
Christian Lemmen

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12EEManfred K. Warmuth, Jun Liao, Gunnar Rätsch, Michael Mathieson, Santosh Putta, Christian Lemmen: Active Learning with Support Vector Machines in the Drug Discovery Process. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(2): 667-673 (2003)
11EESantosh Putta, John Eksterowicz, Christian Lemmen, Robert Stanton: A Novel Subshape Molecular Descriptor. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(5): 1623-1635 (2003)
10EEJ. Kevin Lanctot, Santosh Putta, Christian Lemmen, Jonathan Greene: Using Ensembles to Classify Compounds for Drug Discovery. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(6): 2163-2169 (2003)
9EESantosh Putta, Christian Lemmen, Paul Beroza, Jonathan Greene: A Novel Shape-Feature Based Approach to Virtual Library Screening. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(5): 1230-1240 (2002)
8EEManfred K. Warmuth, Gunnar Rätsch, Michael Mathieson, Jun Liao, Christian Lemmen: Active Learning in the Drug Discovery Process. NIPS 2001: 1449-1456
7EEChristian Lemmen, Thomas Lengauer: Computational methods for the structural alignment of molecules. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 14(3): 215-232 (2000)
6 Alexander Zien, Gunnar Rätsch, Sebastian Mika, Bernhard Schölkopf, Christian Lemmen, Alex J. Smola, Thomas Lengauer, Klaus-Robert Müller: Engineering Support Vector Machine Kerneis That Recognize Translation Initialion Sites. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1999: 37-43
5EEChristian Lemmen, Alexander Zien, Ralf Zimmer, Thomas Lengauer: Application of Parameter Optimization to Molecular Comparison Problems. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 1999: 482-493
4EEChristian Lemmen, Claus Hiller, Thomas Lengauer: RigFit: A new approach to superimposing ligand molecules. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 12(5): 491-502 (1998)
3 Christian Lemmen, Claus Hiller, Thomas Lengauer: RigFit: a new approach to superimposing ligand molecules. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1997: 103-105
2EEChristian Lemmen, Thomas Lengauer: Time-efficient flexible superposition of medium-sized molecules. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 11(4): 357-368 (1997)
1 Christian Lemmen, Thomas Lengauer: Time-Efficient Flexible Superposition of Medium-Sized Molecules and Molecular Fragments. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1996: 257-259

Coauthor Index

1Paul Beroza [9]
2John Eksterowicz [11]
3Jonathan Greene [9] [10]
4Claus Hiller [3] [4]
5J. Kevin Lanctot [10]
6Thomas Lengauer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Jun Liao [8] [12]
8Michael Mathieson [8] [12]
9Sebastian Mika [6]
10Klaus-Robert Müller [6]
11Santosh Putta [9] [10] [11] [12]
12Gunnar Rätsch [6] [8] [12]
13Bernhard Schölkopf [6]
14Alexander J. Smola (Alex J. Smola) [6]
15Robert Stanton [11]
16Manfred K. Warmuth [8] [12]
17Alexander Zien [5] [6]
18Ralf Zimmer [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)