
Myeong-Hoon Oh

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4EEMyeong-Hoon Oh, Seongwoon Kim: Low Static Powered Asynchronous Data Transfer for GALS System. IEICE Transactions 91-D(4): 1189-1192 (2008)
3EEDelong Shang, Chi-Hoon Shin, Ping Wang, Fei Xia, Albert Koelmans, Myeong-Hoon Oh, Seongwoon Kim, Alexandre Yakovlev: Asynchronous Functional Coupling for Low Power Sensor Network Processors. PATMOS 2007: 53-63
2EEMyeong-Hoon Oh, Dong-Soo Har: Low Delay-Power Product Current-Mode Multiple Valued Logic for Delay-Insensitive Data Transfer Mechanism. IEICE Transactions 88-A(5): 1379-1383 (2005)
1EEMyeong-Hoon Oh, Dong-Soo Har: A Novel Mechanism for Delay-Insensitive Data Transfer Based on Current-Mode Multiple Valued Logic. PATMOS 2004: 691-700

Coauthor Index

1Dong-Soo Har [1] [2]
2Seongwoon Kim [3] [4]
3Albert Koelmans [3]
4Delong Shang [3]
5Chi-Hoon Shin [3]
6Ping Wang [3]
7Fei Xia [3]
8Alexandre Yakovlev [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)