
Kees van Deemter

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19EEKees van Deemter, Brigitte Krenn, Paul Piwek, Martin Klesen, Marc Schröder, Stefan Baumann: Fully generated scripted dialogue for embodied agents. Artif. Intell. 172(10): 1219-1244 (2008)
18EEMadalina Croitoru, Kees van Deemter: An Inferential Approach to the Generation of Referring Expressions. ICCS 2007: 126-139
17EEMadalina Croitoru, Kees van Deemter: A Conceptual Graph Approach for the Generation of Referring Expressions. IJCAI 2007: 2456-2461
16EEIvandré Paraboni, Kees van Deemter, Judith Masthoff: Generating Referring Expressions: Making Referents Easy to Identify. Computational Linguistics 33(2): 229-254 (2007)
15EEAlbert Gatt, Kees van Deemter: Lexical Choice and Conceptual Perspective in the Generation of Plural Referring Expressions. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16(4): 423-443 (2007)
14EEAlbert Gatt, Kees van Deemter: Conceptual Coherence in the Generation of Referring Expressions. ACL 2006
13EEIvandré Paraboni, Kees van Deemter: Referring Via Document Parts. CICLing 2006: 299-310
12EEKees van Deemter: Generating Referring Expressions that Involve Gradable Properties. Computational Linguistics 32(2): 195-222 (2006)
11EEKees van Deemter, Mariët Theune, Emiel Krahmer: Real versus Template-Based Natural Language Generation: A False Opposition? Computational Linguistics 31(1): 15-24 (2005)
10EEKees van Deemter: Finetuning NLG Through Experiments with Human Subjects: The Case of Vague Descriptions. INLG 2004: 31-40
9EEPaul Piwek, Kees van Deemter: Towards Automated Generation of Scripted Dialogue: Some Time-Honoured Strategies CoRR cs.CL/0312051: (2003)
8EEPaul Piwek, Kees van Deemter: Dialogue as Discourse: Controlling Global Properties of Scripted Dialogue CoRR cs.CL/0312052: (2003)
7 Kees van Deemter: Generating Referring Expressions: Boolean Extensions of the Incremental Algorithm. Computational Linguistics 28(1): 37-52 (2002)
6EELynne J. Cahill, John Carroll, Roger Evans, Daniel S. Paiva, Richard Power, Donia Scott, Kees van Deemter: From RAGS to RICHES: Exploiting the Potential of a Flexible Generation Architecture. ACL 2001: 98-105
5EEKees van Deemter, Richard Power: Authoring Multimedia Documents using WYSIWYM Editing. COLING 2000: 222-228
4 Kees van Deemter, Rodger Kibble: On Coreferring: Coreference in MUC and Related Annotation Schemes. Computational Linguistics 26(4): 629-637 (2000)
3 Kees van Deemter, Richard Power: Inclusion of Picture Sequences in Generated Documents. EPIA 1999: 99-112
2EEKees van Deemter: Document Generation and Picture Retrieval. VISUAL 1999: 632-640
1EEKees van Deemter: Structured Meanings in Computational Linguistics. COLING 1990: 85-89

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Baumann [19]
2Lynne J. Cahill [6]
3John A. Carroll (John Carroll) [6]
4Madalina Croitoru [17] [18]
5Roger Evans [6]
6Albert Gatt [14] [15]
7Rodger Kibble [4]
8Martin Klesen [19]
9Emiel Krahmer [11]
10Brigitte Krenn [19]
11Judith Masthoff [16]
12Daniel S. Paiva [6]
13Ivandré Paraboni [13] [16]
14Paul Piwek [8] [9] [19]
15Richard Power [3] [5] [6]
16Marc Schröder [19]
17Donia Scott [6]
18Mariët Theune [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)