
Seung-Min Lee

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7EEO-Hoon Kwon, Seung-Min Lee, Heejo Lee, Jong Kim, Sang Cheon Kim, Gun Woo Nam, Joong Gil Park: HackSim: An Automation of Penetration Testing for Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. ICOIN 2005: 652-661
6EESeung-Min Lee, Stefan Lachowicz, David Lucas, A. M. Rassau, Kamran Eshraghian, Mike Myung-Ok Lee, Kamal E. Alameh: A Novel Design of Beam Steering n-phase OPTO-ULSI Processor for IIPS. DELTA 2004: 395-402
5EESeung-Min Lee, David Lucas, Mike Myung-Ok Lee, Kamran Eshraghian, Dae-Ik Kim, Kamal E. Alameh: High Density and Low Power Beam Steering Opto-ULSI Processor for IIPS. HSNMC 2004: 894-902
4EESeung-Min Lee: On the characterization of continuum structure functions. Oper. Res. Lett. 31(3): 268-272 (2003)
3EESeung-Min Lee, Jin-Hong Chung, Hying-S. Yoon, Mike Myung-Ok Lee: High speed and ultra-low power 16×16 MAC deisgn using TG techniques for web-based multimedia system. ASP-DAC 2000: 17-18
2EEJ.-K. Lee, Seung-Min Lee, Mike Myung-Ok Lee, D.-W. Lee, Y.-C. Kim, S.-J. Jeong: Design of digital neural cell scheduler for intelligent IB-ATM switch. ASP-DAC 2000: 7-8
1EESeung-Min Lee, Jin-Hong Chung, Mike Myung-Ok Lee: High-Speed and Low-Power Real-Time Programmable Video Multi-Processor for MPEG-2 Multimedia Chip on 0.6µm TLM CMOS Technology. ASP-DAC 1999: 201-204

Coauthor Index

1Kamal E. Alameh [5] [6]
2Jin-Hong Chung [1] [3]
3Kamran Eshraghian [5] [6]
4S.-J. Jeong [2]
5Dae-Ik Kim [5]
6Jong Kim [7]
7Sang Cheon Kim [7]
8Y.-C. Kim [2]
9O-Hoon Kwon [7]
10Stefan Lachowicz [6]
11D.-W. Lee [2]
12Heejo Lee [7]
13J.-K. Lee [2]
14Mike Myung-Ok Lee [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
15David Lucas [5] [6]
16Gun Woo Nam [7]
17Joong Gil Park [7]
18A. M. Rassau [6]
19Hying-S. Yoon [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)