
Pierre Laforcade

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14EEPierre Laforcade, Boubekeur Zendagui, Vincent Barré: A Domain-Specific-Modeling Approach to Support Scenarios-Based Instructional Design. EC-TEL 2008: 185-196
13EEBoubekeur Zendagui, Vincent Barré, Pierre Laforcade: Support to the Specification of Observation Needs. ICALT 2008: 793-797
12EEPierre Laforcade, Boubekeur Zendagui, Vincent Barré: Supporting the Specification of Educational Modeling Languages and Learning Scenarios with a Domain-Specific-Modeling Approach. ICALT 2008: 819-821
11 Pierre Laforcade, Boubekeur Zendagui, Vincent Barré: How to Support Scenarios-Based Instructional Design - A Domain-Specific-Modeling Approach. ICSOFT (PL/DPS/KE) 2008: 327-332
10EEPierre Laforcade: Graphical representation of abstract learning scenarios: the UML4LD experimentation. ICALT 2007: 477-479
9EEThierry Nodenot, Pierre Laforcade: CPM: A UML Profile to Design Cooperative PBL Situations at Didactical Level. ICALT 2006: 1113-1114
8EEThierry Nodenot, Pierre Laforcade: Learning from a Planets Game: Elements of a Didactical Transposition Described with the CPM Language. ICALT 2006: 1164-1165
7EEPierre Laforcade, Christophe Choquet: Next Step for Educational Modeling Languages: The Model Driven Engineering and Reengineering Approach. ICALT 2006: 745-747
6EEChristian Sallaberry, Thierry Nodenot, Pierre Laforcade, Christophe Marquesuzaà: Model Driven Development of Cooperative Problem-Based Learning Situations Implementing Tools for Teachers and Learners from Pedagogical Models. HICSS 2005
5EEMarie-Noëlle Bessagnet, Lee Schlenker, Robert Aiken, Pierre Laforcade: Can Collaborative Technologies Improve Management Education?. ICALT 2005: 233-234
4EEFranck Barbier, Pierre Laforcade: Concepts, techniques and tools for an educational modeling language. IEEE ICCI 2005: 222-227
3EEThierry Nodenot, Christophe Marquesuzaà, Pierre Laforcade, Christian Sallaberry: Model based engineering of learning situations for adaptive web based educational systems. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 94-103
2EEPierre Laforcade, Franck Barbier, Christian Sallaberry, Thierry Nodenot: Profiling Co-Operative Problem-Based Learning Situations. IEEE ICCI 2003: 32-40
1 Marie-Noëlle Bessagnet, Christophe Marquesuzaà, Thierry Nodenot, Christian Sallaberry, Pierre Laforcade: Information systems and educational engineering: Bridging two concepts through meta modelling. TelE-Learning 2002: 269-276

Coauthor Index

1Robert Aiken [5]
2Franck Barbier [2] [4]
3Vincent Barré [11] [12] [13] [14]
4Marie-Noëlle Bessagnet [1] [5]
5Christophe Choquet [7]
6Christophe Marquesuzaà [1] [3] [6]
7Thierry Nodenot [1] [2] [3] [6] [8] [9]
8Christian Sallaberry [1] [2] [3] [6]
9Lee Schlenker [5]
10Boubekeur Zendagui [11] [12] [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)