
Bertrand Rousseau

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4EEBertrand Rousseau, Philippe Manet, D. Galerin, D. Merkenbreack, Jean-Didier Legat, F. Dedeken, Yves Gabriel: Enabling certification for dynamic partial reconfiguration using a minimal flow. DATE 2007: 983-988
3EEAngelo Kuti Lusala, Philippe Manet, Bertrand Rousseau, Jean-Didier Legat: NoC Implementation in FPGA Using Torus Topology. FPL 2007: 778-781
2EEAlberto Aimar, James Casey, Nikos Drakos, Ian Hannell, Arash Khodabandeh, Paolo Palazzi, Bertrand Rousseau, Mario Ruggier: WebLinker, a Tool for Managing WWW Cross-References. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 28(1&2): 99-107 (1995)
1 Bertrand Rousseau, Mario Ruggier: Writing Documents for Paper and WWW: A Strategy Based on FrameMaker and WebMaker. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27(2): 205-214 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Alberto Aimar [2]
2James Casey [2]
3F. Dedeken [4]
4Nikos Drakos [2]
5Yves Gabriel [4]
6D. Galerin [4]
7Ian Hannell [2]
8Arash Khodabandeh [2]
9Jean-Didier Legat [3] [4]
10Angelo Kuti Lusala [3]
11Philippe Manet [3] [4]
12D. Merkenbreack [4]
13Paolo Palazzi [2]
14Mario Ruggier [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)