
Séamas McGettrick

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4EESéamas McGettrick, Dermot Geraghty, Ciarán McElroy: An FPGA architecture for the Pagerank eigenvector problem. FPL 2008: 523-526
3EESéamas McGettrick, Dermot Geraghty, Ciarán McElroy: Searching the Web with an FPGA Based Search Engine. ARC 2007: 350-357
2EEDavid Gregg, Colm McSweeney, Ciarán McElroy, Fergal Connor, Séamas McGettrick, David Moloney, Dermot Geraghty: FPGA based Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication using Commodity DRAM Memory. FPL 2007: 786-791
1 Séamas McGettrick, Dermot Geraghty, Ciarán McElroy: Towards an FPGA Solver for the PageRank Eigenvector Problem. PARCO 2007: 793-800

Coauthor Index

1Fergal Connor [2]
2Dermot Geraghty [1] [2] [3] [4]
3David Gregg [2]
4Ciarán McElroy [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Colm McSweeney [2]
6David Moloney [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)