Volume 9,
Number 1,
January 2000
Volume 9,
Number 2,
April 2000
Volume 9,
Number 3,
July 2000
Volume 9,
Number 4,
October 2000
- Varol Akman, Patrick Blackburn:
Editorial: Alan Turing and Artificial Intelligence.
391-395 BibTeX
- Selmer Bringsjord, Clarke Caporale, Ron Noel:
Animals, Zombanimals, and the Total Turing Test.
397-418 BibTeX
- Bruce Edmonds:
The Constructibility of Artificial Intelligence (as Defined by the Turing Test).
419-424 BibTeX
- Stevan Harnad:
Minds, Machines and Turing.
425-445 BibTeX
- José Hernández-Orallo:
Beyond the Turing Test.
447-466 BibTeX
- William J. Rapaport:
How to Pass a Turing Test.
467-490 BibTeX
- B. Jack Copeland, Diane Proudfoot:
What Turing Did after He Invented the Universal Turing Machine.
491-509 BibTeX
- Amílcar Sernadas:
Fibring Logics, Dov M. Gabbay.
511-513 BibTeX
- Esther König, Andreas Mengel:
Linguistic Databases, John Nerbonne, ed.
513-517 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:10:37 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)