
Stefan Ludwig

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4EEStefan Ludwig, Ljubica Radic-Weissenfeld, Wolfgang Mathis, Werner John: Efficient model reduction of passive electrical networks with a large number of independent sources. ISCAS 2008: 1280-1283
3EESybille Hellebrand, Christian G. Zoellin, Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Stefan Ludwig, Torsten Coym, Bernd Straube: A Refined Electrical Model for Particle Strikes and its Impact on SEU Prediction. DFT 2007: 50-58
2EEMartin Freibothe, Jens Doege, Torsten Coym, Stefan Ludwig, Bernd Straube, Ernst Kock: Verification-Oriented Behavioral Modeling of Non-Linear Analog. FDL 2006: 53-60
1 Stefan Ludwig, Winfried Kalfa: File System Encryption with Integrated User Management. Operating Systems Review 35(4): 88-93 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Torsten Coym [2] [3]
2Jens Doege [2]
3Martin Freibothe [2]
4Sybille Hellebrand [3]
5Werner John [4]
6Winfried Kalfa [1]
7Ernst Kock [2]
8Wolfgang Mathis [4]
9Ljubica Radic-Weissenfeld [4]
10Bernd Straube [2] [3]
11Hans-Joachim Wunderlich [3]
12Christian G. Zoellin [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)