
Patrick Brigger

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7EEPatrick Brigger, Jeff Hoeg, Michael Unser: B-spline snakes: a flexible tool for parametric contour detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(9): 1484-1496 (2000)
6EEPatrick Brigger, Frank Müller, Klaus Illgner, Michael Unser: Centered pyramids. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(9): 1254-1264 (1999)
5 Patrick Brigger, Robert Engel, Michael Unser: B-spline Snakes and a JAVA Interface: An Intuitive Tool for General Contour Outlining. ICIP (2) 1998: 277-281
4EEPatrick Brigger, Stephen L. Bacharach, Akram Aldroubi, Michael Unser: Segmentation of Gated SPECT Images for Automatic Computation of Myocardial Volume and Ejection Fraction. ICIP (2) 1997: 113-116
3EEPhilippe Salembier, Patrick Brigger, Josep R. Casas, Montse Pardàs: Morphological operators for image and video compression. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(6): 881-898 (1996)
2EEPatrick Brigger, Murat Kunt: Morphological contour coding using structuring functions optimized by genetic algorithms. ICIP 1995: 534-537
1 Patrick Brigger, Serge Ayer, Murat Kunt: Morhphological Shape Representation of Segmented Images Based on Temporally Modeled Motion Vectors. ICIP (3) 1994: 756-760

Coauthor Index

1Akram Aldroubi [4]
2Serge Ayer [1]
3Stephen L. Bacharach [4]
4Josep R. Casas [3]
5Robert Engel [5]
6Jeff Hoeg [7]
7Klaus Illgner [6]
8Murat Kunt [1] [2]
9Frank Müller [6]
10Montse Pardàs [3]
11Philippe Salembier [3]
12Michael Unser [4] [5] [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)