CSAC 2006:
José Cordeiro, Joaquim Filipe (Eds.):
Computer Supported Activity Coordination, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, CSAC 2006, In conjunction with ICEIS 2006, Paphos, Cyprus, May 2006.
INSTICC Press 2006, ISBN 972-8865-53-8 BibTeX
- Rainer Schmidt:
A Design Method for Inter-Organizational Service Processes.
3-12 BibTeX
- César Cáceres, Alberto Fernández, Sascha Ossowski, Matteo Vasirani:
An Abstract Architecture for Service Coordination in IP2P Environments.
13-22 BibTeX
- Faisal Abouzaid:
Toward a Pi-Calculus Based Verification Tool for Web Services Orchestrations.
23-34 BibTeX
- Kazumi Nakamatsu:
A Defeasible Deontic Model for Intelligent Simulation.
35-44 BibTeX
- Janis Grundspenkis, Egons Lavendelis:
Multiagent Based Simulation Tool for Transportation and Logistics Decision Support.
45-54 BibTeX
- Oskar Cantor, Leonardo Mancilla, Enrique González:
Ayllu: Agent-Inspired Cooperative Services for Human Interaction.
55-64 BibTeX
- Lambèr M. M. Royakkers, Davide Grossi, Frank Dignum:
Organizational Structure and Responsibility.
65-74 BibTeX
- Paul Piwek, Richard Power:
CROCODIAL: Crosslingual Computer-mediated Dialogue.
75-84 BibTeX
- Thierry Duval, Chadi El Zammar:
Managing Network Troubles while Interacting within Collaborative Virtual Environments.
85-94 BibTeX
- Paul H. Lewis, Maria Katsorchi-Hayes:
Trust and Virtual Organisations - Emergent Considerations for Virtual Interorganisational Work in the Global Chemicals Industry.
95-106 BibTeX
- Kudakwashe Dube, Bing Wu:
An Active Database Approach to Computerised Clinical Guideline Management.
107-115 BibTeX
- Alan Eardley, Oleksy Shelest, Saeed Fararooy:
Electronic Data Interchange System for Safety Case Management.
116-124 BibTeX
- Qun Yu, Meina Song, Junde Song, Xiaosu Zhan:
System Architecture Design for WAP Services Based on MISC Platform.
125-130 BibTeX
- Meina Song, Xiaosu Zhan, Junde Song:
Mining Self-similarity in Time Series.
131-136 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:03:56 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)