
Giovanni Schembra

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42EEMario Barbera, Mario Gerla, Alfio Lombardo, Carla Panarello, M. Y. Sanadidi, Giovanni Schembra: Active Window Management: Performance Assessment through an Extensive Comparison with XCP. Networking 2008: 679-690
41EEFrancesco Licandro, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: Multipath routing and rate-controlled video encoding in wireless video surveillance networks. Multimedia Syst. 14(3): 155-165 (2008)
40EEMario Barbera, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra, Andrea Trecarichi: Improving fairness in a WRED-based DiffServ network: A fluid-flow approach. Perform. Eval. 65(10): 759-783 (2008)
39EEGiuseppe Incarbone, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: Applying P2P to Achieve Real-Time Multimedia Communications: Modeling and Performance Analysis. GLOBECOM 2007: 2091-2096
38EEMario Barbera, Andrea G. Busà, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: CLAPS: A Cross-Layer Analysis Platform for P2P Video Streaming. ICC 2007: 50-56
37EEMario Barbera, Alfio Lombardo, Carla Panarello, Giovanni Schembra: Active Window Management: An Efficient Gateway Mechanism for TCP Traffic Control. ICC 2007: 6141-6148
36EENail Akar, Mario Barbera, Lukasz Budzisz, Ramon Ferrús, Ezhan Kankaya, Giovanni Schembra: A Performance Evaluation Framework of A Rate-Controlled MPEG Video Transmission over UMTS Networks. ISCC 2007
35EEMario Barbera, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra, Mirco Tribastone: An Analytical Model of a BitTorrent Peer. PDP 2007: 482-489
34EEFrancesco Licandro, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: Applying multipath routing to a video surveillance system deployed over a wireless mesh network. WMuNeP 2006: 19-26
33EEMario Barbera, Salvatore Incardona, Giovanni Schembra: Energy evolution of wireless sensor networks: an analytical approach. ETFA 2005
32EEMario Barbera, Salvatore Incardona, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: A Markov-Based Model to Analyze the Temporal Evolution and Lifetime of a Sensor Network. ISCIS 2005: 84-93
31EEMario Barbera, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra, Andrea Trecarichi: An Analytical Framework to Design a DiffServ Network Supporting EF-, AF- and BE-PHBs. QoS-IP 2005: 271-285
30EEGiorgio Calarco, Carla Raffaelli, Giovanni Schembra, Giovanni Tusa: Comparative Analysis of SMP Click Scheduling Techniques. QoS-IP 2005: 379-389
29EELaura Galluccio, Francesco Licandro, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: An analytical framework for the design of intelligent algorithms for adaptive-rate MPEG video encoding in next-generation time-varying wireless networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(2): 369-384 (2005)
28EEGiovanni Schembra: A resource management strategy for multimedia adaptive-rate traffic in a wireless network with TDMA access. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(1): 65-78 (2005)
27EELaura Galluccio, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: Transmission of adaptive MPEG video over time-varying wireless channels: modeling and performance evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(6): 2777-2788 (2005)
26EEMario Barbera, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: A fluid-based model of time-limited TCP flows. Computer Networks 44(3): 275-288 (2004)
25EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: Modeling intramedia and intermedia relationships in multimedia network analysis through multiple timescale statistics. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(1): 142-157 (2004)
24EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: A novel analytical framework compounding statistical traffic modeling and aggregate-level service curve disciplines: network performance and efficiency implications. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 12(3): 443-455 (2004)
23EEMario Barbera, Antonio Laudani, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: A New Fluid-Based Methodology to Model AQM Techniques with Markov Arrivals. QoS-IP 2003: 358-371
22EEAlfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: Performance evaluation of an adaptive-rate MPEG encoder matching intserv traffic constraints. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 11(1): 47-65 (2003)
21 A. Cernuto, Francesco Cocimano, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: A queueing system model for the design of feedback laws in rate-controlled MPEG video encoders. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 12(4): 238-255 (2002)
20 Alfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: A Simple Analytical Framework for the Performance Evaluation of a Tree-Based Connection Rerouting Architecture in a UMTS Network. Wireless Networks 8(6): 557-568 (2002)
19EEA. Cernuto, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: An Analytical Framework to Evaluate the Effects of a TCP-Friendly Congestion Control over Adaptive-Rate MPEG Video Sources. IWDC 2001: 413-432
18EEFrancesco Cocimano, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: A Markov Model for the Design of Feedback Techniques to Match Traffic Specification Parameters in MPEG Video Sources. QoS-IP 2001: 157-172
17EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: Statistical traffic modeling and guaranteed service disciplines: a performance evaluation paradigm. Computer Networks 36(5/6): 579-595 (2001)
16EEAlfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: Tspec enforcement for MPEG video transmission over the next generation Internet: an analytical framework. Computer Networks 37(5): 645-667 (2001)
15 A. Lombaedo, Giovanni Schembra, Giacomo Morabito: Traffic specifications for the transmission of stored MPEG video on the Internet. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 3(1): 5-17 (2001)
14 Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra, Giacomo Morabito: Traffic Specification for MPEG Video Transmission over the Internet. ICC (2) 2000: 853-857
13EEAlfio Lombardo, Pietro Nicosia, Sergio Palazzo, Marina Samarotto, Giovanni Schembra: Performance Evaluation of an Allocation Strategy for TINA Compliant Mobile Agents Supporting PCS in a Multi-retailer Environment. IS&N 1999: 401-415
12EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: A discrete-time paradigm to evaluate skew performance in a multimedia ATM multiplexer. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 7(1): 122-139 (1999)
11 Alfio Lombardo, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: Characterization of Intermedia Synchronization and Its Effects on the Performance of an ATM Multiplexer Loaded by Multimedia Traffic. Perform. Eval. 35(1-2): 75-95 (1999)
10 Alfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: Analysis of Threshold-Based Call Admission Strategy in a Wireless ATM Network Loaded by Multiple-Class Multiple-Service Traffic. ESM 1998: 798-805
9EEAlfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: Flow Theory: An Enhancement. ICNP 1998: 129-136
8 Alfio Lombardo, Giacomo Morabito, Giovanni Schembra: An Accurate and Treatable Markov Model of MPEG-Video Traffic. INFOCOM 1998: 217-224
7 Aurelio La Corte, Alfio Lombardo, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: Control of Perceived Quality of Service in Multimedia Retrieval Services: Prediction-Based Mechanism vs. Compensation Buffers. Multimedia Syst. 6(2): 102-112 (1998)
6EEAurelio La Corte, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: An Analytical Paradigm to Calculate Multiplexer Performance in an ATM Multimedia Environment. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 29(16): 1881-1900 (1997)
5EEAlfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: An analytical paradigm to compare routing strategies in an ATM multimedia environment. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 5(6): 958-969 (1997)
4 Aurelio La Corte, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: Skew Performance Evaluation in an ATM Multimedia Multiplexer. INFOCOM 1996: 986-993
3EEAlfio Lombardo, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: Modeling Service Activation in a Multimedia Environment. Int. Journal of Network Management 6(6): 299-311 (1996)
2 Aurelio La Corte, Alfio Lombardo, Sergio Palazzo, Giovanni Schembra: An end-to-end mechanism for jitter control in multimedia services. HPN 1995: 3-14
1 Aurelio La Corte, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra: Modeling Superposition of ON-OFF Correlated Traffic Sources in Multimedia Applications. INFOCOM 1995: 993-1000

Coauthor Index

1Nail Akar [36]
2Mario Barbera [23] [26] [31] [32] [33] [35] [36] [37] [38] [40] [42]
3Lukasz Budzisz [36]
4Andrea G. Busà [38]
5Giorgio Calarco [30]
6A. Cernuto [19] [21]
7Francesco Cocimano [18] [21]
8Aurelio La Corte [1] [2] [4] [6] [7]
9Ramon Ferrús [36]
10Laura Galluccio [27] [29]
11Mario Gerla [42]
12Giuseppe Incarbone [39]
13Salvatore Incardona [32] [33]
14Ezhan Kankaya [36]
15Antonio Laudani [23]
16Francesco Licandro [29] [34] [41]
17A. Lombaedo [15]
18Alfio Lombardo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [31] [32] [34] [35] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42]
19Giacomo Morabito [8] [9] [10] [12] [14] [15] [17] [20] [24] [25] [27] [29]
20Pietro Nicosia [13]
21Sergio Palazzo [2] [3] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13] [20]
22Carla Panarello [37] [42]
23Carla Raffaelli [30]
24Marina Samarotto [13]
25M. Y. Sanadidi (Medy Sanadidi) [42]
26Andrea Trecarichi [31] [40]
27Mirco Tribastone [35]
28Giovanni Tusa [30]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)