
Béatrice Bérard

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26EEBéatrice Bérard, Serge Haddad: Interrupt Timed Automata. FOSSACS 2009: 197-211
25EEBéatrice Bérard, Franck Cassez, Serge Haddad, Didier Lime, Olivier H. Roux: When are Timed Automata weakly timed bisimilar to Time Petri Nets? Theor. Comput. Sci. 403(2-3): 202-220 (2008)
24EEBéatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Timed substitutions for regular signal-event languages. Formal Methods in System Design 31(2): 101-134 (2007)
23EEHouda Bel Mokadem, Béatrice Bérard, Patricia Bouyer, François Laroussinie: Timed Temporal Logics for Abstracting Transient States. ATVA 2006: 337-351
22EEBéatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Intersection of Regular Signal-Event (Timed) Languages. FORMATS 2006: 52-66
21EEBéatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: Refinements and Abstractions of Signal-Event (Timed) Languages. FORMATS 2006: 67-81
20EEBéatrice Bérard, Franck Cassez, Serge Haddad, Didier Lime, Olivier H. Roux: Comparison of Different Semantics for Time Petri Nets. ATVA 2005: 293-307
19EEHouda Bel Mokadem, Béatrice Bérard, Patricia Bouyer, François Laroussinie: A New Modality for Almost Everywhere Properties in Timed Automata. CONCUR 2005: 110-124
18EEBéatrice Bérard, Franck Cassez, Serge Haddad, Didier Lime, Olivier H. Roux: Comparison of the Expressiveness of Timed Automata and Time Petri Nets. FORMATS 2005: 211-225
17EEBéatrice Bérard, Franck Cassez, Serge Haddad, Didier Lime, Olivier H. Roux: When Are Timed Automata Weakly Timed Bisimilar to Time Petri Nets? FSTTCS 2005: 273-284
16 Béatrice Bérard, Laurent Fribourg, Francis Klay, Jean-François Monin: Compared Study of Two Correctness Proofs for the Standardized. Formal Methods in System Design 22(1): 59-86 (2003)
15EEJoffroy Beauquier, Béatrice Bérard, Laurent Fribourg, Frédéric Magniette: Proving convergence of self-stabilizing systems using first-order rewriting and regular languages. Distributed Computing 14(2): 83-95 (2001)
14EEBéatrice Bérard, Anne Labroue, Ph. Schnoebelen: Verifying Performance Equivalence for Timed Basic Parallel Processes. FoSSaCS 2000: 35-47
13EEBéatrice Bérard, Claudine Picaronny: Accepting Zeno words: a way toward timed refinements. Acta Inf. 37(1): 45-81 (2000)
12EEBéatrice Bérard, Catherine Dufourd: Timed automata and additive clock constraints. Inf. Process. Lett. 75(1-2): 1-7 (2000)
11EEBéatrice Bérard, Laurent Fribourg: Automated Verification of a Parametric Real-Time Program: The ABR Conformance Protocol. CAV 1999: 96-107
10EEBéatrice Bérard, Laurent Fribourg: Reachability Analysis of (Timed) Petri Nets Using Real Arithmetic. CONCUR 1999: 178-193
9EEJoffroy Beauquier, Béatrice Bérard, Laurent Fribourg: A New Rewrite Method for Convergence of Self-Stabilizing Systems. DISC 1999: 240-253
8 Béatrice Bérard, Antoine Petit, Volker Diekert, Paul Gastin: Characterization of the Expressive Power of Silent Transitions in Timed Automata. Fundam. Inform. 36(2-3): 145-182 (1998)
7 Béatrice Bérard, Claudine Picaronny: Accepting Zeno Words Without Making Time Stand Still. MFCS 1997: 149-158
6 Béatrice Bérard, Paul Gastin, Antoine Petit: On the Power of Non-Observable Actions in Timed Automata. STACS 1996: 257-268
5EEBéatrice Bérard: Untiming Timed Languages. Inf. Process. Lett. 55(3): 129-135 (1995)
4 Béatrice Bérard: Global Serializability of Concurrent Programs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 124(1): 41-70 (1994)
3 Béatrice Bérard: Formal properties of literal shuffle. Acta Cybern. 8: 27-39 (1987)
2 Béatrice Bérard: Literal Shuffle. Theor. Comput. Sci. 51: 281-299 (1987)
1 Joffroy Beauquier, Béatrice Bérard: On the Equivalence of Synchronization Sets. CAAP 1986: 17-29

Coauthor Index

1Joffroy Beauquier [1] [9] [15]
2Patricia Bouyer [19] [23]
3Franck Cassez [17] [18] [20] [25]
4Volker Diekert [8]
5Catherine Dufourd [12]
6Laurent Fribourg [9] [10] [11] [15] [16]
7Paul Gastin [6] [8] [21] [22] [24]
8Serge Haddad [17] [18] [20] [25] [26]
9Francis Klay [16]
10Anne Labroue [14]
11François Laroussinie [19] [23]
12Didier Lime [17] [18] [20] [25]
13Frédéric Magniette [15]
14Houda Bel Mokadem [19] [23]
15Jean-François Monin [16]
16Antoine Petit [6] [8] [21] [22] [24]
17Claudine Picaronny [7] [13]
18Olivier H. Roux (Olivier Roux) [17] [18] [20] [25]
19Ph. Schnoebelen [14]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)