
Sang-Jae Moon

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66EEJungHoon Ha, Sang-Jae Moon, Jianying Zhou, JaeCheol Ha: A New Formal Proof Model for RFID Location Privacy. ESORICS 2008: 267-281
65EEZhihong Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Qiping Huang, Sang-Jae Moon: A pairwise key establishment scheme for heterogeneous sensor networks. HeterSanet 2008: 53-60
64EEWei Wang, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: CRMS: A Collusion-Resistant Matrix System for Group Key Management in Wireless Networks. ICC 2008: 1551-1555
63EEZhihong Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Qiping Huang, Sang-Jae Moon: Keying material based key pre-distribution scheme. ISI 2008: 218-221
62EEHyeongRag Kim, Hoon Jae Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: A Security Enhancement of the E0 Cipher in Bluetooth System. KES-AMSTA 2008: 858-867
61 Zhihong Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Qiping Huang, Sang-Jae Moon: Keying Material Based Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 6(1-2): 67-89 (2008)
60EETao Feng, FengHua Li, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: A new approach for UC security concurrent deniable authentication. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(4): 352-367 (2008)
59EEJaeCheol Ha, Hwankoo Kim, JeaHoon Park, Sang-Jae Moon, Juan Manuel González Nieto, Colin Boyd: HGLAP - Hierarchical Group-Index Based Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Distributed RFID System. EUC Workshops 2007: 557-567
58EEJaeCheol Ha, Sang-Jae Moon, Juan Manuel González Nieto, Colin Boyd: Low-Cost and Strong-Security RFID Authentication Protocol. EUC Workshops 2007: 795-807
57EEMeng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Cryptanalysis of Tso et al.'s ID-Based Tripartite Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. ICISS 2007: 64-76
56EEXinghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: Security Analysis of the Authentication Modules of Chinese WLAN Standard and Its Implementation Plan. NPC 2007: 306-314
55EEJaeCheol Ha, Sang-Jae Moon, Juan Manuel González Nieto, Colin Boyd: Security Analysis and Enhancement of One-Way Hash Based Low-Cost Authentication Protocol (OHLCAP). PAKDD Workshops 2007: 574-583
54EEJaeCheol Ha, JeaHoon Park, Sang-Jae Moon, Sung-Ming Yen: Provably Secure Countermeasure Resistant to Several Types of Power Attack for ECC. WISA 2007: 333-344
53EESung-Ming Yen, Wei-Chih Lien, Sang-Jae Moon: Inefficiency of common-multiplicand multiplication and exponentiation algorithms by performing binary complements. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(1): 285-290 (2007)
52EEJungHoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, Sang-Jae Moon: A secure double auction protocol against false bids. Decision Support Systems 44(1): 147-158 (2007)
51EEYoung-Ho Park, Hwangjun Song, KyungKeun Lee, CheolSoo Kim, Sanggon Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Secure Route Discovery Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-A(2): 539-541 (2007)
50EEFan Zhang, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: Universally composable anonymous Hash certification model. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 50(3): 440-455 (2007)
49EEXinghua Li, Sang-Jae Moon, Jianfeng Ma: On the Security of the Authentication Module of Chinese WLAN Standard Implementation Plan. ACNS 2006: 340-348
48EEJeaHoon Park, Hoon Jae Lee, JaeCheol Ha, YongJe Choi, Howon Kim, Sang-Jae Moon: A Differential Power Analysis Attack of Block Cipher Based on the Hamming Weight of Internal Operation Unit. CIS 2006: 417-426
47EEWei Wang, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: Ternary Tree Based Group Key Management in Dynamic Peer Networks. CIS 2006: 513-522
46EESung-Ming Yen, Dongryeol Kim, Sang-Jae Moon: Cryptanalysis of Two Protocols for RSA with CRT Based on Fault Infection. FDTC 2006: 53-61
45EEJaeCheol Ha, JungHoon Ha, Sang-Jae Moon, Colin Boyd: LRMAP: Lightweight and Resynchronous Mutual Authentication Protocol for RFID System. ICUCT 2006: 80-89
44EEJongMin Jeong, Goo Yeon Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Extended Authentication Integrating Scheme for Beyond 3G Wireless Networks. ISCIS 2006: 413-423
43EEHyungSo Yoo, Christoph Herbst, Stefan Mangard, Elisabeth Oswald, Sang-Jae Moon: Investigations of Power Analysis Attacks and Countermeasures for ARIA. WISA 2006: 160-172
42EEDong Jin Kwak, Sang-Jae Moon, Guilin Wang, Robert H. Deng: A secure extension of the Kwak-Moon group signcryption scheme. Computers & Security 25(6): 435-444 (2006)
41EEJoongHyo Oh, Sang-Jae Moon, Jianfeng Ma: An Attack on the Identity-Based Key Agreement Protocols in Multiple PKG Environment. IEICE Transactions 89-A(3): 826-829 (2006)
40EEKyungKeun Lee, Young-Ho Park, Sang-Jae Moon: Cryptanalysis on the Robust and Simple Authentication Protocol for Secure Communication on the Web. IEICE Transactions 89-A(6): 1859-1862 (2006)
39EEJungHoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, Sang-Jae Moon: Improved Double Auction Protocol based on a Hybrid Trust Model. JCP 1(2): 33-41 (2006)
38EEXinghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: On the Security of the Canetti-Krawczyk Model. CIS (2) 2005: 356-363
37EEFan Zhang, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: The Security Proof of a 4-Way Handshake Protocol in IEEE 802.11i. CIS (2) 2005: 488-493
36EEJaeCheol Ha, ChangKyun Kim, Sang-Jae Moon, IlHwan Park, HyungSo Yoo: Differential Power Analysis on Block Cipher ARIA. HPCC 2005: 541-548
35EEChangKyun Kim, JaeCheol Ha, Sang-Jae Moon, Sung-Ming Yen, Sung-Hyun Kim: A CRT-Based RSA Countermeasure Against Physical Cryptanalysis. HPCC 2005: 549-554
34EESung-Ming Yen, Lee-Chun Ko, Sang-Jae Moon, JaeCheol Ha: Relative Doubling Attack Against Montgomery Ladder. ICISC 2005: 117-128
33EEJoongHyo Oh, KyungKeun Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: How to Solve Key Escrow and Identity Revocation in Identity-Based Encryption Schemes. ICISS 2005: 290-303
32EEJungHoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, Sang-Jae Moon: A Robust Double Auction Protocol Based on a Hybrid Trust Model. ICISS 2005: 77-90
31EEKyungKeun Lee, JoongHyo Oh, Sang-Jae Moon: How to Generate Universally Verifiable Signatures in Ad-Hoc Networks. MADNES 2005: 118-131
30EEWei Wang, Jianfeng Ma, Sang-Jae Moon: Efficient Group Key Management for Dynamic Peer Networks. MSN 2005: 753-762
29EESung-Ming Yen, Wei-Chih Lien, Sang-Jae Moon, JaeCheol Ha: Power Analysis by Exploiting Chosen Message and Internal Collisions - Vulnerability of Checking Mechanism for RSA-Decryption. Mycrypt 2005: 183-195
28EESanggon Lee, Yvonne Hitchcock, Young-Ho Park, Sang-Jae Moon: Provably Secure Tripartite Password Protected Key Exchange Protocol Based on Elliptic Curves. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2005: 205-220
27EEJungHoon Ha, Jianying Zhou, Sang-Jae Moon: An Improved Double Auction Protocol Against False Bids. TrustBus 2005: 274-287
26EEChangKyun Kim, JaeCheol Ha, Sung-Hyun Kim, Seokyu Kim, Sung-Ming Yen, Sang-Jae Moon: A Secure and Practical CRT-Based RSA to Resist Side Channel Attacks. ICCSA (1) 2004: 150-158
25EEHoon Jae Lee, ManKi Ahn, Seongan Lim, Sang-Jae Moon: A Study on Smart Card Security Evaluation Criteria for Side Channel Attacks. ICCSA (1) 2004: 517-526
24EESung-Ming Yen, Chien-Ning Chen, Sang-Jae Moon, JaeCheol Ha: Improvement on Ha-Moon Randomized Exponentiation Algorithm. ICISC 2004: 154-167
23EEKevin Chen, Matthew Henricksen, William Millan, Joanne Fuller, Leonie Ruth Simpson, Ed Dawson, Hoon Jae Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Dragon: A Fast Word Based Stream Cipher. ICISC 2004: 33-50
22EEGuilin Wang, Robert H. Deng, Dong Jin Kwak, Sang-Jae Moon: Security Analysis of Two Signcryption Schemes. ISC 2004: 123-133
21EEHyungSo Yoo, ChangKyun Kim, JaeCheol Ha, Sang-Jae Moon, IlHwan Park: Side Channel Cryptanalysis on SEED. WISA 2004: 411-424
20EEDong Jin Kwak, Sang-Jae Moon: A Distributed Sign-and-Encryption for Anonymity. IEICE Transactions 87-A(1): 228-230 (2004)
19EESung-Ming Yen, Sang-Jae Moon, JaeCheol Ha: Permanent Fault Attack on the Parameters of RSA with CRT. ACISP 2003: 285-296
18EEHwankoo Kim, Sang-Jae Moon: Public-Key Cryptosystems Based on Class Semigroups of Imaginary Quadratic Non-maximal Orders. ACISP 2003: 488-497
17EEDong Jin Kwak, Sang-Jae Moon: Efficient Distributed Signcryption Scheme as Group Signcryption. ACNS 2003: 403-417
16EEMyungSik Choi, Dong Jin Kwak, Sang-Jae Moon: A Proposal for DoS-Defensive Internet Key Exchange. ICCSA (2) 2003: 328-337
15EEMahnKi Ahn, JaeCheol Ha, Hoon Jae Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: A Random M-ary Method Based Countermeasure against Side Channel Attacks. ICCSA (2) 2003: 338-347
14EESung-Ming Yen, Seungjoo Kim, Seongan Lim, Sang-Jae Moon: RSA Speedup with Chinese Remainder Theorem Immune against Hardware Fault Cryptanalysis. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(4): 461-472 (2003)
13EEAndrew Clark, Ed Dawson, Joanne Fuller, Jovan Dj. Golic, Hoon Jae Lee, William Millan, Sang-Jae Moon, Leone Simpson: The LILI-II Keystream Generator. ACISP 2002: 25-39
12EEDong Jin Kwak, JaeCheol Ha, Hoon Jae Lee, Hwankoo Kim, Sang-Jae Moon: A WTLS Handshake Protocol with User Anonymity and Forward Secrecy. CDMA International Conference 2002: 219-230
11EEJaeCheol Ha, Sang-Jae Moon: Randomized Signed-Scalar Multiplication of ECC to Resist Power Attacks. CHES 2002: 551-563
10EESung-Ming Yen, Sang-Jae Moon, JaeCheol Ha: Hardware Fault Attackon RSA with CRT Revisited. ICISC 2002: 374-388
9EEHoon Jae Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Parallel stream cipher for secure high-speed communications. Signal Processing 82(2): 259-265 (2002)
8EEHwankoo Kim, Sang-Jae Moon: New Public-Key Cryptosystem Using Divisor Class Groups. ACISP 2001: 74-83
7EESung-Ming Yen, Seungjoo Kim, Seongan Lim, Sang-Jae Moon: RSA Speedup with Residue Number System Immune against Hardware Fault Cryptanalysis. ICISC 2001: 397-413
6EESung-Ming Yen, Seungjoo Kim, Seongan Lim, Sang-Jae Moon: A Countermeasure against One Physical Cryptanalysis May Benefit Another Attack. ICISC 2001: 414-427
5 Kook-Heui Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: AKA Protocols for Mobile Communications. ACISP 2000: 400-411
4 DongGook Park, Colin Boyd, Sang-Jae Moon: Forward Secrecy and Its Application to Future Mobile Communications Security. Public Key Cryptography 2000: 433-445
3EEHoon Jae Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: On an improved summation generator with 2-bit memory. Signal Processing 80(1): 211-217 (2000)
2 Kook-Heui Lee, Sang-Jae Moon, Won-Young Jeong, Tae-Geun Kim: A 2-Pass Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Mobile Communications. ICISC 1999: 156-168
1EEJaeCheol Ha, Sang-Jae Moon: A Common-Multiplicand Method to the Montgomery Algorithm for Speeding up Exponentiation. Inf. Process. Lett. 66(2): 105-107 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1MahnKi Ahn [15]
2ManKi Ahn [25]
3Colin Boyd [4] [45] [55] [58] [59]
4Chien-Ning Chen [24]
5Kevin Chen [23]
6MyungSik Choi [16]
7YongJe Choi [48]
8Andrew Clark [13]
9Ed Dawson [13] [23]
10Robert H. Deng (Robert Huijie Deng) [22] [42]
11Tao Feng [60]
12Joanne Fuller [13] [23]
13Jovan Dj. Golic [13]
14JaeCheol Ha (Jae-Cheol Ha) [1] [10] [11] [12] [15] [19] [21] [24] [26] [29] [34] [35] [36] [45] [48] [54] [55] [58] [59] [66]
15JungHoon Ha [27] [32] [39] [45] [52] [66]
16Matthew Henricksen [23]
17Christoph Herbst [43]
18Yvonne Hitchcock [28]
19Qiping Huang [61] [63] [65]
20JongMin Jeong [44]
21Won-Young Jeong [2]
22ChangKyun Kim [21] [26] [35] [36]
23CheolSoo Kim [51]
24Dongryeol Kim [46]
25Howon Kim (Ho Won Kim) [48]
26Hwankoo Kim [8] [12] [18] [59]
27HyeongRag Kim [62]
28Seokyu Kim [26]
29Seungjoo Kim [6] [7] [14]
30Sung-Hyun Kim [26] [35]
31Tae-Geun Kim [2]
32Lee-Chun Ko [34]
33Dong Jin Kwak [12] [16] [17] [20] [22] [42]
34Goo Yeon Lee [44]
35Hoon Jae Lee [3] [9] [12] [13] [15] [23] [25] [48] [62]
36Kook-Heui Lee [2] [5]
37KyungKeun Lee [31] [33] [40] [51]
38Sanggon Lee [28] [51] [57]
39FengHua Li [60]
40Xinghua Li [38] [49] [56]
41Wei-Chih Lien [29] [53]
42Meng-Hui Lim [57]
43Seongan Lim [6] [7] [14] [25]
44Zhihong Liu [61] [63] [65]
45Jianfeng Ma [30] [37] [38] [41] [47] [49] [50] [56] [60] [61] [63] [64] [65]
46Stefan Mangard [43]
47William Millan [13] [23]
48Juan Manuel González Nieto (Juanma González Nieto) [55] [58] [59]
49JoongHyo Oh [31] [33] [41]
50Elisabeth Oswald [43]
51DongGook Park [4]
52IlHwan Park [21] [36]
53JeaHoon Park [48] [54] [59]
54Young-Ho Park [28] [40] [51]
55Leone Simpson [13]
56Leonie Ruth Simpson [23]
57Hwangjun Song [51]
58Guilin Wang [22] [42]
59Wei Wang [30] [47] [64]
60Sung-Ming Yen [6] [7] [10] [14] [19] [24] [26] [29] [34] [35] [46] [53] [54]
61HyungSo Yoo [21] [36] [43]
62Fan Zhang [37] [50]
63Jianying Zhou [27] [32] [39] [52] [66]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)