
David Lowe

David B. Lowe

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59EERanda Herzallah, David Lowe: Distribution Modeling of Nonlinear Inverse Controllers Under a Bayesian Framework. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(1): 107-114 (2007)
58EEGustavo Carneiro, David Lowe: Sparse Flexible Models of Local Features. ECCV (3) 2006: 29-43
57EENorazlin Yusop, David B. Lowe, Didar Zowghi: A survey of issue resolution on the incremental refinement of the system scope in web system development. ICWE 2006: 313-320
56 David Lowe, Martin Gaedke: Web Engineering, 5th International Conference, ICWE 2005, Sydney, Australia, July 27-29, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
55EEXiaoying Kong, Li Liu, David Lowe: Web System Trace Model Using a Web Application Architecture Framework. EEE 2005: 508-513
54EEXiaoying Kong, Li Liu, David Lowe: Supporting Web User Interface Prototyping through Information Modeling and System Architecting. ICEBE 2005: 63-70
53EEXiaoying Kong, David Lowe: NavOptim: On the Possibility of Minimising Navigation Effort. ICWE 2005: 581-584
52EEDavid Lowe, Xiaoying Kong: Applying NavOptim to minimise navigational effort. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1056-1057
51EEBebo White, David Lowe, Martin Gaedke, Daniel Schwabe, Yogesh Deshpande: Web engineering: technical discipline or social process? WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 799
50EEDavide D'Alimonte, David Lowe, Ian T. Nabney, Vassilis Mersinias, Colin P. Smith: MILVA: An interactive tool for the exploration of multidimensional microarray data. Bioinformatics 21(22): 4192-4193 (2005)
49 Norazlin Yusop, David Lowe, Didar Zowghi: Impacts of Web Systems on their Domain. J. Web Eng. 4(4): 313-338 (2005)
48EEPedro Peixoto, K. K. Fung, David Lowe: A Framework for the Simulation of Web Applications. ICWE 2004: 261-265
47EEDavid Lowe, Rachatrin Tongrungrojana: Web Information Exchange Diagrams for UML. WISE 2004: 29-40
46EENorazlin Yusop, David Lowe, Didar Zowghi: A Domain Framework for Representation of Web System Impacts. WISE 2004: 491-502
45EEDavid Lowe, Xiaoying Kong: NavOptim Coding: Supporting Website Navigation Optimisation using Effort Minimisation. Web Intelligence 2004: 91-97
44EEXiaoying Kong, Li Liu, David Lowe: Critical Feature Method - A Lightweight Web Maintenance Methodology for SMEs. J. Digit. Inf. 5(2): (2004)
43EEDavid Lowe: Editorial: Information Design Models and Processes: introduction to a special issue. J. Digit. Inf. 5(2): (2004)
42EERachatrin Tongrungrojana, David Lowe: WIED: A Web Modelling Language for Modelling Architectural-Level Information Flows. J. Digit. Inf. 5(2): (2004)
41EEWei Lee Woon, David Lowe: Can we learn anything from single-channel unaveraged MEG data?. Neural Computing and Applications 13(4): 360-368 (2004)
40EEDavid Lowe, Rachatrin Tongrungrojana: WebML + for Communication of Information Flows: An Empirical Study. ICWE 2003: 218-221
39 Rachatrin Tongrungrojana, David Lowe: WebML+: a Web modeling language for forming a bridge between business modeling and information modeling. SEKE 2003: 17-24
38EEDavid Lowe, Rachatrin Tongrungrojana: WebML+ in a Nutshell: Modeling Architectural-level Information Flows. WWW (Posters) 2003
37EEChristopher J. James, David Lowe: Extracting multisource brain activity from a single electromagnetic channel. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 28(1): 89-104 (2003)
36EEStéphane Bounkong, Borémi Toch, David Saad, David Lowe: ICA for Watermarking Digital Images. Journal of Machine Learning Research 4: 1471-1498 (2003)
35EEInna Stainvas, David Lowe: A Generative Model for Separating Illumination and Reflectance from Images. Journal of Machine Learning Research 4: 1499-1519 (2003)
34EERanda Herzallah, David Lowe: Robust control of nonlinear stochastic systems by modelling conditional distributions of control signals. Neural Computing and Applications 12(2): 98-108 (2003)
33 Inna Stainvas, David Lowe: A Generative Probabilistic Oriented Wavelet Model for Texture Segmentation. Neural Processing Letters 17(3): 217-238 (2003)
32EEDavid Lowe: Web system requirements: an overview. Requir. Eng. 8(2): 102-113 (2003)
31EEDavid Lowe, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Alice Gu: Web Extensions to UML: Using the MVC Triad. ER 2002: 105-119
30 Brian Henderson-Sellers, David Lowe, Brendan Haire: Using OPEN's Deontic Matrices for E-Business. Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context 2002: 9-30
29EEStéphane Bounkong, David Saad, David Lowe: Independent Component Analysis for Domain Independent Watermarking. ICANN 2002: 510-515
28EERanda Herzallah, David Lowe: A Novel Approach to Modelling and Exploiting Uncertainty in Stochastic Control Systems. ICANN 2002: 801-806
27EEParvanesh Saeedi, David Lowe, Peter Lawrence: An efficient binary corner detector. ICARCV 2002: 338-343
26EENicholas P. Hughes, David Lowe: Artefactual Structure from Least-Squares Multidimensional Scaling. NIPS 2002: 913-920
25EEBrendan Haire, David Lowe, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Supporting Web Development in the OPEN Process: Additional Roles and Techniques. OOIS 2002: 82-94
24 Brian Henderson-Sellers, David Lowe, Brendan Haire: OPEN Process Support for Web Development. Ann. Software Eng. 13(1-4): 163-201 (2002)
23 David Lowe, John Eklund: Client Needs and the Design Process in Web Projects. J. Web Eng. 1(1): 23-36 (2002)
22EEBrendan Haire, Brian Henderson-Sellers, David Lowe: Supporting Web Development in the OPEN Process: Additional Tasks. COMPSAC 2001: 383-
21EEWei Lee Woon, David Lowe: Nonlinear Signal Processing for Noise Reduction of Unaveraged Single Channel MEG Data. ICANN 2001: 650-660
20EEDavid Lowe: A Framework for Defining Acceptance Criteria for Web Development Projects. Web Engineering 2001: 279-294
19EEErik Wilde, David Lowe: From Content-Centered Publishing to a Link-based View of Information Resources. HICSS 2000
18EEDavid B. Lowe, Deena Larsen, Bill Bly, Robert Kendall, Les Carr, Peter J. Nürnberg, Lawrence J. Clark: Achieving practical development-merging skill bases (panel session). Hypertext 2000: 262-263
17 John Eklund, David Lowe: A quality assurance methodology for technology-delivered education and training. WebNet 2000: 162-169
16EEDavid B. Lowe, Andrew J. Bucknell, Richard Webby: Improving Hypermedia Development: A Reference Model-Based Process Assessment Method. Hypertext 1999: 139-146
15EEDavid B. Lowe, Deena Larsen, Mark Bernstein, Wendy Hall, Paolo Paolini, Catherine C. Marshall, Susana Pajares Tosca, Lawrence J. Clark: Writers and Designers: Crossing the Chasm (Panel). Hypertext 1999: 197-198
14 David Lowe, Kaj Grønbæk: Editorial. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 5: 1-8 (1999)
13 David B. Lowe, Richard Webby: Utilisation of process modelling in improving the hypermedia design process. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 5: 133-150 (1999)
12EEDavid B. Lowe, Mark Bernstein, Paolo Paolini, Daniel Schwabe: Developing Hypermedia (Panel). Hypertext 1998: 307
11EEDavid Lowe: Characterising complexity by the degrees of freedom in a radial basis function network. Neurocomputing 19(1-3): 199-209 (1998)
10EEMichael E. Tipping, David Lowe: Shadow targets: A novel algorithm for topographic projections by radial basis functions. Neurocomputing 19(1-3): 211-222 (1998)
9EEDavid Rowe, John Leaney, David Lowe: Development of a Systems Architecting Process for Computer Based Systems. ICECCS 1996: 200-203
8 David B. Lowe, Mark Sifer: Refining the MATILDA Multimedia Authoring Framework with a Visual Formalism. ICMCS 1996: 291-295
7EEDavid Lowe, Michael E. Tipping: NeuroScale: Novel Topographic Feature Extraction using RBF Networks. NIPS 1996: 543-549
6 David Lowe, Michael E. Tipping: Feed-Forward Neural Networks and Topographic Mappings for Exploratory Data Analysis. Neural Computing and Applications 4(2): 83-95 (1996)
5 David B. Lowe, Athula Ginige: Hyperimages: Using Object Recognition for Navigation through Images in Multimedia. Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases (SPIE) 1995: 418-429
4EEDavid Lowe: HyVIS: The Hypermedia and Visual Information Systems Group. IEEE MultiMedia 2(3): 70-72 (1995)
3EEAthula Ginige, David B. Lowe, John Robertson: Hypermedia Authoring. IEEE MultiMedia 2(4): 24-35 (1995)
2EEAndrew R. Webb, David Lowe: The optimised internal representation of multilayer classifier networks performs nonlinear discriminant analysis. Neural Networks 3(4): 367-375 (1990)
1EEDavid Lowe: The representation of debate as a basis for information storage and retrieval. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1984: 595-603

Coauthor Index

1Mark Bernstein [12] [15]
2Bill Bly [18]
3Stéphane Bounkong [29] [36]
4Andrew J. Bucknell [16]
5Gustavo Carneiro [58]
6Les Carr (Leslie Carr) [18]
7Lawrence J. Clark [15] [18]
8Davide D'Alimonte [50]
9Yogesh Deshpande [51]
10John Eklund [17] [23]
11K. K. Fung [48]
12Martin Gaedke [51] [56]
13Athula Ginige [3] [5]
14Kaj Grønbæk [14]
15Alice Gu [31]
16Brendan Haire [22] [24] [25] [30]
17Wendy Hall [15]
18Brian Henderson-Sellers [22] [24] [25] [30] [31]
19Randa Herzallah [28] [34] [59]
20Nicholas P. Hughes [26]
21Christopher J. James [37]
22Robert Kendall [18]
23Xiaoying Kong [44] [45] [52] [53] [54] [55]
24Deena Larsen [15] [18]
25Peter Lawrence [27]
26John Leaney [9]
27Li Liu [44] [54] [55]
28Catherine C. Marshall [15]
29Vassilis Mersinias [50]
30Ian T. Nabney [50]
31Peter J. Nürnberg [18]
32Paolo Paolini [12] [15]
33Pedro Peixoto [48]
34John Robertson [3]
35David Rowe [9]
36David Saad [29] [36]
37Parvanesh Saeedi [27]
38Daniel Schwabe [12] [51]
39Mark Sifer [8]
40Colin P. Smith [50]
41Inna Stainvas [33] [35]
42Michael E. Tipping [6] [7] [10]
43Borémi Toch [36]
44Rachatrin Tongrungrojana [38] [39] [40] [42] [47]
45Susana Pajares Tosca [15]
46Andrew R. Webb [2]
47Richard Webby [13] [16]
48Bebo White [51]
49Erik Wilde [19]
50Wei Lee Woon [21] [41]
51Norazlin Yusop [46] [49] [57]
52Didar Zowghi [46] [49] [57]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)