
Tadayuki Matsumura

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3EETadayuki Matsumura, Tohru Ishihara, Hiroto Yasuura: Simultaneous optimization of memory configuration and code allocation for low power embedded systems. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 403-406
2EEMaziar Goudarzi, Tadayuki Matsumura, Tohru Ishihara: Cache Power Reduction in Presence of Within-Die Delay Variation Using Spare Ways. ISVLSI 2008: 447-450
1EETohru Ishihara, Seiichiro Yamaguchi, Yuriko Ishitobi, Tadayuki Matsumura, Yuji Kunitake, Yuichiro Oyama, Yusuke Kaneda, Masanori Muroyama, Toshinori Sato: AMPLE: An Adaptive Multi-Performance Processor for Low-Energy Embedded Applications. SASP 2008: 83-88

Coauthor Index

1Maziar Goudarzi [2]
2Tohru Ishihara [1] [2] [3]
3Yuriko Ishitobi [1]
4Yusuke Kaneda [1]
5Yuji Kunitake [1]
6Masanori Muroyama [1]
7Yuichiro Oyama [1]
8Toshinori Sato [1]
9Seiichiro Yamaguchi [1]
10Hiroto Yasuura [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)