
John Leaney

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39EESamson Lee, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill, Mark Hunter: Evaluating Open Service Access with an Abstract Model of NGN Functions. APNOMS 2008: 487-490
38EEJulia Prior, Toni Robertson, John Leaney: Situated Software Development: Work Practice and Infrastructure Are Mutually Constitutive. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2008: 160-169
37EECameron Maxwell, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill: Utilising Abstract Matching to Preserve the Nature of Heuristics in Design Optimisation. ECBS 2008: 287-296
36EEArtem Parakhine, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill: Design Guidance Using Simulation-Based Bayesian Belief Networks. ECBS 2008: 76-84
35EECameron Maxwell, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Formal Architecture Transformation Using Heuristics. ECBS 2007: 15-24
34EEArtem Parakhine, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Application of Bayesian Networks to Architectural Optimisation. ECBS 2007: 37-44
33EEDavid Colquitt, John Leaney: Expanding the View on Complexity within the Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method. ECBS 2007: 45-54
32EEDavid Livolsi, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney, Mark Denford, Kyle Dunsire: Guided Architecture-based Design Optimisation of CBSs. ECBS 2006: 247-258
31EECameron Maxwell, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: A Framework for Understanding Heuristics in Architectural Optimisation. ECBS 2006: 65-72
30EENigel Sheridan-Smith, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney, Mark Hunter: A Policy-based Service Definition Language for Service Management. NOMS 2006: 282-293
29EEJulia Prior, Toni Robertson, John Leaney: Technology designers as technology users: the intertwining of infrastructure and product. OZCHI 2006: 353-356
28EECameron Maxwell, Artem Parakhine, John Leaney: Practical Application of Formal Methods for Specification and Analysis of Software Architecture. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2005: 302-311
27EEPaul Lin, Alexander MacArthur, John Leaney: Defining Autonomic Computing: A Software Engineering Perspective. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2005: 88-97
26EENigel Sheridan-Smith, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney, Mark Hunter: Enhancements to Policy Distribution for Control Flow and Looping. DSOM 2005: 269-280
25EENigel Sheridan-Smith, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill, Mark Hunter: A Policy-Driven Autonomous System for Evolutive and Adaptive Management of Complex Services and Networks. ECBS 2005: 389-397
24EEKyle Dunsire, Tim O'Neill, Mark Denford, John Leaney: The ABACUS Architectural Approach to Computer-Based System and Enterprise Evolution. ECBS 2005: 62-69
23EECameron Maxwell, Artem Parakhine, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill, Mark Denford: Heuristic-Based Architecture Generation for Complex Computer System Optimisation. ECBS 2005: 70-78
22EESamson Lee, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill, Mark Hunter: Open Service Access for QoS Control in Next Generation Networks - Improving the OSA/Parlay Connectivity Manager. IPOM 2005: 29-38
21EESamson Lee, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill, Mark Hunter: Performance Benchmark of a Parallel and Distributed Network Simulator. PADS 2005: 101-108
20EEMark Denford, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill: Non-Functional Refinement of Computer Based Systems Architecture. ECBS 2004: 168-177
19EEJohn Leaney, Mark Denford, Tim O'Neill: Enabling Optimisation in the Design of Complex Computer based Systems. ECBS 2004: 69-74
18EEMark Denford, Andrew Solomon, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill: Architectural Abstraction as Transformation of Poset Labelled Graphs. J. UCS 10(10): 1408-1428 (2004)
17EERaymond Lister, John Leaney: First Year Programming: Let All the Flowers Bloom. ACE 2003: 221-230
16EEMark Denford, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Architecture-Based Design of Computer Based Systems. ECBS 2003: 39-46
15EERaymond Lister, John Leaney: Introductory programming, criterion-referencing, and bloom. SIGCSE 2003: 143-147
14EEMark Denford, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Architecture-Based Design of Computer Based Systems. STRAW 2003: 20-27
13EEJohn Leaney, David Rowe, Tim O'Neill: Issues in the construction of new measures within the discipline of Open Systems. APSEC 2002: 527-
12EEMark Denford, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Architecture-Based Visualisation of Computer Based Systems. ECBS 2002: 139-146
11EEJohn Leaney, David Rowe, Tim O'Neill, Steve Hoye, Petros Gionis: Measuring the Effectiveness of Computer Based Systems: An Open System Measurement Example. ECBS 2001: 179-
10EEJohn Leaney: System Composition Strategies, A Position Paper for an ECBS Panel - My Position: Analogy Questionable, Intentions Estimable. ECBS 2001: 30-31
9EETim O'Neill, John Leaney: Risk Management for an Open CBS Project. ECBS 2001: 45-53
8EETim O'Neill, John Leaney, Philip Martyn: Architecture-Based Performance Analysis of the COLLINS Class Submarine Open System Extension (COSE) Concept Demonstrator (CD). ECBS 2000: 26-35
7EETim O'Neill, John Leaney, David Rowe, Hugo Simpson, Murali Rangarajan, Jurgen Weiss, Zoltan Papp, Ted Bapty, Byron Purves, Gábor Horváth, Edwin D. de Jong: IEEE ECBS'99 TC Architecture Working Group (AWG) Report. ECBS 2000: 383-389
6EEHarold W. Lawson, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill: Open Complex Computer Based Systems: Only the First Step along the Way to Safe, Reliable Computing. ECBS 1999: 294-
5 Catherine Blake Jaktman, John Leaney, Ming Liu: Structural Analysis of the Software Architecture - A Maintenance Assessment Case Study. WICSA 1999: 455-470
4EETim O'Neill, John Leaney: Open Complex Computer Systems are No Silver Bullet. ICECCS 1998: 79-86
3EEDavid Rowe, John Leaney: Evaluating evolvability of computer based systems architectures-an ontological approach. ECBS 1997: 360-267
2EEDavid Rowe, John Leaney, David Lowe: Development of a Systems Architecting Process for Computer Based Systems. ICECCS 1996: 200-203
1 Mark Pfeiffer, John Leaney: The Simple Reliable Monitor: A Formalisation of the Concept of a Safe Software Monitor. Australian Computer Journal 27(1): 9-15 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Ted Bapty [7]
2David Colquitt [33]
3Mark Denford [12] [14] [16] [18] [19] [20] [23] [24] [32]
4Kyle Dunsire [24] [32]
5Petros Gionis [11]
6Gábor Horváth [7]
7Steve Hoye [11]
8Mark Hunter [21] [22] [25] [26] [30] [39]
9Catherine Blake Jaktman [5]
10Edwin D. de Jong [7]
11Harold W. Lawson [6]
12Samson Lee [21] [22] [39]
13Paul Lin [27]
14Raymond Lister [15] [17]
15Ming Liu [5]
16David Livolsi [32]
17David Lowe (David B. Lowe) [2]
18Alexander MacArthur [27]
19Philip Martyn [8]
20Cameron Maxwell [23] [28] [31] [35] [37]
21Tim O'Neill [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] [37] [39]
22Zoltan Papp [7]
23Artem Parakhine [23] [28] [34] [36]
24Mark Pfeiffer [1]
25Julia Prior [29] [38]
26Byron Purves [7]
27Murali Rangarajan [7]
28Toni Robertson [29] [38]
29David Rowe [2] [3] [7] [11] [13]
30Nigel Sheridan-Smith [25] [26] [30]
31Hugo Simpson [7]
32Andrew Solomon [18]
33Jurgen Weiss [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)