
Hwangjun Song

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26EEHyunchul Joo, Hwangjun Song: Synchronized Realtime Media Overlay Multicast Service Over the Internet. ICME 2007: 1079-1082
25EEZae-Kwun Lee, Hwangjun Song: Dynamic Power Efficient QoS Routing Algorithm for Multimedia Services over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICOIN 2007: 751-760
24EEWookbong Lee, Jungho Cho, Chang-Kyung Sung, Hwangjun Song, Inkyu Lee: Mapping Optimization for Space-Time Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation With Iterative Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(4): 650-655 (2007)
23EEHyung Rai Oh, Hwangjun Song: Metafile-Based Scalable Caching and Dynamic Replacing Algorithms for Multiple Videos Over Quality-of-Service Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(7): 1535-1542 (2007)
22EEYoung-Ho Park, Hwangjun Song, KyungKeun Lee, CheolSoo Kim, Sanggon Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Secure Route Discovery Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-A(2): 539-541 (2007)
21EEHyunchul Joo, Hwangjun Song: Overlay Tree Construction Algorithm for Synchronized Realtime Media Multicast Service over the Best-Effort Service Internet. IEICE Transactions 90-B(12): 3552-3560 (2007)
20EEHyung Rai Oh, Hwangjun Song: A Novel Dynamic and Scalable Caching Algorithm of Proxy Server for Multimedia Objects. VLSI Signal Processing 46(2-3): 103-112 (2007)
19EEHwangjun Song, Dong Sup Lee, Hyung Rai Oh: Application layer multicast tree for real-time media delivery. Computer Communications 29(9): 1480-1491 (2006)
18EEDai Boong Lee, Hwangjun Song, Inkyu Lee: Class Mapping for End-to-End Guaranteed Service with Minimum Price over DiffServ Networks. IEICE Transactions 89-B(2): 460-471 (2006)
17EEHyung Rai Oh, Hwangjun Song: Scalable proxy caching algorithm minimizing client's buffer size and channel bandwidth. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 17(1): 57-71 (2006)
16EEHwangjun Song, Hojong Kang: An Effective Overlay H.263+ Video Multicast System over the Internet. Multimedia Information Systems 2005: 177-189
15EEDai Boong Lee, Hwangjun Song: Class Renegotiating Mechanism for Guaranteed End-to-End QoS over DiffServ Networks. PCM (2) 2005: 105-116
14EEHyung Rai Oh, Hwangjun Song: Dynamic and Scalable Caching Algorithm of Proxy Server for Multiple Videos. PCM (2) 2005: 24-35
13EEHwangjun Song, Sun Chung, Young-Ho Park: An Online Face Recognition System Using Multiple Compressed Images over the Internet. WISE 2005: 569-576
12 Hwangjun Song, Sun Jae Chung, Kyoungwon Min, Hyeok Koo Jung: Online face recognition system through the Internet. ICME 2004: 1207-1210
11 Hyung Rai Oh, Hwangjun Song: Effective caching algorithm by minimizing normalized buffer size over constant bit rate channel. ICME 2004: 1907-1910
10 Dai Boong Lee, Hwangjun Song: Dynamic class selecting mechanism for guaranteed service with minimum cost over relative differentiated-services networks. ICME 2004: 237-240
9EEHwangjun Song, Dong Sup Lee: Overlay Multicast Tree Minimizing Average Time Delay. NETWORKING 2004: 211-222
8EEHwangjun Song, C. C. Jay Kuo: A region-based H.263+ codec and its rate control for low VBR video. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(3): 489-500 (2004)
7 Hwangjun Song: A metadata-based RCBR transmission of video-on-demand. ICIP (3) 2002: 181-184
6 Hwangjun Song: Adaptive H.263+ rate control algorithm for interactive video communication with bandwidth renegotiation. VCIP 2002: 710-721
5 Hwangjun Song: Effective video-on-demand transmission scheme under RCBR network. VCIP 2002: 92-102
4 Hwangjun Song, C. C. Jay Kuo: Rate control for low-bit-rate video via variable-encoding frame rates. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 11(4): 512-521 (2001)
3 JongWon Kim, Young-Gook Kim, Hwangjun Song, Tien-Ying Kuo, Yon Jun Chung, C. C. Jay Kuo: TCP-friendly Internet video streaming employing variable frame-rate encoding and interpolation. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 10(7): 1164-1177 (2000)
2EEHwangjun Song, Jongwon Kim, C. C. Jay Kuo: Real-time H.263+ frame rate control for low bit rate VBR video. ISCAS (4) 1999: 307-310
1 Hwangjun Song, Jongwon Kim, C. C. Jay Kuo: Improved H.263+ Rate Control via Variable Frame Rate Adjustment and Hybrid I-Frame Coding. ICIP (2) 1998: 375-378

Coauthor Index

1Jungho Cho [24]
2Sun Chung [13]
3Sun Jae Chung [12]
4Yon Jun Chung [3]
5Hyunchul Joo [21] [26]
6Hyeok Koo Jung [12]
7Hojong Kang [16]
8CheolSoo Kim [22]
9JongWon Kim (Jongwon Kim) [1] [2] [3]
10Young-Gook Kim [3]
11C. C. Jay Kuo [1] [2] [3] [4] [8]
12Tien-Ying Kuo [3]
13Dai Boong Lee [10] [15] [18]
14Dong Sup Lee [9] [19]
15Inkyu Lee [18] [24]
16KyungKeun Lee [22]
17Sanggon Lee [22]
18Wookbong Lee [24]
19Zae-Kwun Lee [25]
20Kyoungwon Min [12]
21Sang-Jae Moon [22]
22Hyung Rai Oh [11] [14] [17] [19] [20] [23]
23Young-Ho Park [13] [22]
24Chang-Kyung Sung [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)