
Michael Plagge

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4 Michael Plagge, Andreas Zell: Bildverarbeitungsbasierte Selbstlokalisation in einer RoboCup-Umgebung. AMS 2001: 50-56
3EEGiovanni Adorni, Stefano Cagnoni, Stefan Enderle, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar, Monica Mordonini, Michael Plagge, Marcus Ritter, Stefan Sablatnög, Andreas Zell: Vision-based localization for mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 36(2-3): 103-119 (2001)
2 Michael Plagge, Richard Günther, Jörn Ihlenburg, Dirk Jung, Andreas Zell: The Attempto RoboCup Robot Team. RoboCup 1999: 424-433
1EEMichael Plagge, Boris Diebold, Richard Günther, Jörn Ihlenburg, Dirk Jung, Keyan Zahedi, Andreas Zell: Design and Evaluation of the T-Team of the University of Tuebingen for RoboCup'98. RoboCup 1998: 464-472

Coauthor Index

1Giovanni Adorni [3]
2Stefano Cagnoni [3]
3Boris Diebold [1]
4Stefan Enderle [3]
5Richard Günther [1] [2]
6Jörn Ihlenburg [1] [2]
7Dirk Jung [1] [2]
8Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar [3]
9Monica Mordonini [3]
10Marcus Ritter [3]
11Stefan Sablatnög [3]
12Keyan Zahedi [1]
13Andreas Zell [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)