
Gotaro Odawara

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6EEGotaro Odawara, Masahiro Tomita, Kazuhiko Hattori, Osamu Okuzawa, Toshiaki Hirata, Masayasu Ochiai: A Human Machine Interface for Silicon Compilation. DAC 1988: 115-120
5EEGotaro Odawara, T. Hamuro, Kazuhiko Iijima, T. Yoshino, Y. Dai: A Rule-Based Placement System for Printed Wiring Boards. DAC 1987: 777-785
4EEGotaro Odawara, Takahisa Hiraide, Osamu Nishina: Partitioning and Placement Technique for CMOS Gate Arrays. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(3): 355-363 (1987)
3EEGotaro Odawara, Masahiro Tomita, Osamu Okuzawa, Tomomichi Ohta, Zhen-quan Zhuang: A logic verifier based on Boolean comparison. DAC 1986: 208-214
2EEGotaro Odawara, Kazuhiko Iijima, Kazutoshi Wakabayashi: Knowledge-based placement technique for printed wiring boards. DAC 1985: 616-622
1EEGotaro Odawara, Masahiro Tomita, Ichiro Ogata: Diagrammatic function description of microprocessor and data-flow processor. DAC 1985: 731-734

Coauthor Index

1Y. Dai [5]
2T. Hamuro [5]
3Kazuhiko Hattori [6]
4Takahisa Hiraide [4]
5Toshiaki Hirata [6]
6Kazuhiko Iijima [2] [5]
7Osamu Nishina [4]
8Masayasu Ochiai [6]
9Ichiro Ogata [1]
10Tomomichi Ohta [3]
11Osamu Okuzawa [3] [6]
12Masahiro Tomita [1] [3] [6]
13Kazutoshi Wakabayashi [2]
14T. Yoshino [5]
15Zhen-quan Zhuang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)