
Christophe Cérin

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30EEEduardo César, Michael Alexander, Achim Streit, Jesper Larsson Träff, Christophe Cérin, Andreas Knüpfer, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Shantenu Jha: Euro-Par 2008 Workshops - Parallel Processing, VHPC 2008, UNICORE 2008, HPPC 2008, SGS 2008, PROPER 2008, ROIA 2008, and DPA 2008, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, August 25-26, 2008, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2009
29EERim Chayeh, Christophe Cérin, Mohamed Jemni: A Probabilistic Fault-Tolerant Recovery Mechanism for Task and Result Certification of Large-Scale Distributed Applications. GPC 2009: 471-482
28EEChristophe Cérin: Workshop on Secure, Trusted, Manageable and Controllable Grid Services (SGS 2008). Euro-Par Workshops 2008: 195-197
27EEChristophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni: Experimental Study of Thread Scheduling Libraries on Degraded CPU. ICPADS 2008: 697-704
26EEHeithem Abbes, Christophe Cérin, Mohamed Jemni: PastryGrid: decentralisation of the execution of distributed applications in desktop grid. MGC 2008: 4
25EEHeithem Abbes, Christophe Cérin, Jean-Christophe Dubacq, Mohamed Jemni: Étude de performance des systèmes de découverte de ressources CoRR abs/0804.4590: (2008)
24 Christophe Cérin, Kuan-Ching Li: Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, Second International Conference, GPC 2007, Paris, France, May 2-4, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
23EEHeithem Abbes, Christophe Cérin, Jean-Christophe Dubacq, Mohamed Jemni: Performance Analysis of Publish/Subscribe Systems CoRR abs/0707.0365: (2007)
22EEChristophe Cérin: Large scale grids. Parallel Computing 33(4-5): 235-237 (2007)
21EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Christophe Dubacq, Jean-Louis Roch: Methods for Partitioning Data to Improve Parallel Execution Time for Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters. GPC 2006: 175-186
20EEDominique Bernardi, Christophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni, Michel Koskas: Geometrical Interpretation for Data partitioning on a Grid Architecture. HPDC 2006: 355-356
19EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Christophe Dubacq, Jean-Louis Roch: Methods for Partitioning Data to Improve Parallel Execution Time for Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters CoRR abs/cs/0607041: (2006)
18EEChristophe Cérin, Michel Koskas, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni: Sequential in-core sorting performance for a SQL data service and for parallel sorting on heterogeneous clusters. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(7): 776-783 (2006)
17EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Michel Koskas: A Multithreaded Sql Service. Parallel Processing Letters 16(2): 245-260 (2006)
16EEChristophe Cérin, Michel Koskas: Mining Traces of Large Scale Systems. ICA3PP 2005: 132-138
15EEChristophe Cérin, Olivier Cozette, Gil Utard, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni: Parallel out-of-core sorting and fast accesses to disks. IJHPCN 3(2/3): 188-202 (2005)
14EEChristophe Cérin, Gay Gay, Gaël Le Mahec, Michel Koskas: Efficient Data Structures and Parallel Algorithms for Association Rules Discovery. ENC 2004: 399-406
13EEChristophe Cérin, Michel Koskas, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni: Improving Parallel Execution Time of Sorting on Heterogeneous Clusters. SBAC-PAD 2004: 180-187
12EEChristophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni: A Synthesis of P rallel Out-of-core Sorting Programs on Heterogeneous Clusters. CCGRID 2003: 78-85
11EEChristophe Cérin, Hazem Fkaier, Mohamed Jemni: Accessing Hardware Performance Counters in order to Measure the Influence of Cache on the Performance of Integer Sorting. IPDPS 2003: 274
10EEChristophe Cérin: An Out-of-Core Sorting Algorithm for Clusters with Processors at Different Speed. IPDPS 2002
9EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Luc Gaudiot: On a scheme for parallel sorting on heterogeneous clusters. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(3): 353-372 (2002)
8 Christophe Cérin, Jean-Luc Gaudiot: Benchmarking Clusters of Workstations Through Parallel Sorting and BSP Libraries. Parallel Processing Letters 11(1): 25-40 (2001)
7EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Luc Gaudiot: An Over-partitioning Scheme for Parallel Sorting on Clusters with Processors Running at different Speeds. CLUSTER 2000: 385-386
6EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Luc Gaudiot: Parallel Sorting Algorithms with Sampling Techniques on Clusters with Processors Running at Different Speeds. HiPC 2000: 301-309
5EEChristophe Cérin, Jean-Luc Gaudiot: Algorithms for Stable Sorting to Minimize Communications in Networks of Workstations and Their Implementations in BSP. IWCC 1999: 112-120
4EEChristophe Cérin: Differentiating Message Passing Interface and Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computation Models. PaCT 1999: 477-478
3 Christophe Cérin, Catherine Dufourd, Jean Frédéric Myoupo: An Efficient Parallel Solution for the Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem. ICCI 1993: 220-224
2 Christophe Cérin, Antoine Petit: Speedup of Recognizable Trace Languages. MFCS 1993: 332-341
1 Christophe Cérin: Automatic Parallelization of Programs with Tools of Trace Theory. IPPS 1992: 374-378

Coauthor Index

1Heithem Abbes [23] [25] [26]
2Michael Alexander [30]
3Dominique Bernardi [20]
4Eduardo César [30]
5Rim Chayeh [29]
6Olivier Cozette [15]
7Jean-Christophe Dubacq [19] [21] [23] [25]
8Catherine Dufourd [3]
9Hazem Fkaier [11] [12] [13] [15] [18] [20] [27]
10Jean-Luc Gaudiot [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [17]
11Gay Gay [14]
12Mohamed Jemni [11] [12] [13] [15] [18] [20] [23] [25] [26] [27] [29]
13Shantenu Jha [30]
14Andreas Knüpfer [30]
15Michel Koskas [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [20]
16Dieter Kranzlmüller [30]
17Kuan-Ching Li (Li Kuan Ching) [24]
18Gaël Le Mahec [14]
19Jean Frédéric Myoupo [3]
20Antoine Petit [2]
21Jean-Louis Roch [19] [21]
22Achim Streit [30]
23Jesper Larsson Träff [30]
24Gil Utard [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)