
Uta Pankoke-Babatz

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21EEIrma Lindt, Jan Ohlenburg, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Sabiha Ghellal: A report on the crossmedia game epidemic menace. Computers in Entertainment 5(1): (2007)
20EEIrma Lindt, Jan Ohlenburg, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Wolfgang Prinz, Sabiha Ghellal: Combining multiple gaming interfaces in epidemic menace. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 213-218
19 Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Wolfgang Prinz, Leonie Schäfer: Stories about Asynchronous Awareness. COOP 2004: 23-38
18EELeonie Schäfer, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Wolfgang Prinz, A. Fatah gen. Schieck, Amanda Oldroyd: DocuDrama. Virtual Reality 7(1): 43-53 (2003)
17EEWolfgang Prinz, Wolfgang Gräther, Tom Gross, Karl-Heinz Klein, Sabine Kolvenbach, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Leonie Schäfer: Präsentation von Aktivitäten bei verteilter Zusammenarbeit. Mensch & Computer 2002
16EEBettina Törpel, Steffen Budweg, Peter Mambrey, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Meik Poschen, Dian Tan: Zur Nutzung einer Kooperationsplattform: Befragung von Nutzenden des BSCW-Systems. Mensch & Computer 2002
15EEUta Pankoke-Babatz, Phillip Jeffrey: Documented Norms and Conventions on the Internet. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction 14(2): 219-235 (2002)
14EEUta Pankoke-Babatz, Ulrike Petersen: Vom Umgang mit der Zeit im Internet. Mensch & Computer 2001
13EEUta Pankoke-Babatz: Electronic behaviour settings for CSCW. AI Soc. 14(1): 3-30 (2000)
12 Markus Sohlenkamp, Peter Mambrey, Wolfgang Prinz, Ludwin Fuchs, Anja Syri, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Konrad Klöckner, Sabine Kolvenbach: Supporting the Distributed German Government with POLITeam. Multimedia Tools Appl. 12(1): 39-58 (2000)
11 Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Konrad Klöckner, Phillip Jeffrey: Norms and conventions in collaborative systems. HCI (2) 1999: 313-317
10 Wolfgang Broll, Wolfgang Gräther, Eckhard Meier, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Wolfgang Prinz: Place people in context - the awareness forum. HCI (2) 1999: 462-466
9EEWolfgang Prinz, Gloria Mark, Uta Pankoke-Babatz: Designing Groupware for Congruency in Use. CSCW 1998: 373-382
8 Peter Mambrey, Gloria Mark, Uta Pankoke-Babatz: User Advocacy in Participatory Design: Designers? Experiences with a New Communication Channel. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 7(3/4): 291-313 (1998)
7EEUta Pankoke-Babatz, Anja Syri: Collaborative workspace for time deferred electronic cooperation. GROUP 1997: 187-196
6 Konrad Klöckner, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Wolfgang Prinz: A Cooperative Design Approach for CSCW in Ministries. HCI (1) 1997: 313-316
5EEUta Pankoke-Babatz, Gloria Mark, Konrad Klöckner: Design in the POLITeam Project: Evaluating User Needs in Real Work Practice. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1997: 277-287
4 Konrad Klöckner, Peter Mambrey, Markus Sohlenkamp, Wolfgang Prinz, Ludwin Fuchs, Sabine Kolvenbach, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Anja Syri: POLITeam: Bridging the Gap between Bonn and Berlin for and with the Users. ECSCW 1995: 17-
3 Ludwin Fuchs, Uta Pankoke-Babatz, Wolfgang Prinz: Supporting Cooperative Awareness with Local Event Mechanisms: The GroupDesk System. ECSCW 1995: 245-
2EEUta Pankoke-Babatz: 1984/1988 X.400 recommendations - user requirements. Computer Communications 13(10): 595-610 (1990)
1 Uta Pankoke-Babatz: Benutzeraspekte beim Einsatz eines computergestützen Kommunikationssystems. GI Jahrestagung 1985: 318-326

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Broll [10]
2Steffen Budweg [16]
3Ludwin Fuchs [3] [4] [12]
4Sabiha Ghellal [20] [21]
5Wolfgang Gräther [10] [17]
6Tom Gross [17]
7Phillip Jeffrey [11] [15]
8Karl-Heinz Klein [17]
9Konrad Klöckner [4] [5] [6] [11] [12]
10Sabine Kolvenbach [4] [12] [17]
11Irma Lindt [20] [21]
12Peter Mambrey [4] [8] [12] [16]
13Gloria Mark [5] [8] [9]
14Eckhard Meier [10]
15Jan Ohlenburg [20] [21]
16Amanda Oldroyd [18]
17Ulrike Petersen [14]
18Meik Poschen [16]
19Wolfgang Prinz [3] [4] [6] [9] [10] [12] [17] [18] [19] [20]
20Leonie Schäfer [17] [18] [19]
21A. Fatah gen. Schieck [18]
22Markus Sohlenkamp [4] [12]
23Anja Syri [4] [7] [12]
24Dian Tan [16]
25Bettina Törpel [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)