
Giacomo Morabito

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41EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Matteo Berioli, Gianluigi Riva: Optimizing TCP Performance Through Joint Channel Coding and Power Management in Power Constrained Satellite Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 2926-2930
40EELaura Galluccio, Alessandro Leonardi, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: MACRO+: a network coding driven integrated MAC/routing protocol for multihop wireless networks. MOBILWARE 2008: 45
39EERoberto Catanuto, Stavros Toumpis, Giacomo Morabito: Opti{c, m}al: Optical/Optimal Routing in Massively Dense Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 1010-1018
38EEGiacomo Morabito: Increasing Capacity Through the Use of the Timing Channel in Power-Constrained Satellite Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 580-588
37EESergio Armenia, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Analysis of Location Privacy/Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in Wireless Sensor Networks. Networking 2007: 215-226
36EELaura Galluccio, Alessandro Leonardi, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: A MAC/Routing cross-layer approach to geographic forwarding in wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks 5(6): 872-884 (2007)
35EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Marco Pellegrini, M. Elena Renda, Paolo Santi: Georoy: A location-aware enhancement to Viceroy peer-to-peer algorithm. Computer Networks 51(8): 1998-2014 (2007)
34EELaura Galluccio, Alessandro Leonardi, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: A trade-off between energy consumption reduction and responsiveness in information delivery for delay-tolerant sensor networks with mobile sink. IWCMC 2006: 563-568
33EERoberto Catanuto, Stavros Toumpis, Giacomo Morabito: Opti{c,m}al: Optical/Optimal Routing in Massively Dense Wireless Networks CoRR abs/cs/0608012: (2006)
32EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Achieving TCP optimization over wireless links through joint FEC and power management: an analytical study. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(10): 2956-2966 (2006)
31EELaura Galluccio, Alessandro Leonardi, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Tradeoff between Energy-Efficiency and Timeliness of Neighbor Discovery in Self-Organizing Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. HICSS 2005
30EEGiacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Antonio Pantò: A TCP-Friendly Multicast Protocol Suite for Satellite Networks. ICN (2) 2005: 1023-1030
29EED. Ferrara, Laura Galluccio, Alessandro Leonardi, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: MACRO: an integrated MAC/routing protocol for geographic forwarding in wireless sensor networks. INFOCOM 2005: 1770-1781
28EELaura Galluccio, Francesco Licandro, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: An analytical framework for the design of intelligent algorithms for adaptive-rate MPEG video encoding in next-generation time-varying wireless networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(2): 369-384 (2005)
27EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: Transmission of adaptive MPEG video over time-varying wireless channels: modeling and performance evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(6): 2777-2788 (2005)
26EEIan F. Akyildiz, Özgür B. Akan, Giacomo Morabito: A rate control scheme for adaptive real-time applications in IP networks with lossy links and long round trip times. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 13(3): 554-567 (2005)
25EES. Gallo, Laura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Rapid and energy efficient neighbor discovery for spontaneous networks. MSWiM 2004: 8-11
24EELaura Galluccio, Alessandro Leonardi, Giacomo Morabito: Tuning transmission power for TCP fairness in next generation wireless networks: an analytical paradigm. Computer Networks 45(2): 207-219 (2004)
23EEMario Marchese, Michele Rossi, Giacomo Morabito: PETRA: performance enhancing transport architecture for Satellite communications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(2): 320-332 (2004)
22EEGiacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Modeling and analysis of TCP-like multicast congestion control in hybrid terrestrial/satellite IP networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(2): 401-412 (2004)
21EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Analytical evaluation of a tradeoff between energy efficiency and responsiveness of neighbor discovery in self-organizing ad hoc networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(7): 1167-1182 (2004)
20EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: Modeling intramedia and intermedia relationships in multimedia network analysis through multiple timescale statistics. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(1): 142-157 (2004)
19EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: A novel analytical framework compounding statistical traffic modeling and aggregate-level service curve disciplines: network performance and efficiency implications. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(3): 443-455 (2004)
18EEGiacomo Morabito, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Marie-José Montpetit: Editorial. MONET 9(3): 171-173 (2004)
17EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Spontaneous Group Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Wireless Networks 10(4): 423-438 (2004)
16EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: An Analytical Study of a Tradeoff Between Transmission Power and FEC for TCP Optimization in Wireless Networks. INFOCOM 2003
15EEAndrea Calvagna, Giacomo Morabito, Aurelio La Corte: WiFi Bridge: Wireless Mobility Framework Supporting Session Continuity. PerCom 2003: 79-86
14EEAldo Roveri, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Mauro Femminella, Tommaso Melodia, Giacomo Morabito, Michele Rossi, Ilenia Tinnirello: The RAMON Module: Architecture Framework and Performance Results. QoS-IP 2003: 471-484
13EEGiacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Michele Rossi, Michele Zorzi: Improving End-to-End Performance in Reconfigurable Networks through Dynamic Setting of TCP Parameters. QoS-IP 2003: 513-524
12EEGiacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Catherine Rosenberg: Broadband satellite networks: a networking perspective. Computer Networks 39(1): 1-3 (2002)
11 Alfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: A Simple Analytical Framework for the Performance Evaluation of a Tree-Based Connection Rerouting Architecture in a UMTS Network. Wireless Networks 8(6): 557-568 (2002)
10EEJin Tang, Giacomo Morabito, Ian F. Akyildiz, Marjory J. Johnson: RCS: A Rate Control Scheme for Real-Time Traffic in Networks with High Bandwidth-Delay Products and High Bit Error Rates. INFOCOM 2001: 114-122
9EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: Statistical traffic modeling and guaranteed service disciplines: a performance evaluation paradigm. Computer Networks 36(5/6): 579-595 (2001)
8EEGiacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: Congestion control for ABR traffic in satellite networks. Computer Networks 37(3/4): 237-249 (2001)
7 A. Lombaedo, Giovanni Schembra, Giacomo Morabito: Traffic specifications for the transmission of stored MPEG video on the Internet. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 3(1): 5-17 (2001)
6EEIan F. Akyildiz, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo: TCP-Peach: a new congestion control scheme for satellite IP networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 9(3): 307-321 (2001)
5 Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra, Giacomo Morabito: Traffic Specification for MPEG Video Transmission over the Internet. ICC (2) 2000: 853-857
4EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: A discrete-time paradigm to evaluate skew performance in a multimedia ATM multiplexer. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 7(1): 122-139 (1999)
3 Alfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: Analysis of Threshold-Based Call Admission Strategy in a Wireless ATM Network Loaded by Multiple-Class Multiple-Service Traffic. ESM 1998: 798-805
2EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: Flow Theory: An Enhancement. ICNP 1998: 129-136
1 Alfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: An Accurate and Treatable Markov Model of MPEG-Video Traffic. INFOCOM 1998: 217-224

Coauthor Index

1Özgür B. Akan [26]
2Ian F. Akyildiz [6] [10] [26]
3Sergio Armenia [37]
4Matteo Berioli [41]
5Andrea Calvagna [15]
6Roberto Catanuto [33] [39]
7Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini [14]
8Aurelio La Corte [15]
9Mauro Femminella [14]
10D. Ferrara [29]
11S. Gallo [25]
12Laura Galluccio [16] [17] [21] [24] [25] [27] [28] [29] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [40] [41]
13Marjory J. Johnson [10]
14Alessandro Leonardi [24] [29] [31] [34] [36] [40]
15Francesco Licandro [28]
16A. Lombaedo [7]
17Alfio Lombardo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [9] [11] [19] [20]
18Mario Marchese [23]
19Tommaso Melodia [14]
20Marie-José Montpetit [18]
21Sergio Palazzo [2] [3] [6] [8] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [21] [22] [25] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [37] [40] [41]
22Antonio Pantò [30]
23Marco Pellegrini [35]
24M. Elena Renda [35]
25Gianluigi Riva [41]
26Catherine Rosenberg [12]
27Michele Rossi [13] [14] [23]
28Aldo Roveri [14]
29Paolo Santi [35]
30Giovanni Schembra [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [11] [19] [20] [27] [28]
31Raghupathy Sivakumar [18]
32Jin Tang [10]
33Ilenia Tinnirello [14]
34Stavros Toumpis [33] [39]
35Michele Zorzi [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)