
Kwei-Jay Lin

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109EEChin-Chih Chang, Judy C. R. Tseng, Kwei-Jay Lin: A Dynamic Capability Framework for Context-Aware Mobile Services. CEC/EEE 2008: 183-189
108EEYue Zhang, Mark Panahi, Kwei-Jay Lin: Service Process Composition with QoS and Monitoring Agent Cost Parameters. CEC/EEE 2008: 311-316
107EEKrishna Raman, Yue Zhang, Mark Panahi, Kwei-Jay Lin: Customizable Business Process Composition with Query Optimization. CEC/EEE 2008: 363-366
106EEKwei-Jay Lin: The Design of an Accountability Framework for Service Engineering. HICSS 2008: 108
105EEMark Panahi, Kwei-Jay Lin, Yue Zhang, Soo-Ho Chang, Jing Zhang, Leonardo Varela: The LLAMA Middleware Support for Accountable Service-Oriented Architecture. ICSOC 2008: 180-194
104EEKwei-Jay Lin: E-Commerce Technology: Back to a Prominent Future. IEEE Internet Computing 12(1): 60-65 (2008)
103EEYan Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Reputation-Oriented Trustworthy Computing in E-Commerce Environments. IEEE Internet Computing 12(4): 55-59 (2008)
102EEWan-Chen Lu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Hsin-Wen Wei, Wei Kuan Shih: Efficient Exact Test for Rate-Monotonic Schedulability Using Large Period-Dependent Initial Values. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(5): 648-659 (2008)
101EEHsin-Wen Wei, Kwei-Jay Lin, Wan-Chen Lu, Wei Kuan Shih: Generalized rate monotonic schedulability bounds using relative period ratios. Inf. Process. Lett. 107(5): 142-148 (2008)
100EEYi-Hsiung Chao, Shun-Shii Lin, Kwei-Jay Lin: Schedulability issues for EDZL scheduling on real-time multiprocessor systems. Inf. Process. Lett. 107(5): 158-164 (2008)
99EEYan Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Kwei-Jay Lin, Vijay Varadharajan: Evaluating transaction trust and risk levels in peer-to-peer e-commerce environments. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 6(1): 25-48 (2008)
98 Bernd J. Krämer, Kwei-Jay Lin, Priya Narasimhan: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007, Fifth International Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 17-20, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
97EEYue Zhang, Mark Panahi, Kwei-Jay Lin: Deployment of Accountability Monitoring Agents in Service-Oriented Architectures. CEC/EEE 2007: 305-314
96EEYue Zhang, Krishna Raman, Mark Panahi, Kwei-Jay Lin: Heuristic-based Service Composition for Business Processes with Branching and Merging. CEC/EEE 2007: 525-528
95EEWan-Chen Lu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Hsin-Wen Wei, Wei Kuan Shih: New Schedulability Conditions for Real-Time Multiframe Tasks. ECRTS 2007: 39-50
94EEKwei-Jay Lin, Mark Panahi, Yue Zhang: The Design of an Intelligent Accountability Architecture. ICEBE 2007: 157-164
93EEYan Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Kwei-Jay Lin, Vijay Varadharajan: The Design of A Rule-based and Event-driven Trust Management Framework. ICEBE 2007: 97-104
92EEWan-Chen Lu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Hsin-Wen Wei, Wei Kuan Shih: Period-Dependent Initial Values for Exact Schedulability Test of Rate Monotonic Systems. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
91EEHsin-Wen Wei, Yi-Hsiung Chao, Shun-Shii Lin, Kwei-Jay Lin, Wei Kuan Shih: Current Results on EDZL Scheduling for Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems. RTCSA 2007: 120-130
90EEYue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Hierarchical Management of Service Accountability in Service Oriented Architectures. SOCA 2007: 55-64
89EEKwei-Jay Lin: Building Web 2.0. IEEE Computer 40(5): 101-102 (2007)
88EEWan-Chen Lu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Hsin-Wen Wei, Wei Kuan Shih: Rate monotonic schedulability tests using period-dependent conditions. Real-Time Systems 37(2): 123-138 (2007)
87EEKwei-Jay Lin: Introduction by Editor-In-Chief. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 1(1): 1-2 (2007)
86EEYue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin, Jane Yung-jen Hsu: Accountability monitoring and reasoning in service-oriented architectures. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 1(1): 35-50 (2007)
85EETao Yu, Yue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Efficient algorithms for Web services selection with end-to-end QoS constraints. TWEB 1(1): (2007)
84EEYue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin, Raymond Klefstad: DIRECT: A Robust Distributed Broker Framework for Trust and Reputation Management. CEC/EEE 2006: 21
83EETao Yu, Yue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Modeling and Measuring Privacy Risks in QoS Web Services. CEC/EEE 2006: 4
82EEYue Zhang, Tao Yu, Krishna Raman, Kwei-Jay Lin: Strategies for Efficient Syntactical and Semantic Web Services. CEC/EEE 2006: 72
81EEMohammad A. Makhzan, Kwei-Jay Lin: Solutions to a Complete Web Service Discovery and Composition. CEC/EEE 2006: 73
80EEYue Zhang, Kwei-Jay Lin, Tao Yu: Accountability in Service-Oriented Architecture: Computing with Reasoning and Reputation. ICEBE 2006: 123-131
79EEKwei-Jay Lin: Serving Web 2.0 with SOA: Providing the Technology for Innovation and Specialization. ICEBE 2006: 3
78EEKwei-Jay Lin, Shih-Wei Liao: Service Monitoring and Management on Multicore Platforms. ICEBE 2006: 623-630
77EEWan-Chen Lu, Hsin-Wen Wei, Kwei-Jay Lin: Rate Monotonic Schedulability Conditions Using Relative Period Ratios (Abstract). RTCSA 2006: 3-9
76EEMartin Bichler, Kwei-Jay Lin: Service-Oriented Computing. IEEE Computer 39(3): 99-101 (2006)
75EEJane Yung-jen Hsu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Tsung-Hsiang Chang, Chien-Ju Ho, Han-Shen Huang, Wan-rong Jih: Parameter learning of personalized trust models in broker-based distributed trust management. Information Systems Frontiers 8(4): 321-333 (2006)
74EEYi-Hsuan Lin, Tung-Mei Ko, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Open Source Licenses and the Creative Commons Framework: License Selection and Comparison. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 22(1): 1-17 (2006)
73EETao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: QCWS: an implementation of QoS-capable multimedia web services. Multimedia Tools Appl. 30(2): 165-187 (2006)
72EETao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: A Broker-Based Framework for QoS-Aware Web Service Composition. EEE 2005: 22-29
71EEKwei-Jay Lin, Haiyin Lu, Tao Yu, Chia-en Tai: A Reputation and Trust Management Broker Framework for Web Applications. EEE 2005: 262-269
70EETao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Service Selection Algorithms for Composing Complex Services with Multiple QoS Constraints. ICSOC 2005: 130-143
69EEJen-Yao Chung, Kwei-Jay Lin, Simon S. Y. Shim: Beyond Electronic Commerce. IEEE Computer 38(8): 92-93 (2005)
68EETao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Service selection algorithms for Web services with end-to-end QoS constraints. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 3(2): 103-126 (2005)
67EETao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Service Selection Algorithms for Web Services with End-to-End QoS Constraints. CEC 2004: 129-136
66EETao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: The Design of QoS Broker Algorithms for QoS-Capable Web Services. EEE 2004: 17-24
65EEKwei-Jay Lin, Hao-Hua Chu: ICPADS 2004 QoS and Dynamic Systems Workshop. ICPADS 2004: 613-
64EEKwei-Jay Lin, Hao-Hua Chu: Preface: ICPADS 2004 QoS and Dynamic Systems Workshop. ICPADS 2004: 917-
63 Tao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: The Design of QoS Broker Algorithms for QoS-Capable Web Services. Int. J. Web Service Res. 1(4): 33-50 (2004)
62EEChun-Hsin Wu, Da-Chun Su, Justin Chang, Chia-Chen Wei, Kwei-Jay Lin, Jan-Ming Ho: The Design and Implementation of Intelligent Transportation Web Services. CEC 2003: 49-52
61EESoe-Tsyr Yuan, Kwei-Jay Lin: WISE - Building Simple Intelligence into Web Services. Web Intelligence 2003: 26-32
60EEJen-Yao Chung, Kwei-Jay Lin, Richard G. Mathieu: Guest Editors' Introduction: Web Services Computing - Advancing Software Interoperability. IEEE Computer 36(10): 35-37 (2003)
59EETei-Wei Kuo, Li-Pin Chang, Yu-Hua Liu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Efficient Online Schedulability Tests for Real-Time Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(8): 734-751 (2003)
58 Kwei-Jay Lin, Yu-Chung Wang: The design and implementation of real-time schedulers in RED-linux. Proceedings of the IEEE 91(7): 1114-1130 (2003)
57EESong Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin, Yu-Chung Wang: Hierarchical Budget Management in the RED-Linux Scheduling Framework. ECRTS 2002: 76-83
56EESong Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: A General Resource Management Framework for Real-Time Operating Systems. ICPADS 2002: 349-354
55EEThomas Nolte, Kwei-Jay Lin: Distributed Real-Time System Design using CBS-based End-to-end Scheduling. ICPADS 2002: 355-
54 Kwei-Jay Lin: A Budget Exchange Algorithm for Multimedia Tasks with Shared Resources. IMSA 2002: 300-305
53EESong Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin, Song Peng: BWE: A Resource Sharing Protocol for Multimedia Systems with Bandwidth Reservation. ISMSE 2002: 158-165
52EEKwei-Jay Lin, Yu-Chung Wang, Ting-Hua Chien, Yaa-Jyun Yeh: Designing Multimedia Applications on Real-Time Systems with SMP Architecture. ISMSE 2002: 17-24
51EETei-Wei Kuo, Wang-Ru Yang, Kwei-Jay Lin: A Class of Rate-Based Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(6): 708-720 (2002)
50 Song Wang, Yu-Chung Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Integrating Priority with Share in the Priority-Based Weighted Fair Queuing Scheduler for Real-Time Networks. Real-Time Systems 22(1-2): 119-149 (2002)
49EEChih-wen Hsueh, Kwei-Jay Lin: Scheduling Real-Time Systems with End-to-End Timing Constraints Using the Distributed Pinwheel Model. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(1): 51-66 (2001)
48EEYu-Chung Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: The implementation of hierarchical schedulers in the RED-Linux scheduling framework. ECRTS 2000: 231-238
47EETei-Wei Kuo, Kwei-Jay Lin, Yu-Chung Wang: An Open Real-Time Environment for Parallel and Distributed Systems. ICDCS 2000: 206-213
46EETei-Wei Kuo, Yu-Hua Liu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Efficient On-Line Schedulability Tests for Priority Driven Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2000: 4-13
45EEKwei-Jay Lin, Yu-Chung Wang: Supporting Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Applications Using the RED-Linux General Scheduling Framework. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 692-698
44EESong Wang, Yu-Chung Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Integrating the fixed priority scheduling and the total bandwidth server for aperiodic tasks. RTCSA 2000: 215-222
43EEYu-Chung Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Implementing a General Real-Time Scheduling Framework in the RED-Linux Real-Time Kernel. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1999: 246-255
42EESong Wang, Yu-Chung Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: A Priority-Based Weighted Fair Queuing Scheduler for Real-Time Network. RTCSA 1999: 312-319
41EEChih-wen Hsueh, Kwei-Jay Lin: On-line schedulers for pinwheel tasks using the time-driven approach. ECRTS 1998: 180-187
40EETei-Wei Kuo, Wang-Ru Yang, Kwei-Jay Lin: EGPS: a class of real-time scheduling algorithms based on processor sharing. ECRTS 1998: 27-34
39EEYu-Chung Wang, Kwei-Jay Lin: Enhancing the Real-Time Capability of the Linux Kernel. RTCSA 1998: 11-20
38EEJose-Miguel Pulido, Kwei-Jay Lin: SM: Real-Time Multicast Protocols for Simultaneous Message Delivery. RTCSA 1998: 66-
37EEAloysius K. Mok, John A. Stankovic, Özgür Ulusoy, Jörgen Hansson, Kam-yiu Lam, Kwei-Jay Lin: Panel Session: Predictability in Active Real-Time/Temporal Databases. ARTDB 1997: 231-237
36EEKwei-Jay Lin, Ching-Sang Peng, Tony P. Ng: An Active Real-Time Database Model for Air Traffic Control Systems. ARTDB 1997: 73-97
35EEChih-wen Hsueh, Kwei-Jay Lin: Schedulability comparisons among periodic and distance-constrained real-time schedulers. RTCSA 1997: 60-66
34 Ching-Shan Peng, Kwei-Jay Lin, Tony P. Ng: A Performance Study of the Semantic-Based Concurrency Control Protocol in Air Traffic Control Systems. RTDB 1997: 181-206
33 Shun-Shii Lin, Kwei-Jay Lin: A Pinwheel Scheduler for Three Distinct Numbers with a Tight Schedulability Bound. Algorithmica 19(4): 411-426 (1997)
32EEKwei-Jay Lin, Ansgar Herkert: Jitter Control in Time-Triggered Systems. HICSS (1) 1996: 451-459
31EEMark J. Rentmeesters, Wei K. Tsai, Kwei-Jay Lin: A Theory of Lexicographic Multi-Criteria Optimization. ICECCS 1996: 76-79
30EEChing-Shan Peng, Kwei-Jay Lin: A semantic-based concurrency control protocol for real-time transactions. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1996: 59-
29EEChih-wen Hsueh, Kwei-Jay Lin: An optimal pinwheel scheduler using the single-number reduction technique. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1996: 196-205
28 Kwei-Jay Lin, Ching-Shan Peng: Scheduling Algorithms for Real-Time Agents. RIDE-NDS 1996: 32-41
27EEChing-Shan Peng, Kwei-Jay Lin, Carolyn Boettcher: Real-Time Database Benchmark Design for Avionics Systems. RTDB 1996: 87-94
26 Ching-Chih Han, Kwei-Jay Lin, Chao-Ju Hou: Distance-Constrained Scheduling and Its Applications to Real-Time Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(7): 814-826 (1996)
25EEKwei-Jay Lin, Shing-Shan Peng: Enhancing External Consistency in Real-Time Transactions. SIGMOD Record 25(1): 26-28 (1996)
24EEAzer Bestavros, Kwei-Jay Lin, Sang Hyuk Son: Report on First International Workshop on Real-Time Database Systems. SIGMOD Record 25(3): 50-52 (1996)
23 Chih-wen Hsueh, Kwei-Jay Lin, Nong Fan: Distributed Pinwheel Scheduling with End-to-End Timing Constraints. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1995: 172-181
22 Ching-Chih Han, Kwei-Jay Lin, Jane W.-S. Liu: Scheduling Jobs with Temporal Distance Constraints. SIAM J. Comput. 24(5): 1102-1121 (1995)
21 Lung-Tien Liu, Gen-Huey Chen, Kwei-Jay Lin: An Algorithm for Coalescing Operations with Precedence Constraints in Real-Time Systems. Inf. Process. Lett. 46(3): 129-133 (1993)
20EEChing-Chih Han, Kwei-Jay Lin: Scheduling distance-constrained real-time tasks. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1992: 300-308
19 Min-Ih Chen, Ching-Chih Han, Kwei-Jay Lin: Scheduling Conditions for Concttrrent Real-Time Readers and Writers. IPPS 1992: 165-168
18 Ching-Chih Han, Kwei-Jay Lin: Scheduling Real-Time Computations with Separation Constraints. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(2): 61-66 (1992)
17EEHidenori Nakazato, Kwei-Jay Lin: Interval Assignment for Periodic Transactions in Real-Time Database Systems. ICDE 1991: 378-385
16 Albert Chuang-shi Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Scheduling Parallelizable Imprecise Computations on Multiprocessors. IPPS 1991: 531-536
15 Kwei-Jay Lin, Swaminathan Natarajan: Flex: Towards Flexible Real-Time Programs. Comput. Lang. 16(1): 65-79 (1991)
14 Jane W.-S. Liu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Wei Kuan Shih, Albert Chuang-shi Yu, Jen-Yao Chung, Wei Zhao: Algorithms for Scheduling Imprecise Computations. IEEE Computer 24(5): 58-68 (1991)
13 Kevin B. Kenny, Kwei-Jay Lin: Building Flexible Real-Time Systems Using the Flex Language. IEEE Computer 24(5): 70-78 (1991)
12 Kevin B. Kenny, Kwei-Jay Lin: Measuring and Analyzing Real-Time Performance. IEEE Software 8(5): 41-49 (1991)
11 Jen-Yao Chung, Jane W.-S. Liu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Optimistic Token-Driven Reliable Sequenced Broadcast Protocols. ICPP (3) 1990: 303-310
10 Kevin B. Kenny, Kwei-Jay Lin: Structuring Large Real-Time Systems with Performance Polymorphism. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 238-246
9 Jen-Yao Chung, Jane W.-S. Liu, Kwei-Jay Lin: Scheduling Periodic Jobs That Allow Imprecise Results. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(9): 1156-1174 (1990)
8 Min-Ih Chen, Kwei-Jay Lin: Dynamic Priority Ceilings: A Concurrency Control Protocol for Real-Time. Real-Time Systems 2(4): 325-346 (1990)
7 Ching-Chih Han, Kwei-Jay Lin: Scheduling Parallelizable Jobs on Multiprocessors. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1989: 59-67
6 Kwei-Jay Lin, Swaminathan Natarajan: Expressing and Maintaining Timing Constraints in FLEX. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1988: 96-105
5 Susan V. Vrbsky, Kwei-Jay Lin: Recovering Imprecise Transactions with Real-Time Constraints. SRDS 1988: 185-193
4EEKwei-Jay Lin, Ming-Ju Lin: Enhancing Availability in Distributed Real-Time Databases. SIGMOD Record 17(1): 34-43 (1988)
3 Kwei-Jay Lin, Swaminathan Natarajan, Jane W.-S. Liu: Imprecise Results: Utilizing Partial Comptuations in Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1987: 210-217
2 Jane W.-S. Liu, Kwei-Jay Lin, Swaminathan Natarajan: Scheduling Real-Time, Periodic Jobs Using Imprecise Results. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1987: 252-260
1 Kwei-Jay Lin, John D. Gannon: Atomic Remote Procedure Call. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(10): 1126-1135 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Azer Bestavros [24]
2Martin Bichler [76]
3Carolyn Boettcher [27]
4Chin-Chih Chang [109]
5Justin Chang [62]
6Li-Pin Chang [59]
7Soo-Ho Chang [105]
8Tsung-Hsiang Chang [75]
9Yi-Hsiung Chao [91] [100]
10Gen-Huey Chen [21]
11Min-Ih Chen [8] [19]
12Ting-Hua Chien [52]
13Hao-Hua Chu [64] [65]
14Tyng-Ruey Chuang [74]
15Jen-Yao Chung [9] [11] [14] [60] [69]
16Nong Fan [23]
17John D. Gannon [1]
18Ching-Chih Han [7] [18] [19] [20] [22] [26]
19Jörgen Hansson [37]
20Ansgar Herkert [32]
21Chien-Ju Ho [75]
22Jan-Ming Ho [62]
23Jennifer C. Hou (Chao-Ju Hou) [26]
24Jane Yung-jen Hsu [75] [86]
25Chih-wen Hsueh [23] [29] [35] [41] [49]
26Han-Shen Huang [75]
27Wan-rong Jih [75]
28Kevin B. Kenny [10] [12] [13]
29Raymond Klefstad [84]
30Tung-Mei Ko [74]
31Bernd J. Krämer [98]
32Tei-Wei Kuo [40] [46] [47] [51] [59]
33Kam-yiu Lam [37]
34Shih-Wei Liao [78]
35Ming-Ju Lin [4]
36Shun-Shii Lin [33] [91] [100]
37Yi-Hsuan Lin [74]
38Jane W.-S. Liu [2] [3] [9] [11] [14] [22]
39Lung-Tien Liu [21]
40Yu-Hua Liu [46] [59]
41Haiyin Lu [71]
42Wan-Chen Lu [77] [88] [92] [95] [101] [102]
43Mohammad A. Makhzan [81]
44Richard G. Mathieu [60]
45Aloysius K. Mok [37]
46Hidenori Nakazato [17]
47Priya Narasimhan [98]
48Swaminathan Natarajan [2] [3] [6] [15]
49Tony P. Ng [34] [36]
50Thomas Nolte [55]
51Mark Panahi [94] [96] [97] [105] [107] [108]
52Ching-Sang Peng [36]
53Ching-Shan Peng [27] [28] [30] [34]
54Shing-Shan Peng [25]
55Song Peng [53]
56Jose-Miguel Pulido [38]
57Krishna Raman [82] [96] [107]
58Mark J. Rentmeesters [31]
59Wei Kuan Shih [14] [88] [91] [92] [95] [101] [102]
60Simon S. Y. Shim [69]
61Sang Hyuk Son [24]
62John A. Stankovic [37]
63Da-Chun Su [62]
64Chia-en Tai [71]
65Wei K. Tsai [31]
66Judy C. R. Tseng [109]
67Özgür Ulusoy [37]
68Vijay Varadharajan [93] [99]
69Leonardo Varela [105]
70Susan V. Vrbsky [5]
71Song Wang [42] [44] [50] [53] [56] [57]
72Yan Wang [93] [99] [103]
73Yu-Chung Wang [39] [42] [43] [44] [45] [47] [48] [50] [52] [57] [58]
74Chia-Chen Wei [62]
75Hsin-Wen Wei [77] [88] [91] [92] [95] [101] [102]
76Duncan S. Wong [93] [99]
77Chun-Hsin Wu [62]
78Wang-Ru Yang [40] [51]
79Yaa-Jyun Yeh [52]
80Albert Chuang-shi Yu [14] [16]
81Tao Yu [63] [66] [67] [68] [70] [71] [72] [73] [80] [82] [83] [85]
82Soe-Tsyr Yuan [61]
83Jing Zhang [105]
84Yue Zhang [80] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [90] [94] [96] [97] [105] [107] [108]
85Wei Zhao [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)