
Pere A. Palmer

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6EEMarcos Clapés, Manuel González Hidalgo, Arnau Mir, Pere A. Palmer: Interactive Constrained Deformations of NURBS Surfaces: N-SCODEF. AMDO 2008: 359-369
5EEAntoni Bibiloni, Yuhua Luo, Miquel Mascaró, Pere A. Palmer: An Integrated Multiplatform Travel Service System. CDVE 2007: 315-322
4EEFrancisco J. Perales López, Ramon Mas, Miquel Mascaró, Pere A. Palmer, A. Igelmo, A. Ramírez: A Colour Tracking Procedure for Low-Cost Face Desktop Applications. IbPRIA 2003: 733-739
3 Pere A. Palmer, Arnau Mir, M. González: Stability and Complexity Study of Animated Elastically Deformable Objects. AMDO 2000: 58-71
2EEYuhua Luo, Ricardo Galli, Miquel Mascaró, Pere A. Palmer: Cooperative Design for 3D Virtual Scenes. CoopIS 1998: 373-383
1EEYuhua Luo, Ricardo Galli, Miquel Mascaró, Pere A. Palmer, F. J. Riera, C. Ferrer, S. F. Alves: Real Time Multi-User Interaction with 3D Graphics via Communication Networks. IV 1998: 68

Coauthor Index

1S. F. Alves [1]
2Antoni Bibiloni [5]
3Marcos Clapés [6]
4C. Ferrer [1]
5Ricardo Galli [1] [2]
6M. González [3]
7Manuel González Hidalgo [6]
8A. Igelmo [4]
9Francisco J. Perales López [4]
10Yuhua Luo [1] [2] [5]
11Ramon Mas [4]
12Miquel Mascaró [1] [2] [4] [5]
13Arnau Mir [3] [6]
14A. Ramírez [4]
15F. J. Riera [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)