
Mario Marchese

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47EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese, Tomaso de Cola: Congestion Aware Routing Strategies for DTN-Based Interplanetary Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 1332-1336
46EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese: Attributes Definitions and Measurement Methods for MADM Based Sink Selection Controls in Satellite Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 2822-2826
45EETomaso de Cola, Mario Marchese: Adaptive Erasure Coding Schemes for Interplanetary Networks with Incomplete Channel Side Information. GLOBECOM 2008: 2875-2879
44EETomaso de Cola, Mario Marchese, Annamaria Raviola: Power and Bandwidth Effective Data Communications in Disaster Relief Operations through a Satellite-Based Disruption Tolerant Network Paradigm. ICC 2008: 1876-1880
43EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese: Packet Loss and Delay Combined Optimization for Satellite Channel Bandwidth Allocation Controls. ICC 2008: 1905-1909
42EEMario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Protocol Structure Overview of QoS Mapping over Satellite Networks. ICC 2008: 1957-1961
41EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese: Performance evaluation of bandwidth allocation methods in a geostationary satellite channel in the presence of internet traffic. Computer Networks 52(1): 275-291 (2008)
40EEFranco Davoli, Mario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Adaptive Pricing without Explicit Knowledge of Users Traffic Demands and Utility Functions. GLOBECOM 2007: 2571-2575
39EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Criteria Over Satellite Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 5011-5015
38EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese, Giancarlo Portomauro: Multi Attribute Based Algorithm for Reliable Satellite-Based Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 5016-5020
37EETomaso de Cola, Harald Ernst, Mario Marchese: Achieving High Goodput Performance in Mars Missions through Application Layer Coding and Transmission Power Trading. ICC 2007: 44-49
36EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese: Performance Study of Bandwidth Allocation Techniques for QoS-Constrained Satellite Networks. ICC 2007: 7-12
35EEMario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Optimal Bandwidth Provision at WiMAX MAC Service Access Point on Uplink Direction. ICC 2007: 80-85
34EECarlo Caini, Rosario Firrincieli, Daniele Lacamera, Tomaso de Cola, Mario Marchese, Cesar Marcondes, M. Y. Sanadidi, Mario Gerla: TCP Live Experiments on a Real GEO Satellite Testbed. ISCC 2007: 523-529
33EEMario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Adaptive rate allocation and resource planning for service level agreement maintenance in satellite communications. Computer Communications 30(16): 3179-3192 (2007)
32EETomaso de Cola, Harald Ernst, Mario Marchese: Performance analysis of CCSDS File Delivery Protocol and erasure coding techniques in deep space environments. Computer Networks 51(14): 4032-4049 (2007)
31EEMario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Neural bandwidth allocation function (NBAF) control scheme at WiMAX MAC layer interface. Int. J. Communication Systems 20(9): 1059-1079 (2007)
30EEMario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Loss and Delay QoS Mapping Control for Satellite Systems. GLOBECOM 2006
29EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese, Giancarlo Portomauro: Performance Evaluation of Sink Selection Techniques in Satellite Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
28EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese: QoS-Constrained MOP-based Bandwidth Allocation over Space Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
27EETomaso de Cola, Harald Ernst, Mario Marchese: Study and Performance Analysis of ARQ-based and Transport Layer Coding Schemes over Deep Space Networks. GLOBECOM 2006
26EEMario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli, Alessandro Garibbo, Annamaria Raviola: MPLS versus IP for Interworking of Wide Area Subsystems with QoS Guarantees. ICWMC 2006: 26
25EEIgor Bisio, Mario Marchese: Study and Performance Evaluation of Bandwidth Controls over High Altitude Platforms. ISCC 2006: 641-646
24EEMario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: On-line bandwidth control for quality of service mapping over satellite independent service access points. Computer Networks 50(12): 2088-2111 (2006)
23EEMohammad S. Obaidat, Mario Marchese: Recent advances in wireless networks and systems. Computers & Electrical Engineering 32(1-3): 1-6 (2006)
22EETomaso de Cola, Mario Marchese: Study and performance analysis of transport layer mechanisms applied in military radio environment. Computers & Electrical Engineering 32(1-3): 241-265 (2006)
21EEFranco Davoli, Mario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Resource allocation in satellite networks: certainty equivalent approaches versus sensitivity estimation algorithms. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(1): 115 (2006)
20EEFranco Davoli, Mario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Resource allocation in satellite networks: certainty equivalent approaches versus sensitivity estimation algorithms. Int. J. Communication Systems 18(1): 3-36 (2005)
19EEMario Marchese, Michele Rossi, Giacomo Morabito: PETRA: performance enhancing transport architecture for Satellite communications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(2): 320-332 (2004)
18EEMarco Baglietto, Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: Best-Effort and Guaranteed Performance Services in Telecommunications Networks: Pricing and Call Admission Control Techniques. QoS-IP 2003: 261-275
17EEMarco Baglietto, Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese, Maurizio Mongelli: A proposal of new price-based Call Admission Control rules for Guaranteed Performance services multiplexed with Best Effort traffic. Computer Communications 26(13): 1470-1483 (2003)
16EERaffaele Bolla, Nedo Celandroni, Franco Davoli, Erina Ferro, Mario Marchese: Bandwidth allocation in a multiservice satellite network based on long-term weather forecast scenarios. Computer Communications 25(11-12): 1037-1046 (2002)
15EEDavide Adami, Mario Marchese, Luca Simone Ronga: An applied research study for the provision of a QoS-oriented environment for voice and video services over satellite networks. Computer Communications 25(11-12): 1113-1124 (2002)
14EERaffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese, Marco Perrando: Call Admission Control and Routing of QoS-Aware and Best-Effort Flows in an IP-over-ATM Networking Environment. QoS-IP 2001: 33-50
13 Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese, Marco Perrando: QoS-aware routing in ATM and IP-over-ATM. Computer Communications 24(9): 811-821 (2001)
12 Mario Marchese: Performance analysis of the TCP behavior in a geo satellite environment. Computer Communications 24(9): 877-888 (2001)
11 Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese: Evaluation and comparison of cell loss and delay models for ATM multiplexers. Telecommunication Systems 16(1-2): 41-54 (2001)
10 Mario Marchese: Study and Performance Evaluation of TCP Modifications and Tuning over Satellite Links. ICC (1) 2000: 129-134
9 Raffaele Bolla, Alessandro Iscra, Mario Marchese, Sandro Zappatore: A Perceived Quality of Service Optimization for Video Communication in 'Best-Effort' Networks. ECMAST 1998: 366-379
8 Raffaele Bolla, Mario Marchese, Sandro Zappatore: A Congestion Control Scheme for Multimedia Traffic in Packet Switching `Best Effort' Networks. ECMAST 1997: 523-536
7 Raffaele Bolla, A. Dalal'ah, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese: Dynamic route selection at call set-up level in ATM networks. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1996: 121-140
6 Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese: A simple model for cell loss probability evaluation in an ATM multiplexer. Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks 1996: 383-401
5EERaffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese: Simple schemes for traffic integration at call set-up level in ATM networks. Computer Communications 19(8): 645-652 (1996)
4EERaffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese: Simple schemes for traffic integration at call set-up level in ATM networks. ICCCN 1995: 598
3 Raffaele Bolla, Mario Marchese, Carlo Nobile, Sandro Zappatore: Prediction of Short-Term Evolution of Cloud Formations Based on Meteosat Image Sequences. ICIAP 1995: 677-682
2EERaffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese: Quality of service management and control of multimedia applications: a scenario and two simple strategies. LCN 1995: 336-
1 Raffaele Bolla, F. Danovaro, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese: An Integrated Dynamic Resource Allocation Scheme for ATM Networks. INFOCOM 1993: 1288-1297

Coauthor Index

1Davide Adami [15]
2Marco Baglietto [17] [18]
3Igor Bisio [25] [28] [29] [36] [38] [39] [41] [43] [46] [47]
4Raffaele Bolla [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18]
5Carlo Caini [34]
6Nedo Celandroni [16]
7Tomaso de Cola [22] [27] [32] [34] [37] [44] [45] [47]
8A. Dalal'ah [7]
9F. Danovaro [1]
10Franco Davoli [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [11] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [40]
11Harald Ernst [27] [32] [37]
12Erina Ferro [16]
13Rosario Firrincieli [34]
14Alessandro Garibbo [26]
15Mario Gerla [34]
16Alessandro Iscra [9]
17Daniele Lacamera [34]
18Cesar Marcondes [34]
19Maurizio Mongelli [17] [18] [20] [21] [24] [26] [30] [31] [33] [35] [40] [42]
20Giacomo Morabito [19]
21Carlo Nobile [3]
22Mohammad S. Obaidat [23]
23Marco Perrando [13] [14]
24Giancarlo Portomauro [29] [38]
25Annamaria Raviola [26] [44]
26Luca Simone Ronga [15]
27Michele Rossi [19]
28M. Y. Sanadidi (Medy Sanadidi) [34]
29Sandro Zappatore [3] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)