
Loïc Lagadec

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8EECatherine Dezan, Christophe Jégo, Bernard Pottier, Christophe Gouyen, Loïc Lagadec: The Case Study of Block Turbo Decoders on a Framework for Portable Synthesis on FPGA. HICSS 2006
7EECatherine Dezan, Erwan Fabiani, Christophe Gouyen, Loïc Lagadec, Bernard Pottier, Caaliph Andriamisaina, Alix Poungou: Synthèse portable pour micro-architectures à grain fin. Application aux turbo décodeurs et nanofabriques. Technique et Science Informatiques 25(7): 893-920 (2006)
6 Christophe Gouyen, Loïc Lagadec, Bernard Pottier, A. André, E. Lepicier, François Dupont: Compiler level integration of a portable CAD framework for reconfigurable circuits. ReCoSoC 2005: 19-26
5EEJoel Cambonie, Sylvain Guérin, Ronan Keryell, Loïc Lagadec, Bernard Pottier, Olivier Sentieys, Bernt Weber, Samar Yazdani: Compiler and System Techniques for soc Distributed Reconfigurable Accelerators. SAMOS 2004: 293-302
4 Loïc Lagadec, Bernard Pottier, Oscar Villellas, Erwan Fabiani, Catherine Dezan: A LUT based Approach for High Level Synthesis on FPGAs. IWLS 2002: 167-172
3EELoïc Lagadec, Dominique Lavenier, Erwan Fabiani, Bernard Pottier: Placing, Routing, and Editing Virtual FPGAs. FPL 2001: 357-366
2EECatherine Dezan, Loïc Lagadec, Bernard Pottier: Object Oriented Approach for Modeling Digital Circuits. MSE 1999: 51-52
1EELoïc Lagadec, Bernard Pottier: A 6200 Model and Editor Based on Object Technology. FPL 1998: 515-519

Coauthor Index

1A. André [6]
2Caaliph Andriamisaina [7]
3Joel Cambonie [5]
4Catherine Dezan [2] [4] [7] [8]
5François Dupont [6]
6Erwan Fabiani [3] [4] [7]
7Christophe Gouyen [6] [7] [8]
8Sylvain Guérin [5]
9Christophe Jégo [8]
10Ronan Keryell [5]
11Dominique Lavenier [3]
12E. Lepicier [6]
13Bernard Pottier [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
14Alix Poungou [7]
15Olivier Sentieys [5]
16Oscar Villellas [4]
17Bernt Weber [5]
18Samar Yazdani [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)