
Marc Pauly

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12EEMarc Pauly: Formal Methods and the Theory of Social Choice. RelMiCS 2008: 1-2
11EEFabrizio Cariani, Marc Pauly, Josh Snyder: Decision framing in judgment aggregation. Synthese 163(1): 1-24 (2008)
10EEMarc Pauly: On the role of language in social choice theory. Synthese 163(2): 227-243 (2008)
9EEMarc Pauly: Axiomatizing collective judgment sets in a minimal logical language. Synthese 158(2): 233-250 (2007)
8EEMarc Pauly: Programming and Verifying Subgame-Perfect Mechanisms. J. Log. Comput. 15(3): 295-316 (2005)
7EEMarc Pauly, Rohit Parikh: Editorial Introduction. Studia Logica 75(2): 163-164 (2003)
6EEMarc Pauly, Rohit Parikh: Game Logic - An Overview. Studia Logica 75(2): 165-182 (2003)
5EEHelle Hvid Hansen, Marc Pauly: Axiomatising Nash-Consistent Coalition Logic. JELIA 2002: 394-406
4EEMarc Pauly: Programming and Verifying Subgame Perfect Mechanisms CoRR cs.LO/0211002: (2002)
3EEMarc Pauly: A Modal Logic for Coalitional Power in Games. J. Log. Comput. 12(1): 149-166 (2002)
2 Paul Dekker, Marc Pauly: Editorial: Logic and Games. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11(3): 287-288 (2002)
1EEMarc Pauly: From Programs to Games: Invariance and Safety for Bisimulation. CSL 2000: 485-496

Coauthor Index

1Fabrizio Cariani [11]
2Paul Dekker [2]
3Helle Hvid Hansen [5]
4Rohit Parikh [6] [7]
5Josh Snyder [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)