
Bengt Oelmann

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10EECao Cao, Bengt Oelmann: Low-power state encoding for partitioned FSMs with mixed synchronous/asynchronous state memory. Integration 41(1): 123-134 (2008)
9EEFredrik Linnarsson, Peng Cheng, Bengt Oelmann: Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for a Wireless Closed Loop Control System for Heavy Duty Cranes. SIES 2007: 164-169
8EEJon Alfredsson, Snorre Aunet, Bengt Oelmann: Small Fan-in Floating-Gate Circuits with Application to an Improved Adder Structure. VLSI Design 2007: 314-317
7EEJon Alfredsson, Bengt Oelmann: Capacitance selection for digital floating-gate circuits operating in subthreshold. ISCAS 2006
6EEShang Xue, Bengt Oelmann: Unary Prefixed Huffman Coding for a Group of Quantized Generalized Gaussian Sources. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(7): 1164-1169 (2006)
5EECao Cao, Bengt Oelmann: Mixed Synchronous/Asynchronous State Memory for Low Power FSM Design. DSD 2004: 363-370
4 Shang Xue, Bengt Oelmann: Alternating coding for universal variable length code. ICIP (3) 2003: 477-480
3EEMattias O'Nils, Jan Lundgren, Bengt Oelmann: A SystemC extension for behavioral level quantification of noise coupling in mixed-signal systems. ISCAS (3) 2003: 898-901
2EEShang Xue, Bengt Oelmann: Efficient VLSI Implementation of a VLC Decoder for Universal Variable Length Code. ISVLSI 2003: 207-208
1EEJan Lundgren, Bengt Oelmann, Trond Ytterdal, Patrik Eriksson, Munir Abdalla, Mattias O'Nils: Behavioral Simulation of Power Line Noise Coupling in Mixed-Signal Systems using SystemC. ISVLSI 2003: 275-277

Coauthor Index

1Munir Abdalla [1]
2Jon Alfredsson [7] [8]
3Snorre Aunet [8]
4Cao Cao [5] [10]
5Peng Cheng [9]
6Patrik Eriksson [1]
7Fredrik Linnarsson [9]
8Jan Lundgren [1] [3]
9Mattias O'Nils [1] [3]
10Shang Xue [2] [4] [6]
11Trond Ytterdal [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)