
Martin Bichler

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39 Martin Bichler, Thomas Hess, Helmut Krcmar, Ulrike Lechner, Florian Matthes, Arnold Picot, Benjamin Speitkamp, Petra Wolf: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2008, München, 26.2.2008 - 28.2.2008, Proceedings GITO-Verlag, Berlin 2008
38EEMartin Bichler, Thomas Setzer: Admission control for media on demand services. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 1(1): 65-73 (2007)
37 Mareike Schoop, Christian Huemer, Michael Rebstock, Martin Bichler: Service Oriented Electronic Commerce: Proceedings zur Konferenz im Rahmen der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, 20.-22. Februar 2006 in Passau GI 2006
36EEAlexander Pikovsky, Pasha Shabalin, Martin Bichler: Iterative Combinatorial Auctions with Linear Prices: Results of Numerical Experiments. CEC/EEE 2006: 39
35EEChristine Kiss, Andreas Scholz, Martin Bichler: Evaluating Centrality Measures in Large Call Graphs. CEC/EEE 2006: 8
34 Andreas Andreakis, Adrian Paschke, Alexander Benlian, Martin Bichler, Thomas Hess: Semantic Web Technologies for Content Reutilization Strategies in Publishing Companies. WEBIST (1) 2006: 491-494
33EEAdrian Paschke, Martin Bichler: Knowledge Representation Concepts for Automated SLA Management CoRR abs/cs/0611122: (2006)
32EEMartin Bichler, Jayant Kalagnanam: Software frameworks for advanced procurement auction markets. Commun. ACM 49(12): 104-108 (2006)
31EEMartin Bichler, Kwei-Jay Lin: Service-Oriented Computing. IEEE Computer 39(3): 99-101 (2006)
30EEAdrian Paschke, Martin Bichler: SLA Representation, Management and Enforcement. EEE 2005: 158-163
29 Thomas Setzer, Martin Bichler: Ertragsmanagementmodelle in serviceorientierten IT-Landschaften. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 617-621
28EEAdrian Paschke, Martin Bichler, Jens Dietrich: ContractLog: An Approach to Rule Based Monitoring and Execution of Service Level Agreements. RuleML 2005: 209-217
27 Alexander Pikovsky, Martin Bichler: Information Feedback in Iterative Combinatorial Auctions. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005: 329-348
26EEMartin Bichler, Jayant Kalagnanam: Configurable offers and winner determination in multi-attribute auctions. European Journal of Operational Research 160(2): 380-394 (2005)
25EEJen-Yao Chung, Martin Bichler: Service-oriented enterprise applications and Web service composition. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 3(2): 101-102 (2005)
24 Kurt Bauknecht, Martin Bichler, Birgit Pröll: E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 5th International Conference, EC-Web 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August 31-September 3, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
23EEMartin Bichler, Jayant Kalagnanam: A nonoparametric estimator for setting: reserve prices in procurement auctions. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 254-255
22EEMartin Bichler, Jayant Kalagnanam, Ho Soo Lee, Juhnyoung Lee: Winner Determination Algorithms for Electronic Auctions: A Framework Design. EC-Web 2002: 37-46
21EEMartin Bichler, Jayant Kalagnanam, Kaan Katircioglu, Alan J. King, Richard D. Lawrence, Ho Soo Lee, Grace Y. Lin, Yingdong Lu: Applications of flexible pricing in business-to-business electronic commerce. IBM Systems Journal 41(2): 287-302 (2002)
20EEMartin Bichler, Arie Segev: Methodologies for the design of negotiation protocols on E-markets. Computer Networks 37(2): 137-152 (2001)
19 Martin Bichler, Simon Field, Hannes Werthner: Introduction: Theory and Application of Electronic Market Design. Electronic Commerce Research 1(3): 215-220 (2001)
18 Heiko Ludwig, Yigal Hoffner, Christoph Bussler, Martin Bichler: Proceedings of the CAISE*00 Workshop on Infrastructure for Dynamic Business-to-Business Service Outsourcing, ISDO '00, Stockholm, June 5-6, 2000 CEUR-WS.org 2000
17EEMartin Bichler, Hannes Werthner: A Classification Framework of Multidimensional, Multi-Unit Procurement. DEXA Workshop 2000: 1003-1009
16EEMichael J. Shaw, Martin Bichler, Stefan Klein, Christoph Schlueter Langdon, Gek Woo Tan: Panel: Panels on Electronic Commerce. ECIS 2000
15 Martin Bichler, Hannes Werthner: Simulation of multidimensional procurement auction. ESM 2000: 393-397
14EEMartin Bichler: A Roadmap to Auction-based Negotiation Protocols for Electronic Commerce. HICSS 2000
13EEMartin Bichler: An experimental analysis of multi-attribute auctions. Decision Support Systems 29(3): 249-268 (2000)
12EEMartin Bichler: Trading Financial Derivatives on the Web-An Approach Towards Automating Negotiations on OTC Markets. Information Systems Frontiers 1(4): 401-414 (2000)
11 Martin Bichler, Rainer Klimesch: Simulation multivariater Auktionen - Eine Analyse des OTC-Handels mit Finanzderivaten. Wirtschaftsinformatik 42(3): 244-252 (2000)
10EEMartin Bichler, Marion Kaukal: Design and Implementation of a Brokerage Service for Electronic Procurement. DEXA Workshop 1999: 618-622
9EEMartin Bichler, Arie Segev: A Brokerage Framework for Internet Commerce. Distributed and Parallel Databases 7(2): 133-148 (1999)
8EECarrie Beam, Arie Segev, Martin Bichler, Ramayya Krishnan: On Negotiations and Deal Making in Electronic Markets. Information Systems Frontiers 1(3): 241-258 (1999)
7 Martin Bichler, Arie Segev: InfoLink: A Case Study and an Analysis of Object Web Infrastructures. DEXA Workshop 1998: 479-483
6EEMartin Bichler, Carrie Beam, Arie Segev: OFFER: A Broker-Centered Object Framework For Electronic Requisitioning. Trends in Distributed Systems for Electronic Commerce 1998: 154-165
5EEMartin Bichler, Carrie Beam, Arie Segev: Services of A Broker in Electronic Commerce Transactions. Electronic Markets 8(1): (1998)
4 Martin Bichler, Arie Segev, Carrie Beam: An Electronic Broker for Business-To-Business Electronic Commerce on the Internet. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 7(4): 315-330 (1998)
3EEMartin Bichler, Arie Segev, J. Leon Zhao: Component-based E-Commerce: Assesment of Current Practices and Future Directions. SIGMOD Record 27(4): 7-14 (1998)
2EEMartin Bichler, Stefan Nusser: Modular design of complex Web-applications with W3DT. WETICE 1996: 328-333
1 Martin Bichler, Stefan Nusser: Developing structured WWW-sites with W3DT. WebNet 1996

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Andreakis [34]
2Kurt Bauknecht [24]
3Carrie Beam [4] [5] [6] [8]
4Alexander Benlian [34]
5Christoph Bussler [18]
6Jen-Yao Chung [25]
7Jens Dietrich [28]
8Simon Field [19]
9Thomas Hess [34] [39]
10Yigal Hoffner [18]
11Christian Huemer [37]
12Jayant Kalagnanam [21] [22] [23] [26] [32]
13Kaan Katircioglu [21]
14Marion Kaukal [10]
15Alan J. King [21]
16Christine Kiss [35]
17Stefan Klein [16]
18Rainer Klimesch [11]
19Helmut Krcmar [39]
20Ramayya Krishnan [8]
21Christoph Schlueter Langdon [16]
22Richard D. Lawrence [21]
23Ulrike Lechner [39]
24Ho Soo Lee [21] [22]
25Juhnyoung Lee [22]
26Grace Y. Lin [21]
27Kwei-Jay Lin [31]
28Yingdong Lu [21]
29Heiko Ludwig [18]
30Florian Matthes [39]
31Stefan Nusser [1] [2]
32Adrian Paschke [28] [30] [33] [34]
33Arnold Picot [39]
34Alexander Pikovsky [27] [36]
35Birgit Pröll [24]
36Michael Rebstock [37]
37Andreas Scholz [35]
38Mareike Schoop [37]
39Arie Segev [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [20]
40Thomas Setzer [29] [38]
41Pasha Shabalin [36]
42Michael J. Shaw [16]
43Benjamin Speitkamp [39]
44Gek Woo Tan [16]
45Hannes Werthner [15] [17] [19]
46Petra Wolf [39]
47J. Leon Zhao [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)