructive induction. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(11-13): 1219-1230 (1999)
5EEJosé Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Applying genetic algorithms to search for the best hierarchical clustering of a dataset. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(9): 911-918 (1999)
4EEJosé Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga, Manuel Graña, F. Xabier Albizuri: Genetic Algorithms: Bridging the Convergence Gap. Theor. Comput. Sci. 229(1): 11-22 (1999)
3EEJorge Sanchez, José Antonio Lozano, Martin Alarcon, Virgilio Postigo: Qsn: a model to the network-service interface. NOMS 1998: 288-291
2 José Antonio Lozano, Pedro Larrañaga: Aplicación de los algoritmos genéticos al problema del clustering jerárquico. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 5: 62-67 (1998)
1EEF. Xabier Albizuri, Alicia D'Anjou, Manuel Graña, José Antonio Lozano: Convergence Properties of High-order Boltzmann Machines. Neural Networks 9(9): 1561-1567 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Martin Alarcon [3]
2F. Xabier Albizuri [1] [4]
3Rubén Armañanzas [34] [38]
4Rosa María Baños [16] [21] [46]
5Carolina Carrion Benedito [21]
6Endika Bengoetxea [48]
7Concha Bielza [38]
8Cristina Botella [16] [21] [46]
9John A. Bullinaria [23]
10Edmund K. Burke [23]
11Merche Calvet [47]
12Borja Calvo [38] [42] [43]
13Diana Castilla [46]
14Jayrani Cheeneebash [58]
15Alicia D'Anjou [1]
16Carlos Echegoyen [45] [54]
17Ramon Etxeberria [7] [10]
18Simon J. Furney [43]
19Andrea Gaggioli [29]
20Josu Galdiano [38]
21M. Gallardo [16]
22Luciano Gamberini [47]
23José Antonio Gil [29]
24C. González [14] [19] [30]
25Manuel Graña [1] [4]
26Juan Julián Merelo Guervós (Juan J. Merelo Guervós) [23]
27Antonio Hospitaler [46]
28Iñaki Inza [7] [12] [24] [38]
29Mari C. Juan [29]
30Ata Kabán (Ata Kaban) [23]
31Daniel Kerrigan [47]
32Pedro Larrañaga [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22] [24] [26] [27] [30] [32] [33] [38] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [59]
33M. Carmen Juan Lizandra [21]
34Núria López-Bigas [43]
35Aritz Pérez Martínez [38]
36José M. Martinez [29]
37Francesco Martino [47]
38M. Melero [21]
39Alexander Mendiburu [25] [31] [35] [36] [39] [48]
40José Miguel-Alonso [25] [31] [35] [36] [39]
41Javier Montesa [29] [46]
42Francesca Morganti [29]
43Heinz Mühlenbein [18]
44Jorge Osma [16]
45M. Ostra [31] [36]
46José Manuel Peña [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [17] [20] [24] [26]
47C. Perpina [16]
48Virgilio Postigo [3]
49A. Ramírez [30]
50Mariano Alcañiz Raya [16] [21] [29] [46] [47]
51Beatriz Rey [29] [46] [47]
52Víctor Robles (Victor Robles, Víctor Robles Forcada) [38]
53J. D. Rodríguez [19]
54Jonathan E. Rowe [23]
55Harry C. S. Rughooputh [58]
56Ramón Sagarna [28] [37]
57Jorge Sanchez [3]
58Guzmán Santafé [32] [38] [40] [50] [51]
59Roberto Santana [22] [33] [38] [41] [44] [45] [48] [49] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [59]
60Hans-Paul Schwefel [23]
61Basilio Sierra [7]
62Jim Smith [23]
63Peter Tiño (Peter Tino) [23]
64C. Ubide [31] [36]
65Nuria Lasso de la Vega [46]
66Xin Yao [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)