
Levente Kovács

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8EELevente Kovács: New Principles and Adequate Control Methods for Insulin Dosage in Case of Diabetes. IWPACBB 2008: 40-44
7EELevente Kovács, Béla Paláncz: Glucose-Insulin Control of Type1 Diabetic Patients in H2/Hinfinity Space Via Computer Algebra. AB 2007: 95-109
6EEIstván Petrás, Csaba Beleznai, Yigithan Dedeoglu, Montse Pardàs, Levente Kovács, Zoltán Szlávik, Laszlo Havasi, Tamás Szirányi, B. Ugur Töreyin, Ugur Güdükbay, A. Enis Çetin, Cristian Canton-Ferrer: Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection. CIVR 2007: 105-108
5EELevente Kovács, Tamás Szirányi: Focus Area Extraction by Blind Deconvolution for Defining Regions of Interest. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(6): 1080-1085 (2007)
4EELevente Kovács, Tamás Szirányi: Image Indexing by Focus Map. ACIVS 2005: 300-307
3EELevente Kovács, Tamás Szirányi: Efficient Coding of Stroke-Rendered Paintings. ICPR (2) 2004: 835-838
2 Levente Kovács, Tamás Szirányi: Coding of Stroke-Based Animations. WSCG (Posters) 2004: 81-84
1EELevente Kovács, Tamás Szirányi: Creating Animations Combining Stochastic Paintbrush Transformation and Motion Detection. ICPR (2) 2002: 1090-

Coauthor Index

1Csaba Beleznai [6]
2Cristian Canton-Ferrer [6]
3A. Enis Çetin [6]
4Yigithan Dedeoglu [6]
5Ugur Güdükbay [6]
6Laszlo Havasi [6]
7Béla Paláncz [7]
8Montse Pardàs [6]
9István Petrás [6]
10Tamás Szirányi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
11Zoltán Szlávik [6]
12B. Ugur Töreyin [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)