
Thomas Ludwig

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55EEJulian M. Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig: Bottleneck Detection in Parallel File Systems with Trace-Based Performance Monitoring. Euro-Par 2008: 212-221
54EEMichael Kuhn, Julian M. Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig: Directory-Based Metadata Optimizations for Small Files in PVFS. Euro-Par 2008: 90-99
53EEDomnic Savio, Thomas Ludwig: Smart Carpet: A Footstep Tracking Interface. AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 754-760
52EEJulian M. Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig: Performance Evaluation of the PVFS2 Architecture. PDP 2007: 509-516
51EEThomas Ludwig, Stephan Krempel, Michael Kuhn, Julian M. Kunkel, Christian Lohse: Analysis of the MPI-IO Optimization Levels with the PIOViz Jumpshot Enhancement. PVM/MPI 2007: 213-222
50EEThomas Ludwig, Stephan Krempel, Julian M. Kunkel, Frank Panse, Dulip Withanage: Tracing the MPI-IO Calls' Disk Accesses. PVM/MPI 2006: 322-330
49EEHipolito Vasquez Lucas, Thomas Ludwig: Hint Controlled Distribution with Parallel File Systems. PVM/MPI 2005: 110-118
48EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Michael Ott, Thomas Ludwig: RAxML-OMP: An Efficient Program for Phylogenetic Inference on SMPs. PaCT 2005: 288-302
47EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier: RAxML-III: a fast program for maximum likelihood-based inference of large phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 21(4): 456-463 (2005)
46EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier: RAxML-II: a program for sequential, parallel and distributed inference of large phylogenetic trees. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 17(14): 1705-1723 (2005)
45EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Markus Lindermeier, Michael Ott, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier: DRAxML at home: a distributed program for computation of large phylogenetic trees. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(4): 725-730 (2005)
44EEWolfgang E. Nagel, Thomas Ludwig, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Lorenzo Donatiello: Topic 2: Performance Evaluation. Euro-Par 2004: 117-118
43EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier: Parallel Inference of a 10.000-Taxon Phylogeny with Maximum Likelihood. Euro-Par 2004: 997-1004
42EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Harald Meier, Thomas Ludwig: New Fast and Accurate Heuristics for Inference of Large Phylogenetic Trees. IPDPS 2004
41EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier: A fast program for maximum likelihood-based inference of large phylogenetic trees. SAC 2004: 197-201
40EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier: The AxML program family for maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic tree inference. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(9): 975-988 (2004)
39EEHelmar Burkhart, Rudolf Eigenmann, Tomàs Margalef, Thomas Ludwig: Topic Introduction. Euro-Par 2003: 5-6
38EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig: Phylogenetic Tree Inference on PC Architectures with AxML/PAxML. IPDPS 2003: 157
37EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Markus Lindermeier, Michael Ott, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier: DAxML: A Program for Distributed Computation of Phylogenetic Trees Based on Load Managed CORBA. PaCT 2003: 538-548
36EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier, Marty J. Wolf: AxML: A Fast Program for Sequential and Parallel Phylogenetic Tree Calculations Based on the Maximum Likelihood Method. CSB 2002: 21-
35EEMarian Bubak, Thomas Ludwig: Support Tools and Environments. Euro-Par 2002: 73-74
34EEAlexandros Stamatakis, Thomas Ludwig, Harald Meier, Marty J. Wolf: Accelerating parallel maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic tree calculations using subtree equality vectors. SC 2002: 1-16
33EEThomas Ludwig, Markus Lindermeier, Alexandros Stamatakis, Günther Rackl: Tool environments in CORBA-based medical high-performance computing. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(6): 841-847 (2002)
32 Günther Rackl, Thomas Ludwig, Markus Lindermeier, Alexandros Stamatakis: Efficiently building on-line tools for distributed heterogeneous environments. Scientific Programming 10(1): 67-74 (2002)
31EEGünther Rackl, Thomas Ludwig: A Methodology for Efficiently Developing On-Line Tools for Heterogeneous Middleware. HICSS 2001
30EEThomas Ludwig, Markus Lindermeier, Alexandros Stamatakis, Günther Rackl: Tool Environments in CORBA-Based Medical High Performance Computing. PaCT 2001: 447-455
29 Arndt Bode, Thomas Ludwig, Wolfgang Karl, Roland Wismüller: Euro-Par 2000, Parallel Processing, 6th International Euro-Par Conference, Munich, Germany, August 29 - September 1, 2000, Proceedings. Springer 2000
28 Marcel May, Frank Munz, Thomas Ludwig: CORBA-basierte verteilte Berechnung medizinischer Bilddaten mit SPM. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2000: 213-217
27 Frank Munz, Thomas Ludwig, Arndt Bode, Sibylle Ziegler, Markus Schwaiger: Effiziente Scheduling-Algorithmen für datenparallele Anwendungen der funktionellen medizinischen Bildgebung auf NOWs. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2000: 403-407
26EEJörg Trinitis, Vaidy S. Sunderam, Thomas Ludwig, Roland Wismüller: Interoperability Support in Distributed On-Line Monitoring Systems. HPCN Europe 2000: 261-269
25EEGünther Rackl, Filippo de Stefani, Francois Héran, Antonello Pasquarelli, Thomas Ludwig: Airport simulation using CORBA and DIS. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(5): 465-472 (2000)
24EEFrank Munz, Thomas Ludwig, Sibylle Ziegler, P. Bartenstein, Markus Schwaiger, Arndt Bode: Performance assessment of parallel spectral analysis: towards a practical performance model for parallel medical applications. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(5): 553-562 (2000)
23EERoland Wismüller, Thomas Ludwig: Interoperable Run-Time Tools for Distributed Systems--A Case Study. The Journal of Supercomputing 17(3): 277-289 (2000)
22 Frank Munz, Thomas Ludwig, Sibylle Ziegler, P. Bartenstein, Markus Schwaiger, Arndt Bode: Performance Assessment of Parallel Spectral Analysis: Towards a Practical Performance Model for Parallel Medical Applications. HPCN Europe 1999: 430-439
21 Günther Rackl, Filippo de Stefani, Francois Héran, Antonello Pasquarelli, Thomas Ludwig: Airport Simulation using CORBA and DIS. HPCN Europe 1999: 70-79
20 Frank Munz, Thomas Ludwig, Sibylle Ziegler, P. Bartenstein, Markus Schwaiger, Arndt Bode: Kinetic Analysis of Functional Images: The Case for a Practical Approach to Performance Prediction. ISHPC 1999: 167-180
19 Roland Wismüller, Thomas Ludwig: Interoperable Run-Time Tools for Distributed Systems - A Case Study. PDPTA 1999: 1763-1769
18EEGünther Rackl, Filippo de Stefani, Francois Héran, Antonello Pasquarelli, Thomas Ludwig: Distributed Airport Simulation Using CORBA and DIS. PDSE 1999: 166-173
17EEThomas Ludwig, Jörg Trinitis, Roland Wismüller: Synergetic Tool Environments. PaCT 1999: 248-257
16EEFrank Munz, T. Stephan, Ursula Maier, Thomas Ludwig, Arndt Bode, Sibylle Ziegler, Stephan G. Nekolla, P. Bartenstein, Markus Schwaiger: Improved Functional Imaging through Network Based Parallel Processing. CANPC 1998: 88-97
15EERoland Wismüller, Jörg Trinitis, Thomas Ludwig: A Universal Infrastructure for the Run-Time Monitoring of Parallel and Distributed Applications. Euro-Par 1998: 173-180
14EEChristian Röder, Thomas Ludwig, Arndt Bode: Configurable Load Measurement in Heterogeneous Workstation Clusters. Euro-Par 1998: 193-205
13EEFrank Munz, T. Stephan, Ursula Maier, Thomas Ludwig, Arndt Bode, Sibylle Ziegler, Stephan G. Nekolla, P. Bartenstein, Markus Schwaiger: NOW Parallel Reconstruction of Functional Images. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 210-214
12 Sebastiano Bottalico, Filippo de Stefani, Thomas Ludwig, Günther Rackl: SEEDS - Simulation Environment for the Evaluation of Distributed Traffic Control Systems. Euro-Par 1997: 1357-1362
11 Thomas Ludwig, Roland Wismüller: OMIS 2.0 - A Universal Interface for Monitoring Systems. PVM/MPI 1997: 267-276
10 Arndt Bode, Jack Dongarra, Thomas Ludwig, Vaidy S. Sunderam: Parallel Virtual Machine - EuroPVM'96, Third European PVM Conference, München, Germany, October 7-9, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1996
9 Thomas Ludwig, Michael Oberhuber, Roland Wismüller: An Open Monitoring System for Parallel and Distributed Programs. Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 78-83
8 Roland Wismüller, Thomas Ludwig: The Tool-Set - An Integrated Tool Envrionment for PVM. HPCN Europe 1996: 1029-1030
7 Thomas Ludwig, Roland Wismüller, Michael Oberhuber: OCM - An OMIS Compliant Monitoring System. PVM 1996: 81-90
6 Thomas Ludwig, Stefan Lamberts: PFSLib - A Parallel File System for Workstation Clusters. PaCT 1995: 246-251
5 Georg Stellner, Arndt Bode, Stefan Lamberts, Thomas Ludwig: Developing Applications for Multicomputer Systems on Workstation Clusters. HPCN 1994: 286-292
4 Georg Stellner, Arndt Bode, Stefan Lamberts, Thomas Ludwig: NXLib - A Parallel Programming Environment for Workstation Clusters. PARLE 1994: 745-748
3 Thomas Ludwig: Load Management on Multiprocessor Systems. Parallel Computer Architectures 1993: 87-101
2 Thomas Bemmerl, Thomas Ludwig: MMK - A Distributed Operating System Kernel with Integrated Dynamic Loadbalancing. CONPAR 1990: 744-755
1 Thomas Bemmerl, Olav Hansen, Thomas Ludwig: PATOP for Performance Tuning of Parallel Programs. CONPAR 1990: 840-851

Coauthor Index

1P. Bartenstein [13] [16] [20] [22] [24]
2Thomas Bemmerl [1] [2]
3Arndt Bode [4] [5] [10] [13] [14] [16] [20] [22] [24] [27] [29]
4Sebastiano Bottalico [12]
5Marian Bubak [35]
6Helmar Burkhart [39]
7Lorenzo Donatiello [44]
8Jack Dongarra [10]
9Rudolf Eigenmann [39]
10Olav Hansen [1]
11Francois Héran [18] [21] [25]
12Wolfgang Karl [29]
13Stephan Krempel [50] [51]
14Michael Kuhn [51] [54]
15Julian M. Kunkel [50] [51] [52] [54] [55]
16Stefan Lamberts [4] [5] [6]
17Markus Lindermeier [30] [32] [33] [37] [45]
18Christian Lohse [51]
19Hipolito Vasquez Lucas [49]
20Ursula Maier [13] [16]
21Tomàs Margalef [39]
22Marcel May [28]
23Harald Meier [34] [36] [37] [40] [41] [42] [43] [45] [46] [47]
24Frank Munz [13] [16] [20] [22] [24] [27] [28]
25Wolfgang E. Nagel [44]
26Stephan G. Nekolla [13] [16]
27Michael Oberhuber [7] [9]
28Michael Ott [37] [45] [48]
29Frank Panse [50]
30Antonello Pasquarelli [18] [21] [25]
31Günther Rackl [12] [18] [21] [25] [30] [31] [32] [33]
32Christian Röder [14]
33Domnic Savio [53]
34Markus Schwaiger [13] [16] [20] [22] [24] [27]
35Alexandros Stamatakis [30] [32] [33] [34] [36] [37] [38] [40] [41] [42] [43] [45] [46] [47] [48]
36Filippo de Stefani [12] [18] [21] [25]
37Georg Stellner [4] [5]
38T. Stephan [13] [16]
39Vaidy S. Sunderam [10] [26]
40Jörg Trinitis [15] [17] [26]
41Jeffrey S. Vetter [44]
42Roland Wismüller [7] [8] [9] [11] [15] [17] [19] [23] [26] [29]
43Dulip Withanage [50]
44Marty J. Wolf [34] [36]
45Sibylle Ziegler [13] [16] [20] [22] [24] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)