Volume 11,
Number 1,
January 1997
- Jürgen Bajorath, Alejandro Aruffo:
Prediction of the three-dimensional structure of the human Fas receptor by comparative molecular modeling.
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- Rajmund Kazmierkiewicz, Cezary Czaplewski, B. Lammek, Jerzy Ciarkowski:
Molecular modeling of the neurophysin I/oxytocin complex.
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- Ping Huang, Susan Kim, Gilda Loew:
Development of a common 3D pharmacophore for delta-opioid recognition from peptides and non-peptides using a novel computer program.
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- Dirk Tomandl, Andreas Schober, Andreas Schwienhorst:
Optimizing doped libraries by using genetic algorithms.
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- John H. Van Drie:
Strategies for the determination of pharmacophoric 3D database queries.
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- Jens Sadowski:
A hybrid approach for addressing ring flexibility in 3D database searching.
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- Sean W. Carrigan, Jenn-Huei Lii, J. Phillip Bowen:
MM3(96) parameterization for camptothecin analogs: An ab initio and molecular mechanics study.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Sean W. Carrigan, Peter C. Fox, Monroe E. Wall, Mansukh C. Wani, J. Phillip Bowen:
Comparative molecular field analysis and molecular modeling studies of 20-(S)- camptothecin analogs as inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase I and anticancer/antitumor agents.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Gianpaolo Bravi, Emanuela Gancia, Paolo Mascagni, Monica Pegna, Roberto Todeschini, Andrea Zaliani:
MS-WHIM, new 3D theoretical descriptors derived from molecular surface properties: A comparative 3D QSAR study in a series of steroids.
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- Jurgen Schnitker, Ramesh Gopalaswamy, Gordon M. Crippen:
Objective models for steroid binding sites of human globulins.
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Volume 11,
Number 2,
March 1997
- José Gallego, Angel R. Ortiz, Beatriz de Pascual-Teresa, Federico Gago:
Structure-affinity relationships for the binding of actinomycin D to DNA.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Lloyd D. Stolworthy, Randall B. Shirts:
ANLIZE: A molecular mechanics force field visualization tool and its application to 18-crown-6.
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- David J. Livingstone, David T. Manallack, Igor V. Tetko:
Data modelling with neural networks: Advantages and limitations.
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- Allan M. Ferguson, Trevor W. Heritage, P. Jonathon, S. E. Pack, L. Phillips, J. Rogan, P. J. Snaith:
EVA: A new theoretically based molecular descriptor for use in QSAR/QSPR analysis.
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- Begoña Hernández, Modesto Orozco, F. Javier Luque:
Role of the tautomerism of 2-azaadenine and 2-azahypoxanthine in substrate recognition by xanthine oxidase.
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- David A. Thorner, Peter Willett, P. Matthew Wright, Robin Taylor:
Similarity searching in files of three-dimensional chemical structures: Representation and searching of molecular electrostatic potentials using field-graphs.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Nikolay P. Todorov, Philip M. Dean:
Evaluation of a method for controlling molecular scaffold diversity in de novo ligand design.
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- Christopher W. Murray, David E. Clark, Timothy R. Auton, Michael A. Firth, Jin Li, Richard A. Sykes, Bohdan Waszkowycz, David R. Westhead, Stephen C. Young:
PRO_SELECT: Combining structure-based drug design and combinatorial chemistry for rapid lead discovery. 1. Technology.
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Volume 11,
Number 3,
May 1997
- David R. Westhead, David E. Clark, Christopher W. Murray:
A comparison of heuristic search algorithms for molecular docking.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- J. E. J. Mills, Tim D. J. Perkins, Philip M. Dean:
An automated method for predicting the positions of hydrogen-bonding atoms in binding sites.
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- Stan Burt, Charles Hutchins, Peter J. Zielinski:
A Monte Carlo method for finding important ligand fragments from receptor data.
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- Asutosh T. Yagnik, Jennifer A. Littlechild, Nicholas J. Turner:
Molecular modelling studies of substrate binding to the lipase from Rhizomucor miehei.
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- Grazyna D. Szklarz, James R. Halpert:
Molecular modeling of cytochrome P450 3A4.
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- Christian Gailer, Martin Feigel:
Is the parallel or antiparallel beta-sheet more stable? A semiempirical study.
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- Silke Schmetzer, Paulette A. Greenidge, Karl-Artur Kovar, Meike Schulze-Alexandru, Gerd Folkers:
Structure-activity relationships of cannabinoids: A joint CoMFA and pseudoreceptor modelling study.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Bruno O. Villoutreix, Olle Teleman, Björn Dahlbäck:
A theoretical model for the Gla-TSR-EGF-1 region of the anticoagulant cofactor protein S: From biostructural pathology to specie.
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- Hideki Tsujishita, Shuichi Hirono:
Camdas: An automated conformational analysis system using molecular dynamics.
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Volume 11,
Number 4,
July 1997
- Hélène Bourdon, Susanne Trumpp-Kallmeyer, Herman Schreuder, Jan Hoflack, Marcel Hibert, Camille-Georges Wermuth:
Modelling of the binding site of the human m1 muscarinic receptor: Experimental validation and refinement.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Colin McMartin, Regine S. Bohacek:
QXP: Powerful, rapid computer algorithms for structure-based drug design.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Yitbarek H. Mariam, Lek Chantranupong:
Electron affinities of p-benzoquinone, p-benzoquinone imine and p-benzoquinone diimine, and spin densities of their p-benzosemiq.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Christian Lemmen, Thomas Lengauer:
Time-efficient flexible superposition of medium-sized molecules.
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- Matthias Rarey, Bernd Kramer, Thomas Lengauer:
Multiple automatic base selection: Protein-ligand docking based on incremental construction without manual intervention.
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- Inge Thøger Christensen, Flemming Steen Jørgensen:
Conformational analysis of six- and twelve-membered ring compounds by molecular dynamics.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Juan J. Lozano, Elena López-de-Briñas, Nuria B. Centeno, Roderic Guigó, Ferran Sanz:
Three-dimensional modelling of human cytochrome P450 1A2 and its interaction with caffeine and MeIQ.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- David B. Turner, Peter Willett, Allan M. Ferguson, Trevor W. Heritage:
Evaluation of a novel infrared range vibration-based descriptor (EVA) for QSAR studies. 1. General application.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 11,
Number 5,
September 1997
- Matthew D. Eldridge, Christopher W. Murray, Timothy R. Auton, Gaia Valeria Paolini, Roger P. Mee:
Empirical scoring functions: I. The development of a fast empirical scoring function to estimate the binding affinity of ligands in receptor complexes.
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- Ramaswamy Nilakantan, Norman Bauman, Kevin S. Haraki:
Database diversity assessment: New ideas, concepts, and tools.
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- Paul A. Ramsland, Luke W. Guddat, Allen B. Edmundson, Robert L. Raison:
Diverse binding site structures revealed in homology models of polyreactive immunoglobulins.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Didier Rognan, Stefan Krebs, Oliver Kuonen, José R. Lamas, José A. López de Castro, Gerd Folkers:
Fine specificity of antigen binding to two class I major histocompatibility proteins (B*2705 and B*2703) differing in a single amino acid residue.
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- Robert P. Apaya, Maria Bondí, Sarah L. Price:
The orientation of N-H...O=C and N-H...N hydrogen bonds in biological systems: How good is a point charge as a model for a hydrogen bonding atom?
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Klaus-Jürgen Schleifer:
Comparative molecular modelling study of the calcium channel blockers nifedipine and black mamba toxin FS2.
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- Qishi Du, Gustavo A. Arteca, Paul G. Mezey:
Heuristic lipophilicity potential for computer-aided rational drug design.
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- David N. J. White:
A computationally efficient alternative to the Buckingham potential for molecular mechanics calculations.
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Volume 11,
Number 6,
November 1997
- Ian J. Bruno, Jason C. Cole, Jos P. M. Lommerse, R. Scott Rowland, Robin Taylor, Marcel L. Verdonk:
IsoStar: A library of information about nonbonded interactions.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Wynn L. Walker, Mary L. Kopka, Richard E. Dickerson, David S. Goodsell:
Design of stapled DNA-minor-groove-binding molecules with a mutable atom simulated annealing method.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Elsa F. Henriques, Maria João Ramos, Christopher A. Reynolds:
Inclusion of conserved buried water molecules in the model structure of rat submaxillary kallikrein.
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- Andrew R. Poirrette, Peter J. Artymiuk, David W. Rice, Peter Willett:
Comparison of protein surfaces using a genetic algorithm.
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- Ross D. King, Ashwin Srinivasan:
The discovery of indicator variables for QSAR using inductive logic programming.
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- Peter W. Swaan, Francis C. Szoka Jr., Svein Øie:
Molecular modeling of the intestinal bile acid carrier: A comparative molecular field analysis study.
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- María L. López-Rodríguez, María José Morcillo, Bellinda Benhamú, María Luisa Rosado:
Comparative receptor mapping of serotoninergic 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 binding sites.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Anders Berglund, Maria Cristina De Rosa, Svante Wold:
Alignment of flexible molecules at their receptor site using 3D descriptors and Hi-PCA.
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Copyright © Sun May 17 00:07:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)