
Philippe Manet

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7EEHans Vandierendonck, Philippe Manet, Thibault Delavallee, Igor Loiselle, Jean-Didier Legat: By-passing the out-of-order execution pipeline to increase energy-efficiency. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2007: 97-104
6EEBertrand Rousseau, Philippe Manet, D. Galerin, D. Merkenbreack, Jean-Didier Legat, F. Dedeken, Yves Gabriel: Enabling certification for dynamic partial reconfiguration using a minimal flow. DATE 2007: 983-988
5EEPhilippe Manet, Daniel Maufroid, Leonardo Tosi, Marco Di Ciano, Olivier Mulertt, Yves Gabriel, Jean-Didier Legat, Denis Aulagnier, Christian Gamrat, Raffaele Liberati, Vincenzo La Barba: Interactive presentation: RECOPS: reconfiguring programmable devices for military hardware electronics. DATE 2007: 994-999
4EEAngelo Kuti Lusala, Philippe Manet, Bertrand Rousseau, Jean-Didier Legat: NoC Implementation in FPGA Using Torus Topology. FPL 2007: 778-781
3EEHans Vandierendonck, Philippe Manet, Jean-Didier Legat: Application-specific reconfigurable XOR-indexing to eliminate cache conflict misses. DATE 2006: 357-362
2EEPhilippe Manet, Renaud Ambroise, David Bol, Marc Baltus, Jean-Didier Legat: Low Power Techniques Applied to a 80C51 Microcontroller for High Temperature Applications. J. Low Power Electronics 2(1): 95-104 (2006)
1EEPhilippe Manet, David Bol, Renaud Ambroise, Jean-Didier Legat: Low Power Techniques Applied to a 80C51 Microcontroller for High Temperature Applications. PATMOS 2005: 19-29

Coauthor Index

1Renaud Ambroise [1] [2]
2Denis Aulagnier [5]
3Marc Baltus [2]
4Vincenzo La Barba [5]
5David Bol [1] [2]
6Marco Di Ciano [5]
7F. Dedeken [6]
8Thibault Delavallee [7]
9Yves Gabriel [5] [6]
10D. Galerin [6]
11Christian Gamrat [5]
12Jean-Didier Legat [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
13Raffaele Liberati [5]
14Igor Loiselle [7]
15Angelo Kuti Lusala [4]
16Daniel Maufroid [5]
17D. Merkenbreack [6]
18Olivier Mulertt [5]
19Bertrand Rousseau [4] [6]
20Leonardo Tosi [5]
21Hans Vandierendonck [3] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)