
Mark Denford

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9EEDavid Livolsi, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney, Mark Denford, Kyle Dunsire: Guided Architecture-based Design Optimisation of CBSs. ECBS 2006: 247-258
8EEKyle Dunsire, Tim O'Neill, Mark Denford, John Leaney: The ABACUS Architectural Approach to Computer-Based System and Enterprise Evolution. ECBS 2005: 62-69
7EECameron Maxwell, Artem Parakhine, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill, Mark Denford: Heuristic-Based Architecture Generation for Complex Computer System Optimisation. ECBS 2005: 70-78
6EEMark Denford, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill: Non-Functional Refinement of Computer Based Systems Architecture. ECBS 2004: 168-177
5EEJohn Leaney, Mark Denford, Tim O'Neill: Enabling Optimisation in the Design of Complex Computer based Systems. ECBS 2004: 69-74
4EEMark Denford, Andrew Solomon, John Leaney, Tim O'Neill: Architectural Abstraction as Transformation of Poset Labelled Graphs. J. UCS 10(10): 1408-1428 (2004)
3EEMark Denford, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Architecture-Based Design of Computer Based Systems. ECBS 2003: 39-46
2EEMark Denford, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Architecture-Based Design of Computer Based Systems. STRAW 2003: 20-27
1EEMark Denford, Tim O'Neill, John Leaney: Architecture-Based Visualisation of Computer Based Systems. ECBS 2002: 139-146

Coauthor Index

1Kyle Dunsire [8] [9]
2John Leaney [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3David Livolsi [9]
4Cameron Maxwell [7]
5Tim O'Neill [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Artem Parakhine [7]
7Andrew Solomon [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)