
Montse Pardàs

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30EECristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Exploiting Structural Hierarchy in Articulated Objects Towards Robust Motion Capture. AMDO 2008: 82-91
29EEJosé Luis Landabaso, Leonardo Lizcano, Montse Pardàs: Shape from inconsistent silhouette for free viewpoint video. ICIP 2008: 213-216
28EECristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs, Rossella Sblendido: Particle filtering and sparse sampling for multi-person 3D tracking. ICIP 2008: 2644-2647
27EEJaime Gallego, Montse Pardàs, José Luis Landabaso: Segmentation and tracking of static and moving objects in video surveillance scenarios. ICIP 2008: 2716-2719
26EEJosé Luis Landabaso, Montse Pardàs, Josep R. Casas: Shape from inconsistent silhouette. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 112(2): 210-224 (2008)
25EEJosé Luis Landabaso, Montse Pardàs: A Unified Framework for Consistent 2-D/3-D Foreground Object Detection. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(8): 1040-1051 (2008)
24EEIstván Petrás, Csaba Beleznai, Yigithan Dedeoglu, Montse Pardàs, Levente Kovács, Zoltán Szlávik, Laszlo Havasi, Tamás Szirányi, B. Ugur Töreyin, Ugur Güdükbay, A. Enis Çetin, Cristian Canton-Ferrer: Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection. CIVR 2007: 105-108
23EECristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Head Orientation Estimation Using Particle Filtering in Multiview Scenarios. CLEAR 2007: 317-327
22EECristian Canton-Ferrer, J. Salvador, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Multi-person Tracking Strategies Based on Voxel Analysis. CLEAR 2007: 91-103
21 Mehmet Türkan, Montse Pardàs, A. Enis Çetin: Human eye localization using edge projections. VISAPP (1) 2007: 410-415
20 Stylianos Asteriadis, Nikos Nikolaidis, Ioannis Pitas, Montse Pardàs: Detection of facial characteristics based on edge information. VISAPP (2) 2007: 247-252
19EECristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Head Pose Detection Based on Fusion of Multiple Viewpoint Information. CLEAR 2006: 305-310
18EEAlberto Abad, Cristian Canton-Ferrer, Carlos Segura, José Luis Landabaso, Dusan Macho, Josep R. Casas, Javier Hernando, Montse Pardàs, Climent Nadeu: UPC Audio, Video and Multimodal Person Tracking Systems in the Clear Evaluation Campaign. CLEAR 2006: 93-104
17EEJosé Luis Landabaso, Montse Pardàs, Josep R. Casas: Reconstruction of 3D Shapes Considering Inconsistent 2D Silhouettes. ICIP 2006: 2209-2212
16EECamilo C. Dorea, Montse Pardàs, Ferran Marqués: Generation of Long-Term Color and Motion Coherent Partitions. ICIP 2006: 581-584
15EECristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Fusion of multiple viewpoint information towards 3D face robust orientation detection. ICIP (2) 2005: 366-369
14EECamilo C. Dorea, Montse Pardàs, Ferran Marqués: A motion-based binary partition tree approach to video object segmentation. ICIP (2) 2005: 430-433
13EECristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Towards a Bayesian Approach to Robust Finding Correspondences in Multiple View Geometry Environments. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 281-289
12EEJosé Luis Landabaso, Montse Pardàs: Foreground Regions Extraction and Characterization Towards Real-Time Object Tracking. MLMI 2005: 241-249
11EECristian Canton-Ferrer, Josep R. Casas, A. Murat Tekalp, Montse Pardàs: Projective Kalman Filter: Multiocular Tracking of 3D Locations Towards Scene Understanding. MLMI 2005: 250-261
10EEJosé Luis Landabaso, Li-Qun Xu, Montse Pardàs: Robust Tracking and Object Classification Towards Automated Video Surveillance. ICIAR (2) 2004: 463-470
9EEOreste Salerno, Montse Pardàs, Verónica Vilaplana, Ferran Marqués: Object recognition based on binary partition trees. ICIP 2004: 929-932
8 Ferran Marqués, Montse Pardàs, Ramon Morros: Object matching based on partition information. ICIP (2) 2002: 829-832
7EEMontse Pardàs, Marcos Losada: Facial parameter extraction system based on active contours. ICIP (1) 2001: 1058-1061
6EEMontse Pardàs, Elisa Sayrol: Motion estimation based tracking of active contours. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(13): 1447-1456 (2001)
5 Montse Pardàs, Elisa Sayrol: A New Approach to Tracking with Active Contours. ICIP 2000
4 Montse Pardàs: Video Object Segmentation Introducing Depth and Motion Information. ICIP (2) 1998: 637-641
3EEPhilippe Salembier, Patrick Brigger, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Morphological operators for image and video compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(6): 881-898 (1996)
2 Montse Pardàs, Philippe Salembier, Benigno Gonzalez: Motion and Region Overlapping Estimation for Segmentation-Based Video Coding. ICIP (2) 1994: 428-432
1EEPhilippe Salembier, Montse Pardàs: Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding . IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3(5): 639-651 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Alberto Abad [18]
2Stylianos Asteriadis [20]
3Csaba Beleznai [24]
4Patrick Brigger [3]
5Cristian Canton-Ferrer [11] [13] [15] [18] [19] [22] [23] [24] [28] [30]
6Josep R. Casas [3] [11] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [26] [28] [30]
7A. Enis Çetin [21] [24]
8Yigithan Dedeoglu [24]
9Camilo C. Dorea [14] [16]
10Jaime Gallego [27]
11Benigno Gonzalez [2]
12Ugur Güdükbay [24]
13Laszlo Havasi [24]
14Javier Hernando [18]
15Levente Kovács [24]
16José Luis Landabaso [10] [12] [17] [18] [25] [26] [27] [29]
17Leonardo Lizcano [29]
18Marcos Losada [7]
19Dusan Macho [18]
20Ferran Marqués [8] [9] [14] [16]
21Ramon Morros [8]
22Climent Nadeu [18]
23Nikos Nikolaidis (Nikolaos Nikolaidis) [20]
24István Petrás [24]
25Ioannis Pitas [20]
26Philippe Salembier [1] [2] [3]
27Oreste Salerno [9]
28J. Salvador [22]
29Elisa Sayrol [5] [6]
30Rossella Sblendido [28]
31Carlos Segura [18]
32Tamás Szirányi [24]
33Zoltán Szlávik [24]
34A. Murat Tekalp [11]
35B. Ugur Töreyin [24]
36Mehmet Türkan [21]
37Verónica Vilaplana [9]
38Li-Qun Xu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)