
Thomas M. Morse

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4EECengiz Günay, Tomasz G. Smolinski, William W. Lytton, Thomas M. Morse, Padraig Gleeson, Sharon Crook, Volker Steuber, Angus Silver, Horatiu Voicu, Peter Andrews, Hemant Bokil, Hiren Maniar, Catherine Loader, Samar Mehta, David Kleinfeld, David J. Thomson, Partha P. Mitra, Gloster Aaron, Jean-Marc Fellous: Computational Intelligence in Electrophysiology: Trends and Open Problems. Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biology 2008: 325-359
3EEChiquito J. Crasto, Luis N. Marenco, Nian Liu, Thomas M. Morse, Kei-Hoi Cheung, Peter C. Lai, Gautam Bahl, Peter Masiar, Hugo Y. K. Lam, Ernest Lim, Huajin Chen, Prakash M. Nadkarni, Michele Migliore, Perry L. Miller, Gordon M. Shepherd: SenseLab: new developments in disseminating neuroscience information. Briefings in Bioinformatics 8(3): 150-162 (2007)
2EEThomas M. Morse: Model sharing in computational neuroscience. Scholarpedia 2(4): 3036 (2007)
1EEMichael L. Hines, Thomas M. Morse, Michele Migliore, Nicholas T. Carnevale, Gordon M. Shepherd: ModelDB: A Database to Support Computational Neuroscience. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 17(1): 7-11 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Gloster Aaron [4]
2Peter Andrews [4]
3Gautam Bahl [3]
4Hemant Bokil [4]
5Nicholas T. Carnevale [1]
6Huajin Chen [3]
7Kei-Hoi Cheung [3]
8Chiquito J. Crasto [3]
9Sharon Crook [4]
10Jean-Marc Fellous [4]
11Padraig Gleeson [4]
12Cengiz Günay [4]
13Michael L. Hines [1]
14David Kleinfeld [4]
15Peter C. Lai [3]
16Hugo Y. K. Lam [3]
17Ernest Lim [3]
18Nian Liu [3]
19Catherine Loader [4]
20William W. Lytton [4]
21Hiren Maniar [4]
22Luis N. Marenco [3]
23Peter Masiar [3]
24Samar Mehta [4]
25Michele Migliore [1] [3]
26Perry L. Miller [3]
27Partha P. Mitra [4]
28Prakash M. Nadkarni [3]
29Gordon M. Shepherd [1] [3]
30Angus Silver [4]
31Tomasz G. Smolinski [4]
32Volker Steuber [4]
33David J. Thomson [4]
34Horatiu Voicu [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)