
Stefan Lachowicz

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8EEStefan Lachowicz, Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer: Fast Evaluation of the Square Root and Other Nonlinear Functions in FPGA. DELTA 2008: 474-477
7EEHoang N. Nguyen, Daryoush Habibi, Viet Q. Phung, Stefan Lachowicz, Kungmeng Lo, B. Kang: Joint Optimization in Capacity Design of Networks with p-Cycle Using the Fundamental Cycle Set. GLOBECOM 2006
6EEChul Kim, A. M. Rassau, Stefan Lachowicz, Saeid Nooshabadi, Kamran Eshraghian: 3D-SoftChip: A Novel 3D Vertically Integrated Adaptive Computing System. VLSI-SoC 2005: 71-86
5EESeung-Min Lee, Stefan Lachowicz, David Lucas, A. M. Rassau, Kamran Eshraghian, Mike Myung-Ok Lee, Kamal E. Alameh: A Novel Design of Beam Steering n-phase OPTO-ULSI Processor for IIPS. DELTA 2004: 395-402
4EEJosé Francisco López, Roberto Sarmiento, Antonio Núñez, Kamran Eshraghian, Stefan Lachowicz, Derek Abbott: Low Power Techniques for Digital GaAs VLSI. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 321-324
3 Stefan Lachowicz, Kamran Eshraghian, Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer: Self-Timed Techniques for Low-Power Digital Arithmetic in GaAs VLSI. VLSI 1999: 245-256
2EEA. M. Rassau, T. C. B. Yu, H. Cheung, Stefan Lachowicz, Kamran Eshraghian, W. A. Crossland, T. D. Wilkinson: Smart Pixel Implementation of a 2-D Parallel Nucleic Wavelet Transform for Mobile Multimedia Communications. DATE 1998: 191-195
1EEGanesh Kothapalli, Stefan Lachowicz, Kamran Eshraghian: A parameter search technique to build an ARMA model. KES (1) 1998: 298-301

Coauthor Index

1Derek Abbott [4]
2Kamal E. Alameh [5]
3H. Cheung [2]
4W. A. Crossland [2]
5Kamran Eshraghian [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Daryoush Habibi [7]
7B. Kang [7]
8Chul Kim [6]
9Ganesh Kothapalli [1]
10Mike Myung-Ok Lee [5]
11Seung-Min Lee [5]
12Kungmeng Lo [7]
13José Francisco López [4]
14David Lucas [5]
15Hoang N. Nguyen [7]
16Saeid Nooshabadi [6]
17Antonio Núñez [4]
18Hans-Jörg Pfleiderer [3] [8]
19Viet Q. Phung [7]
20A. M. Rassau [2] [5] [6]
21Roberto Sarmiento [4]
22T. D. Wilkinson [2]
23T. C. B. Yu [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)