
James S. Painter

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7EEJoe Kniss, Patrick S. McCormick, Allen McPherson, James P. Ahrens, James S. Painter, Alan Keahey, Charles D. Hansen: Interactive Texture-Based Volume Rendering for Large Data Sets. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(4): 52-61 (2001)
6 Michael Krogh, James S. Painter, Charles D. Hansen: Parallel Sphere Rendering. Parallel Computing 23(7): 961-974 (1997)
5 James S. Painter, Hans-Peter Bunge, Yarden Livnat: Mantle Convection Visualization on the Cray T3D. IEEE Visualization 1996: 409-412
4EEJohn K. Kawai, James S. Painter, Michael F. Cohen: Radioptimization: goal based rendering. SIGGRAPH 1993: 147-154
3EEKwan-Liu Ma, James S. Painter: Parallel volume visualization on workstations. Computers & Graphics 17(1): 31-37 (1993)
2EEMichael F. Cohen, James S. Painter, Mihir Mehta, Kwan-Liu Ma: Volume Seedlings. SI3D 1992: 139-145
1 Michael F. Cohen, James S. Painter: State of the Art in Image Synthesis. Advances in Computer Graphics 1990: 59-111

Coauthor Index

1James P. Ahrens [7]
2Hans-Peter Bunge [5]
3Michael F. Cohen [1] [2] [4]
4Charles D. Hansen [6] [7]
5John K. Kawai [4]
6Alan Keahey [7]
7Joe Michael Kniss (Joe Kniss) [7]
8Michael Krogh [6]
9Yarden Livnat [5]
10Kwan-Liu Ma [2] [3]
11Patrick S. McCormick [7]
12Allen McPherson [7]
13Mihir Mehta [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)