
Sanggon Lee

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8EEMeng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Hoonjae Lee: Cryptanalytic Flaws in Oh et al.'s ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. ICCSA (2) 2008: 458-467
7EEMeng-Hui Lim, Chee-Min Yeoh, Sanggon Lee, Hyotaek Lim, Hoonjae Lee: A Secure and Efficient Three-Pass Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Based on Elliptic Curves. Networking 2008: 170-182
6EEJinheung Lee, Sanggon Lee, Sanguk Shin: A Secure DRM Framework for User's Domain and Key Management. ATC 2007: 420-429
5EEMeng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Youngho Park, Hoonjae Lee: An Enhanced ID-Based Deniable Authentication Protocol on Pairings. ICCSA (2) 2007: 1008-1017
4EEMeng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Youngho Park, Hoonjae Lee: An Enhanced One-Round Pairing-Based Tripartite Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. ICCSA (2) 2007: 503-513
3EEMeng-Hui Lim, Sanggon Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Cryptanalysis of Tso et al.'s ID-Based Tripartite Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. ICISS 2007: 64-76
2EEYoung-Ho Park, Hwangjun Song, KyungKeun Lee, CheolSoo Kim, Sanggon Lee, Sang-Jae Moon: Secure Route Discovery Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-A(2): 539-541 (2007)
1EESanggon Lee, Yvonne Hitchcock, Young-Ho Park, Sang-Jae Moon: Provably Secure Tripartite Password Protected Key Exchange Protocol Based on Elliptic Curves. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2005: 205-220

Coauthor Index

1Yvonne Hitchcock [1]
2CheolSoo Kim [2]
3Hoonjae Lee [4] [5] [7] [8]
4Jinheung Lee [6]
5KyungKeun Lee [2]
6Hyotaek Lim [7]
7Meng-Hui Lim [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
8Sang-Jae Moon [1] [2] [3]
9Young-Ho Park [1] [2]
10Youngho Park [4] [5]
11Sanguk Shin [6]
12Hwangjun Song [2]
13Chee-Min Yeoh [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)