
Marjory J. Johnson

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10EERichard A. Beck, Robert K. Vincent, Doyle W. Watts, Marc A. Seibert, David P. Pleva, Michael A. Cauley, Calvin T. Ramos, Theresa M. Scott, Dean W. Harter, Mary Vickerman, David Irmies, Al Tucholski, Brian Frantz, Glenn Lindamood, Isaac Lopez, Gregory J. Follen, Thaddeus J. Kollar, Jay Horowitz, Robert Griffin, Raymond Gilstrap, Marjory J. Johnson, Kenneth Freeman, Celeste Banaag, Joseph Kosmo, Amy Ross, Kevin Groneman, Jeffrey Graham, Kim Shillcutt, Robert Hirsh, Nathan Howard, Dean B. Eppler: A space-based end-to-end prototype geographic information network for lunar and planetary exploration and emergency response (2002 and 2003 field experiments). Computer Networks 47(5): 765-783 (2005)
9EEMarjory J. Johnson: Networking for the earth sciences. Computer Networks 46(3): 295-298 (2004)
8EEMarjory J. Johnson, Kenneth Freeman, Raymond Gilstrap, Richard Beck: Networking technologies enable advances in Earth Science. Computer Networks 46(3): 423-435 (2004)
7EEJin Tang, Giacomo Morabito, Ian F. Akyildiz, Marjory J. Johnson: RCS: A Rate Control Scheme for Real-Time Traffic in Networks with High Bandwidth-Delay Products and High Bit Error Rates. INFOCOM 2001: 114-122
6 Marjory J. Johnson: Using High-Performance Networks to Enable Computational Aerosciences Applications. Protocols for High-Speed Networks 1992: 137-152
5 Marjory J. Johnson: Coping with Data from Space Station Freedom. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 22(2): 131-142 (1991)
4 Marjory J. Johnson: Network Protocol Performance. SIGMETRICS 1989: 217
3 Kenneth C. Sevcik, Marjory J. Johnson: Cycle Time Properties Of The FDDI Token Ring Protocol. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(3): 376-385 (1987)
2 Kenneth C. Sevcik, Marjory J. Johnson: Cycle Time Properties of the FDDI Token Ring Protocol. SIGMETRICS 1986: 109-110
1 Marjory J. Johnson: Reliability Mechanisms of the FDDI High Bandwidth Token Ring Protocol. Computer Networks 11: 121-131 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Ian F. Akyildiz [7]
2Celeste Banaag [10]
3Richard Beck [8]
4Richard A. Beck [10]
5Michael A. Cauley [10]
6Dean B. Eppler [10]
7Gregory J. Follen [10]
8Brian Frantz [10]
9Kenneth Freeman [8] [10]
10Raymond Gilstrap [8] [10]
11Jeffrey Graham [10]
12Robert Griffin [10]
13Kevin Groneman [10]
14Dean W. Harter [10]
15Robert Hirsh [10]
16Jay Horowitz [10]
17Nathan Howard [10]
18David Irmies [10]
19Thaddeus J. Kollar [10]
20Joseph Kosmo [10]
21Glenn Lindamood [10]
22Isaac Lopez [10]
23Giacomo Morabito [7]
24David P. Pleva [10]
25Calvin T. Ramos [10]
26Amy Ross [10]
27Theresa M. Scott [10]
28Marc A. Seibert [10]
29Kenneth C. Sevcik [2] [3]
30Kim Shillcutt [10]
31Jin Tang [7]
32Al Tucholski [10]
33Mary Vickerman [10]
34Robert K. Vincent [10]
35Doyle W. Watts [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)