
Xavier Pérez Costa

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9EEXavier Pérez Costa, Daniel Camps-Mur, Albert Vidal: On distributed power saving mechanisms of wireless LANs 802.11e U-APSD vs 802.11 power save mode. Computer Networks 51(9): 2326-2344 (2007)
8EEXavier Pérez Costa, Kjell Heinze, Albert Banchs, Sebastià Sallent: Analysis of performance issues in an IP-based UMTS radio access network. MSWiM 2005: 318-322
7 Ralf Schmitz, Hannes Hartenstein, Telemaco Melia, Xavier Pérez Costa, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Der Einfluss von Schwankungen der Übertragungsreichweite auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Ad-Hoc Netzwerken. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2004: 77-86
6EEChristian Bettstetter, Hannes Hartenstein, Xavier Pérez Costa: Stochastic Properties of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model. Wireless Networks 10(5): 555-567 (2004)
5EEMarc Torrent-Moreno, Xavier Pérez Costa, Sebastiè Sallent-Ribes: A Performance Study of Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6. LCN 2003: 89-98
4EEXavier Pérez Costa, Marc Torrent-Moreno, Hannes Hartenstein: A performance comparison of Mobile IPv6, Hierarchical Mobile IPv6, fast handovers for Mobile IPv6 and their combination. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 7(4): 5-19 (2003)
3EEXavier Pérez Costa, Christian Bettstetter, Hannes Hartenstein: Toward a mobility metric for comparable & reproducible results in ad hoc networks research. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 7(4): 58-60 (2003)
2EEChristian Bettstetter, Hannes Hartenstein, Xavier Pérez Costa: Stochastic properties of the random waypoint mobility model: epoch length, direction distribution, and cell change rate. MSWiM 2002: 7-14
1EEXavier Pérez Costa, Hannes Hartenstein: A simulation study on the performance of Mobile IPv6 in a WLAN-based cellular network. Computer Networks 40(1): 191-204 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Albert Banchs [8]
2Christian Bettstetter [2] [3] [6]
3Daniel Camps-Mur [9]
4Wolfgang Effelsberg [7]
5Hannes Hartenstein [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
6Kjell Heinze [8]
7Telemaco Melia [7]
8Sebastià Sallent [8]
9Sebastiè Sallent-Ribes [5]
10Ralf Schmitz [7]
11Marc Torrent-Moreno [4] [5]
12Albert Vidal [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)