
Agnes Madalinski

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6EEAgnes Madalinski, Eric Fabre: Modular construction of finite and complete prefixes of Petri net unfoldings. ACSD 2008: 68-77
5EEVictor Khomenko, Agnes Madalinski, Alexandre Yakovlev: Resolution of Encoding Conflicts by Signal Insertion and Concurrency Reduction Based on STG Unfoldings. Fundam. Inform. 86(3): 299-323 (2008)
4EEVictor Khomenko, Agnes Madalinski, Alexandre Yakovlev: Resolution of Encoding Conflicts by Signal Insertion and Concurrency Reduction Based on STG Unfoldings. ACSD 2006: 57-68
3EEAgnes Madalinski: CONFRES: Interactive Coding Conflict Resolver Based on Core Visualisation. ACSD 2003: 243-244
2EEAgnes Madalinski, Alexandre V. Bystrov, Victor Khomenko, Alexandre Yakovlev: Visualization and Resolution of Coding Conflicts in Asynchronous Circuit Design. DATE 2003: 10926-10931
1 Agnes Madalinski, Alexandre V. Bystrov, Alexandre Yakovlev: Visualization of Coding Conflicts in Asynchronous Circuit Design. IWLS 2002: 155-160

Coauthor Index

1Alexandre V. Bystrov [1] [2]
2Eric Fabre [6]
3Victor Khomenko [2] [4] [5]
4Alexandre Yakovlev [1] [2] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)