
Radhika Nagpal

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24EEChih-Han Yu, Radhika Nagpal: Sensing-based shape formation on modular multi-robot systems: a theoretical study. AAMAS (1) 2008: 71-78
23EEDaniel Yamins, Radhika Nagpal: Automated global-to-local programming in 1-D spatial multi-agent systems. AAMAS (2) 2008: 615-622
22EERadhika Nagpal, Chih-Han Yu, Daniel Yamins: Engineering self-organizing multi-agent systems. AAMAS (Demos) 2008: 1717
21EEChih-Han Yu, Kristina Haller, Donald E. Ingber, Radhika Nagpal: Morpho: A self-deformable modular robot inspired by cellular structure. IROS 2008: 3571-3578
20EEJulius Degesys, Ian Rose, Ankit Patel, Radhika Nagpal: Self-organizing Desynchronization and TDMA on Wireless Sensor Networks. BIOWIRE 2007: 192-203
19EEJulius Degesys, Ian Rose, Ankit Patel, Radhika Nagpal: DESYNC: self-organizing desynchronization and TDMA on wireless sensor networks. IPSN 2007: 11-20
18EEJustin Werfel, Donald E. Ingber, Radhika Nagpal: Collective construction of environmentally-adaptive structures. IROS 2007: 2345-2352
17EEChih-Han Yu, François-Xavier Willems, Donald E. Ingber, Radhika Nagpal: Self-organization of environmentally-adaptive shapes on a modular robot. IROS 2007: 2353-2360
16EEMarco Mamei, Radhika Nagpal: Macro Programming through Bayesian Networks: Distributed Inference and Anomaly Detection. PerCom 2007: 87-96
15EEAnkit Patel, Julius Degesys, Radhika Nagpal: Desynchronization: The Theory of Self-Organizing Algorithms for Round-Robin Scheduling. SASO 2007: 87-96
14 Crystal Schuil, Matthew Valente, Justin Werfel, Radhika Nagpal: Collective Construction Using Lego Robots. AAAI 2006
13 Justin Werfel, Yaneer Bar-Yam, Daniela Rus, Radhika Nagpal: Distributed Construction by Mobile Robots with Enhanced Building Blocks. ICRA 2006: 2787-2794
12EEJustin Werfel, Radhika Nagpal: Extended Stigmergy in Collective Construction. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(2): 20-28 (2006)
11EEMárk Jelasity, Özalp Babaoglu, Robert Laddaga, Radhika Nagpal, Franco Zambonelli, Emin Gün Sirer, Hakima Chaouchi, Mikhail I. Smirnov: Interdisciplinary Research: Roles for Self-Organization. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(2): 50-58 (2006)
10 Sven Brueckner, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Anthony Karageorgos, Radhika Nagpal: Engineering Self-Organising Systems, Methodologies and Applications [revised versions of papers presented at the Engineering Selforganising Applications (ESOA 2004) workshop, held during the Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems conference (AAMAS 2004) in New York in July 2004, and selected invited papers] Springer 2005
9 Jimming Cheng, Winston Cheng, Radhika Nagpal: Robust and Self-Repairing Formation Control for Swarms of Mobile Agents. AAAI 2005: 59-64
8EEJustin Werfel, Yaneer Bar-Yam, Radhika Nagpal: Building Patterned Structures with Robot Swarms. IJCAI 2005: 1495-1504
7EEGeoffrey Werner-Allen, Geetika Tewari, Ankit Patel, Matt Welsh, Radhika Nagpal: Firefly-inspired sensor network synchronicity with realistic radio effects. SenSys 2005: 142-153
6EERadhika Nagpal: On Growth, Form and Computers. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 6(4): 457-458 (2005)
5EEJonathan Bachrach, Radhika Nagpal, Michael Salib, Howard E. Shrobe: Experimental Results for and Theoretical Analysis of a Self-Organizing Global Coordinate System for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. Telecommunication Systems 26(2-4): 213-233 (2004)
4EERadhika Nagpal: A Catalog of Biologically-Inspired Primitives for Engineering Self-Organization. Engineering Self-Organising Systems 2003: 53-62
3EERadhika Nagpal, Howard E. Shrobe, Jonathan Bachrach: Organizing a Global Coordinate System from Local Information on an Ad Hoc Sensor Network. IPSN 2003: 333-348
2EERadhika Nagpal: Programmable self-assembly using biologically-inspired multiagent control. AAMAS 2002: 418-425
1EEHarold Abelson, Don Allen, Daniel Coore, Chris Hanson, George Homsy, Thomas F. Knight Jr., Radhika Nagpal, Erik Rauch, Gerald J. Sussman, Ron Weiss: Amorphous Computing. Commun. ACM 43(5): 74-82 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Harold Abelson [1]
2Don Allen [1]
3Özalp Babaoglu [11]
4Jonathan Bachrach [3] [5]
5Yaneer Bar-Yam [8] [13]
6Sven A. Brueckner (Sven Brueckner) [10]
7Hakima Chaouchi [11]
8Jimming Cheng [9]
9Winston Cheng [9]
10Daniel Coore [1]
11Julius Degesys [15] [19] [20]
12Kristina Haller [21]
13Chris Hanson [1]
14George Homsy [1]
15Donald E. Ingber [17] [18] [21]
16Márk Jelasity [11]
17Anthony Karageorgos [10]
18Thomas F. Knight Jr. [1]
19Robert Laddaga [11]
20Marco Mamei [16]
21Ankit Patel [7] [15] [19] [20]
22Erik Rauch [1]
23Ian Rose [19] [20]
24Daniela Rus [13]
25Michael Salib [5]
26Crystal Schuil [14]
27Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo [10]
28Howard E. Shrobe [3] [5]
29Emin Gün Sirer [11]
30Mikhail I. Smirnov [11]
31Gerald J. Sussman [1]
32Geetika Tewari [7]
33Matthew Valente [14]
34Ron Weiss [1]
35Matt Welsh [7]
36Justin Werfel [8] [12] [13] [14] [18]
37Geoffrey Werner-Allen [7]
38François-Xavier Willems [17]
39Daniel Yamins [22] [23]
40Chih-Han Yu [17] [21] [22] [24]
41Franco Zambonelli [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)