2007 |
13 | EE | Zoltán Szlávik,
Laszlo Havasi,
Tamás Szirányi:
Geometrical Scene Analysis Using Co-motion Statistics.
ACIVS 2007: 968-979 |
12 | EE | István Petrás,
Csaba Beleznai,
Yigithan Dedeoglu,
Montse Pardàs,
Levente Kovács,
Zoltán Szlávik,
Laszlo Havasi,
Tamás Szirányi,
B. Ugur Töreyin,
Ugur Güdükbay,
A. Enis Çetin,
Cristian Canton-Ferrer:
Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection.
CIVR 2007: 105-108 |
11 | EE | Laszlo Havasi,
Zoltán Szlávik,
Tamás Szirányi:
Detection of Gait Characteristics for Scene Registration in Video Surveillance System.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(2): 503-510 (2007) |
10 | EE | Zoltán Szlávik,
Tamás Szirányi,
Laszlo Havasi:
Stochastic View Registration of Overlapping Cameras Based on Arbitrary Motion.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(3): 710-720 (2007) |
2006 |
9 | EE | Laszlo Havasi,
Tamás Szirányi:
Use of Motion Statistics for Vanishing Point Estimation in Camera-Mirror Scenes.
ICIP 2006: 2993-2996 |
8 | EE | Laszlo Havasi,
Zoltán Szlávik,
Tamás Szirányi:
Higher order symmetry for non-linear classification of human walk detection.
Pattern Recognition Letters 27(7): 822-829 (2006) |
2005 |
7 | EE | Laszlo Havasi,
Zoltán Szlávik,
Tamás Szirányi:
Use of Human Motion Biometrics for Multiple-View Registration.
ACIVS 2005: 35-43 |
6 | EE | Zoltán Szlávik,
Tamás Szirányi,
Laszlo Havasi,
Csaba Benedek:
Optimizing of searching co-motion point-pairs for statistical camera calibration.
ICIP (2) 2005: 1178-1181 |
5 | EE | Laszlo Havasi,
Zoltán Szlávik,
Tamás Szirányi:
Eigenwalks: walk detection and biometrics from symmetry patterns.
ICIP (3) 2005: 289-292 |
4 | EE | Laszlo Havasi,
Helga M. Szabó:
A Motion Capture System for Sign Language Synthesis: Overview and Related Issues.
ISVC 2005: 636-641 |
2004 |
3 | EE | Zoltán Szlávik,
Laszlo Havasi,
Tamás Szirányi:
Image Matching based on Co-Motion Statistics.
3DPVT 2004: 584-591 |
2 | EE | Zoltán Szlávik,
Laszlo Havasi,
Tamás Szirányi:
Estimation of Common Groundplane Based on Co-motion Statistics.
ICIAR (2) 2004: 347-354 |
1 | EE | Laszlo Havasi,
Helga M. Szabó:
HANDY: Sign Language Synthesis from Sublexical Elements Based on an XML Data Representation.
TSD 2004: 73-80 |