Nicola Galesi:
A Syntactic Characterization of Bounded-Rank Decision Trees in Terms of Decision Lists.
149-158 BibTeX
Maurice Margenstern:
The Laterality Problem for Non-Erasing Turing Machines on {0, 1} is Completely Solved.
159-204 BibTeX
Volume 31,
Number 3,
M. Hibti, Bruno Legeard, Henri Lombardi:
Une procédure de décision pour un problème de satisfiabilité dans un univers ensembliste héréditairement fini.
205-236 BibTeX
Francine Blanchet-Sadri:
On the Semidirect Product of the Pseudovariety of Semilattices by a Locally Finite Pseudovariety of Groups.
237-250 BibTeX
Xavier Messeguer:
Skip Trees, an Alternative Data Structure to Skip Lists in a Concurrent Approach.
251-269 BibTeX